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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Benzo questions

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Hi. I have questions about symptoms I've been having since being off of Klonopin (taken for 8 months) because I want to know if it is really withdrawal or if anyone has experienced these same issues. Have been off of it for almost 2 months and the symptoms don't seem to be getting much better but Ive been told by doctors that it is protracted withdrawal symptoms. The symptoms I've been having are

-numb feelings (emotionally, physically)

-lost sensitivity to touch (no feeling in scalp especially, can't feel brush against my teeth)

-Feels like I'm not attached to body (When I touch my skin I feel the skin on my hand but not my hand on my skin)

-Can't feel temperature (if it's hot or cold outside)

-Cant feel pain (Things that I know would cause my to feel discomfort before no longer do)

-feels like a bowling ball in my head and I feel like there is a tension in my scalp/head that will not release no matter what I try

-No tingling sensation at all in my body or head anymore (would usually get tingles when I did breathing exercises)

-legs trembling (feels like a earthquake in my legs but theres no movement)

-Legs shaking up and down

-Blurry vision/black floaters

-Low bloodflow to areas of the body but also too much in some areas as well to the point where it burns and gets extremely red from all of the blood rushing


I am currently taking Buspar and also was recommended to try TMS therapy. I feel like the loss of sensation and tightness/full feeling in my head are my main concerns. Has anyone experienced this?


I started at 2mg in Jan. and was pulled off of klonopin at 0.5mg In Aug. (1/2 pill split morning-night) because no one would refill it anymore for me. After I was pulled off it was like my brain and body went into a state of shock. Ever since, I haven't seemed to be able to come out of this loss of feeling all over and constant feeling of tightness/pressure/heaviness in my head. If anyone could give me an insight of what to do to lead me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated. I'm just at a loss. At one point I wanted to just go back on a low dose and taper off again, but I don't want to go back on the medicine and also the nurse wouldn't give it to me either way. I just want to know how to get the feeling back in my body. It's effecting everything. I'm just trying to figure out if its the benzos or if this is all anxiety and just needs to be addressed differently. Thank you for any input. I know all of you all are strong people. Also please forgive me if this all seems jumbled.


(I edited to give more information)


Hello, Rayman :) - welcome to BenzoBuddies, and congratulations on being benzo-free!


Symptoms often last long after the last traces of the benzos leave the body. Your docs seem pretty enlightened to recognize PAWS, as many do not.  :thumbsup:


I'm so glad you decided to join the forum - you'll find plenty of information and support here. Our members have gone through all aspects of benzodiazepine use and withdrawal, so you'll be able to connect with others who understand what you're going through.


The following board may be a good place to begin posting your questions:


  Post-withdrawal Recovery Support


Please take a moment to Create a Signature. This will allow members to see where you are in the process, so that they can better support you.


Looking forward to seeing you on the forum!

Leslie  :smitten:



The Ashton Manual is an authoritative resource on what to expect during withdrawal and recovery. It provides information that can be very reassuring during any stage of this process, including a list of common symptoms with helpful explanations.

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