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*Please don't move this thread to the other drugs section, as I feel it needs to be seen by a broader audience*


There are some people on this forum who are advocating the use of Remeron, even going as far as to call it a "miracle drug" and I'm ashamed to say I fell for it back when this whole nightmare started. I was so afraid of not sleeping due to not being able to endure how awful I felt that I took a VERY small dose of it for the first 2 years of my recovery.


First let me state that I WAS seeing very small improvements over time, but still had a lot of nagging and very debilitating issues. At least one of the more severe issues, I would later find out were side effects from this horrible drug. As I started feeling a little better, although still bedridden, I started wanting to get off the Remeron, as I knew it was causing a host of side effects, awful dry mouth and eyes, extreme weight gain and sweets craving....Little did I know it was also causing symptoms that I attributed to benzo wd, like seeing images in my mind, crazy racing thoughts that weren't my own upon waking and the worst of all, head to toe stinging and itching and pain all throughout my body that would drive me INSANE.


Now, here's the problem...Despite taking less than 3mg a night, I'm having HORRIBLE withdrawals from it and a return of many symptoms, although they are slightly altered. It all happened only a week or two after stopping and it got so bad I could barely even lift my arms or legs. the DPDR, blinding brain fog, extreme boatiness and vertigo, vomiting up everything I tried to eat and muscle tension got so extreme, after four months of white knuckling through it, I just couldn't take it anymore and began taking very sporadic small doses which would give just a little relief.


I'm now kicking myself for not just fighting through it and am only a few weeks free yet again, determined to never take another.


Obviously my fragile state from the benzo wd is making this more extreme than it would have been, but before I started coming off, I was actually starting to have a little hope. Now every day is spent in utter agony and I contemplate ending it almost every second of every day.


Please, for the love of everything, do not take these other drugs unless it's a matter of life and death...Its russian roulette and I'm paying a major price for not following my better judgement. I've lost all hope and am barely hanging on.



Thank you so much for the warning! I took it briefly before I started the battle to just survive. I would become immune to it very easily my doctor wanted to up the dose. I didn't want to take anything you had to up. This insomnia is so bad I was going to ask my doctor for some. I'll stick to my benydril. Remeron is just another mind bender. I looked it up and people get nightmares from it. It seems like you just got started on your battle. It's OK to feel hopeless but try to think of yourself as a warrior and this thing will not beat you!
Thanks for that...Yes, if you are only planning to take it for sleep, find another route. No sense taking psych meds to sleep, they aren't designed for that despite being somewhat effective and can cost you big time.
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Mirtazapine obviously doesn't work for everyone, but neither does everyone have the awful side effects you had on it.  I don't think anyone's called it a miracle drug, if they have, I haven't read it.  No drug comes without side effects.  3mg is a truly tiny dose of this, so you are obviously especially sensitive.  It does make you eat more, it increases appetite.  I get restless legs from it if I take 30mg rather than 15 mg. 


But I don't think trying to scare everyone off from it is actually helpful either.  It's an AD which doesn't have a particularly strong AD effect but is often helpful for sleep and those suffering from a poor appetite. 

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It was a very prominent member that called it their "miracle"


I'm not going to name names.


I'm perfectly fine with scaring people off of another psych drug that they don't need and are only using to try and soften the blow of withdrawal from another, because I don't want anyone on this earth to have to feel what I'm feeling now.




I agree with everything you're saying. I was on a very tiny dose too and it nearly killed me (I spent 9 days in a hospital after I tried taking it EVERY OTHER day, didn't even stop it CT by then). It was arguably worse than a benzo (although, in a different way). Makes me cringe every time I see it recommended on here (and it gets recommended pretty much every day).

I hate when people start gaslighting us by saying we are "too sensitive". Maybe so, but the same thing can be said about benzos. Most doctors don't believe in benzo withdrawal either and think people going through a benzo withdrawal are just "too sensitive."


Mirtazapine obviously doesn't work for everyone, but neither does everyone have the awful side effects you had on it.  I don't think anyone's called it a miracle drug, if they have, I haven't read it.  No drug comes without side effects.  3mg is a truly tiny dose of this, so you are obviously especially sensitive.  It does make you eat more, it increases appetite.  I get restless legs from it if I take 30mg rather than 15 mg. 


But I don't think trying to scare everyone off from it is actually helpful either.  It's an AD which doesn't have a particularly strong AD effect but is often helpful for sleep and those suffering from a poor appetite.


I'm just going to weigh in here, and say that there is no such thing as "side effects."  Everything one feels from ingesting one of these "medications" is a DIRECT effect of taking the drug.  "Side Effects" is just an invented term and another way the pharmaceutical companies lie to people in marketing their toxic drugs.

That's a good point. It's basically a sign of an exogenous man made drug fucking up your natural bodily function.

