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Knee injury and ER visit -- all handled very WELL! :)

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Hi all!


Just wanted to provide you some HOPE and GOOD news!


One of my biggest fears in withdrawal was sustaining an injury that would require an ER visit! So many fears swirled about this: how would I handle an intensive amount of pain? How would I handle the "jolt" of adrenaline that my body puts out from it? How would I handle the ER setting? Etc etc etc!


Last night, it happened -- I twisted my knee wrong and dislocated my kneecap! (I was goofing around at my eleven-year-old goddaughter's birthday party and playing dodgeball with them, and stepped wrong!)


And I am HAPPY to report - I handled myself FINE! I was a little shook up and anxious, but NOTHING unbearable at all! Even joked with the ER staff about my trying to run around like the little kids, LOL!  :laugh:


Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that those "big fears" that your brain plants on you are a JOKE -- you are WAAAYYYY more capable than your brain lets on ;)


Keep fighting the good fight, my friends...it's WELL worth it!


Mrs. :smitten:

Wow that's amazing.  Do you look at doctors in a nicer light now?  I have a lot of hatred that seems to go out towards doctors in general, and I wonder if when this is all over, I might think they are okay again.

Wow that's amazing.  Do you look at doctors in a nicer light now?  I have a lot of hatred that seems to go out towards doctors in general, and I wonder if when this is all over, I might think they are okay again.


I’ve never really looked at doctors in a negative light, which I feel fortunate about. I know those feelings would be tough to deal with, and I don’t blame people for feeling this way at all. I consider my situation more of my fault than my doctor’s; in as much as she should’ve told me more about what it could do, I also should’ve done more research regarding the medication before taking it. It’s my body, and no one forced me to take the pills - I chose to. I’ve definitely learned from this experience, and take a much more proactive role in my medical treatment plans. Previously, I sorta left my medical decisions up to my doctor — and it probably never should’ve been his/her responsibility to begin with, you know? The phrase “a doctor’s opinion” or “get a second opinion” sorta hit me a couple years back — its called an “opinion” for a reason, and the actual decision is mine to make :)


Doctors can play a very helpful  role in our lives, and its just like any tool we have at our disposal: when we use it properly and with the right expectations of its role and outcome, it can be extremely helpful and perhaps integral to our end goals :) I would be kidding myself if I said that I didn’t need the help of a doctor, or a doctor’s opinion, last night after the injury, you know? I’m very grateful for the treatment and opinion they offered last night :)


Don’t worry too much about how you feel about them at the moment ;) It’ll get better with time, I have no doubt! Keep moving through the days, and one day you’ll realize that it’s all behind you now  :thumbsup:


Mrs. :smitten:




I'm sorry this happened to you.  The knee injury and all but at the same time so happy that your fear was put to the test and by going through it you have now truly passed a major milestone in this recovery of ours.  Fear is a big part of the benzo recovery and now you experienced that its no more than a mirage.  Of course with ample time passed.

Continued healing my friend.





I'm so sorry to hear about the knee injury, dislocations can be very painful.  :(  I know it's hard to keep up with the younger ones, I did a potato sack race with my granddaughter at a Fall Festival party and she left me in the dust..... as I hobbled, hopped along.


Thanks for sharing this news about your trip to the ER. You jumped through one more hurdle on the way to complete wellness, good for you!!  :smitten: You faced the situation and made it because you are a warrior, a survivor.


Take care of that knee!


PG  :smitten:


Wow that's amazing.  Do you look at doctors in a nicer light now?  I have a lot of hatred that seems to go out towards doctors in general, and I wonder if when this is all over, I might think they are okay again.


I’ve never really looked at doctors in a negative light, which I feel fortunate about. I know those feelings would be tough to deal with, and I don’t blame people for feeling this way at all. I consider my situation more of my fault than my doctor’s; in as much as she should’ve told me more about what it could do, I also should’ve done more research regarding the medication before taking it. It’s my body, and no one forced me to take the pills - I chose to. I’ve definitely learned from this experience, and take a much more proactive role in my medical treatment plans. Previously, I sorta left my medical decisions up to my doctor — and it probably never should’ve been his/her responsibility to begin with, you know? The phrase “a doctor’s opinion” or “get a second opinion” sorta hit me a couple years back — its called an “opinion” for a reason, and the actual decision is mine to make :)


Doctors can play a very helpful  role in our lives, and its just like any tool we have at our disposal: when we use it properly and with the right expectations of its role and outcome, it can be extremely helpful and perhaps integral to our end goals :) I would be kidding myself if I said that I didn’t need the help of a doctor, or a doctor’s opinion, last night after the injury, you know? I’m very grateful for the treatment and opinion they offered last night :)


Don’t worry too much about how you feel about them at the moment ;) It’ll get better with time, I have no doubt! Keep moving through the days, and one day you’ll realize that it’s all behind you now  :thumbsup:


Mrs. :smitten:


Thanks for the response.  That's a good outlook to consider doctor's advice as just an opinion.  I definitely feel more trust towards doctors about an actual bodily injury than prescribing medications. 


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