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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Air hunger for 10 months

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Have had air hunger for 10 months:

1.  Doctor put me on prednisone (oral) that was hell, did not fix problem.

2. Then got an albuterol inhaler, did not fix problem.

3.  Went to a steroid inhaler, as I will never take oral steroids again, with albuterol for rescue, did not fix problem.

4. Finishing a round of antibiotics  tomorrow in case its  an infection, has not fixed problem.

5. It's very acute today, so I will go to physical therapy tomorrow and get deep tissue for torso and diaphragm , that does help.


I do meditation, deep breathing. Have always been an avid athlete, cut that way down, still have this.


Absolute worst thing to go through. Frightened that something is wrong with my lungs, but doc never hears a crackle when I get checked.


Of all my wd symptoms, this is the one I simply can not zen through, it is the worst.


Have not been able to find a trigger.


Encouragement and input appreciated.


Initially posted this in the post jump thread on the topic, but I am still tapering, so wanted to get insight from those still using the benzo going through this.


Ive been going through the same thing.  At first I thought it was because my doctor had me double up on BP meds in the AM because of a reaction I had to taking an AD. But that was almost two months ago and since then I've actually come off almost all BP meds as I have lost weight and do not need them anymore.  yet, the feeling of needing a deep breath still persists.  I feel like it comes with some spurts of anxiety, as some days its better than others.  I literally have to tell myself out loud to "STOP" sometimes when I notice myself taking that deep breath.  I have never in my life had this issue, and like you, I've always been involved in sports and other physical activity.  It has definitely been getting better for me the more I try and mentally stop myself from doing it.  Of all the sxs ive had from any medication, this one is by far the worst. It keeps me from exercising, and I have been checked out by the ER and my regular DR. All clear, no issues.  I really believe its a mental habit that needs to be broken, because when I wake up, I don't have the feeling, its only when I take the medicine or start consciously thinking about needing to take a deep breath is when the cycle begins.

TY for your feedback. the more I am aware of others experiencing it, the less likely I am to think it's some fatal lung condition.


Pretty similar story. I am 54, have never had asthma or lung issues until now. It amps up and down. On bad days, I wake up with it. On better days, it's there, but not so all consuming, I just get on with myself. But it is always there.


This is the absolute worst sxs I have been dealing with.


Have come to terms with all the other nightmares of withdraw, mostly via serious meditation.


I rode my bike for an hour this afternoon, in the midst of the air hunger being very high, no change (for better or worse), but it did calm the anxiety. did the same yesterday. In a way, it feels like the biking actually improves my breathing autonomically, and even helps to a small extent.


On days I opted out of exercise, I was so focused on the air hunger, the day was much more of a wash.


I am just not exercising as hard or as long at this time. Some folks say exercise amps this up, for me, moderate exercise slightly calms it.


This is hell.

  • 1 year later...

Have had air hunger for 10 months:

1.  Doctor put me on prednisone (oral) that was hell, did not fix problem.

2. Then got an albuterol inhaler, did not fix problem.

3.  Went to a steroid inhaler, as I will never take oral steroids again, with albuterol for rescue, did not fix problem.

4. Finishing a round of antibiotics  tomorrow in case its  an infection, has not fixed problem.

5. It's very acute today, so I will go to physical therapy tomorrow and get deep tissue for torso and diaphragm , that does help.


I do meditation, deep breathing. Have always been an avid athlete, cut that way down, still have this.


Absolute worst thing to go through. Frightened that something is wrong with my lungs, but doc never hears a crackle when I get checked.


Of all my wd symptoms, this is the one I simply can not zen through, it is the worst.


Have not been able to find a trigger.


Encouragement and input appreciated.


Initially posted this in the post jump thread on the topic, but I am still tapering, so wanted to get insight from those still using the benzo going through this.

How are you now????????? I am five years off and stuck with this! I am thinking it is permant~ :(

It is not as severe. And, I suppose I have adapted to it. When it becomes acute, I use a steroid inhaler. I now identify as asthmatic, and watch for asthma triggers: poor air, severe cold, smoke, irritants.


I don't know if it will ever go away. I am still tapering, will see.


I do daily yoga, and include chest opening exercises and various deep breathing techniques as part of my morning yoga practice. This seems to act as a preventative.


The yoga is the only thing that really seems to help. Not only the air hunger, but other affects of withdraw: digestive issues, chronic headaches, sore back, being amped up. Yoga helps relax and loosen muscles, it is also  calming in nature as various deep breathing exercises are part of the practice.


There is a YouTube channel called DoYogaWithMe. The founder is a 44 year old man who suffers from anxiety and depression. He has wonderful classes on breathing, panic, anxiety and  pain offered by several very good teachers. He also does videos about what it is like to have anxiety.


If your at all interested, I recommended that channel.









Didn't even know this was a symptom until recently. Kept on thinking it was my asthma. Still hard to tell when its my asthma or not

It is not as severe. And, I suppose I have adapted to it. When it becomes acute, I use a steroid inhaler. I now identify as asthmatic, and watch for asthma triggers: poor air, severe cold, smoke, irritants.


I don't know if it will ever go away. I am still tapering, will see.


I do daily yoga, and include chest opening exercises and various deep breathing techniques as part of my morning yoga practice. This seems to act as a preventative.


The yoga is the only thing that really seems to help. Not only the air hunger, but other affects of withdraw: digestive issues, chronic headaches, sore back, being amped up. Yoga helps relax and loosen muscles, it is also  calming in nature as various deep breathing exercises are part of the practice.


There is a YouTube channel called DoYogaWithMe. The founder is a 44 year old man who suffers from anxiety and depression. He has wonderful classes on breathing, panic, anxiety and  pain offered by several very good teachers. He also does videos about what it is like to have anxiety.


If your at all interested, I recommended that channel.

thank you for sharing that!!! It’s tough I hate it

Hi baddove,


I've had it a few times and have always been able to connect it to anxiety.  It does not feel like it at the time and not suggesting it is the case for you, but think it was the case for me.


It was very frightening. 


Thanks for info on yoga which I am going to begin next Tuesday. Yoga class at the local pool where I hope to marry yoga with maybe one lap of the pool.  For me this is great progress. 






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