I agree with everything you're saying. I was on a very tiny dose too and it nearly killed me (I spent 9 days in a hospital after I tried taking it EVERY OTHER day, didn't even stop it CT by then). It was arguably worse than a benzo (although, in a different way). Makes me cringe every time I see it recommended on here (and it gets recommended pretty much every day).

I hate when people start gaslighting us by saying we are "too sensitive". Maybe so, but the same thing can be said about benzos. Most doctors don't believe in benzo withdrawal either and think people going through a benzo withdrawal are just "too sensitive."

Are you off it now? Sorry you had to go through all that.


The only reason I'm "sensitive" is cause benzos made me that way. I never had a single issue before taking these horrible drugs recreationally.


Hi Crasypants, I wanted to tell you how very sorry I am that you are suffering so much and I hope it ends soon for you. I had to take Remeron and go back on Lorazapam because I was seriously so ill and near deaths door, not being able to eat any solid foods. This was after 2 1/2 years of being off Valium. I didn't want to take them but had to to survive. I c/t lorazapam 10 1/2 months ago and am still on 3.75mg Remeron, have been for a year. Everyday I think about how it will be to come off the Remeron and when I read stories like yours it really scares me so much to think I will have to suffer more of this Insanity. Then I read others who have no problem coming off of it and feel like hopefully I will be a lucky one. We are all different so what you are going through may not be what I or anyone else will go through. I apreciate you sharing your story and I really wish you a the best.


Love, Jackie :smitten: :smitten:


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Jackie Brown, slow taper and remeron support groups might help making coming off of remeron easier. Wishing you an easy taper when you decide you're ready.

Crazy pants, yes, I had to CT due to"side effects" that nearly cost me my life, didn't have time to taper.

I am sorry about your experience too! No one should go through anything like that.


Thank you Ideallifevision!!! My best to you also!!


Love, Jackie :smitten: :smitten:


Jackie, I know exactly what you mean. My mind was a constant struggle of worrying.


A: What the Remeron was doing to me

B: How horrible it would be to come off


I've seen those that say it was easy, which is why in my original post I said it's like russian roulette...Obviously for me, I didn't escape the horrors.

Just an FYI for anyone considering Remeron for sleep, it's only used for sleep because at low doses it works on histamine, which makes you drowsy. There are plenty of other drugs that work on histamine that can make you sleepy without the mind altering substances that are in drugs like Remeron. Be safe!
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I try to avoid any mind altering drugs....I've learned my lesson from Benzo's. I'm still pay the price in severe side effects! ....it's not worth the side effects. There's no magic pill to help with Benzo withdrawals.

Hugs to all that are suffering.



Agree 100% 

YOU are very wise !


The only healer for this is time...


Yes !

Blessings and healing to you !


Jackie, I know exactly what you mean. My mind was a constant struggle of worrying.


A: What the Remeron was doing to me

B: How horrible it would be to come off


I've seen those that say it was easy, which is why in my original post I said it's like russian roulette...Obviously for me, I didn't escape the horrors.


To some people it is easy to use benzos and to get off of them. Some went through hell. Probably it is the same with Remeron, so I agree with you - why risk at all?

I wish you to feel better soon. It will get better. It just takes time.




Good to see you again, but I wish neither of us had to be here.  I’m sorry you are suffering so much from the Remeron you took.  You’ll get better.  Like you said, it just takes a lot of f*cking time.



Hey Sofa...Good to see you too. I purposely avoid the boards now as I feel they don't have much to offer. I have had days where things seemed they were getting clearer, but now I feel back at square one and have for a while. Hope you are well!

Crazy P. I totally agree with you on this one. Remeron is a wolf in sheep's clothing. ( Even if it does stop you counting those darn

sheep ).


I am almost a year post benzo jump and have been using remeron 3.5mg for sleep for about fourteen months.

About three weeks ago I decided it was time to get off the remeron, and stupidly just jumped. I thought that the 3'5mg was so low a dose that I would be fine. I was wrong. The first two weeks I had patchy sleep at first, but the last week has been from Hell. About two hours each night, muscle pain and a crowd of bugger side effects. It's acute all over again.


I'm getting through it. So far it's manageable and I know that it will get better. I did some research and remeron is listed as a 'Dirty Drug'. Sure is .









Sorry you're going through it too. It's bitten a lot of people on this site. I've done tons of research on it while I was still taking it and it's a really dirty drug.


I'm not gonna tell you what to do, but I would stay off. I did a slow taper off 3mg, all the way down to the tiniest speck and still ended up in hell. 3mg isn't a large dose at all, so you're likely about as good as you're gonna be, I just did it to be safe. Didn't work lol



I have been kicking myself that I did not do a slow taper , so it's reassuring to hear that it probably would not have helped.

I will not go back to even a rescue dose of the remeron. Acute will pass and right now I can function even with rubbish sleep. I just have to add on a few more months or so to my eventual recovery.  :'(

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