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Found my stable dose. Need advice on taper schedule.

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I finally found that at 4.4 mgs FlubromazePAM b.i.d. is my "hold dose". By "hold dose" I mean, that dose where you start to feel minor withdrawal symptoms, but they're not severe enough to really interfere with your life while you wait to stabilize. This will be my third attempt at quitting benzos/tapering. I've learned 3 things over my past tapers 1) don't use other GABAnergic supplements/smart drugs/nootropics to accelerate your taper (THIS IS A BIG ONE) 2) stick to a schedule 3) never updose; no matter what (my last taper got really screwed up when I lost a family member and went tits up on a etizolam binge) 4) NEVER cold turkey.


TL:DR here is my taper schedule now that I am holding/stable. Wondering BB's thoughts on this.

- Today is Sunday October 8, and I am doing well and am functional on 4.4mgs twice a day on flubromazepam. Here is my proposed schedule:

- At the end of every 2 weeks after a cut I will, cut down by .2mgs from each of my daily dose

- Once I hit 2mgs b.i.d., I will cut by .1mgs at the end of every 2 weeks

- If I make it down this far, jump off at .1mgs b.i.d flubromazepam


As far as I can tell, this taper will take me 7 months and one week. Wondering if this is a reasonable schedule.





Flubromazepam was a research chemical and now a designer drug.

That's a problem in and of itself.

Being a benzo though; the usual caveats should apply.


Regarding its properties:

1. I was able to confirm its long half-life that you mentioned.

2. I only found one questionable source on its diazepam equivalency,

which seems to be in agreement with the one you used.


Regarding your schedule; you appear to be following Ashton's guidelines, which can't be bad.

However, I strongly urge you to find a benzo-wise doctor to discuss all this -

even if they don't agree to help you - and to not rely on a forum for answers;

especially on a non-approved benzo that hardly anyone here knows about.


Good luck.


Believe it or not or not, my addiction specialist looked at the tripsit.me fact sheet and certificate of analysis for my flubromazepam and told me it was superior to diazepam for tapering in lieu of the long half life (106 hours). I would love a valium script with a doctor who has read the ashton manual and understands that I need reduce by 5% every 2 weeks. I'm going to a different addiction specialist/p-doc next week to try and get on a supervised diazepam taper. My family doctor said he would not prescribe benzos beyond 4 weeks; far too short for a proper taper.


Thank you for the advice. I've only ever been on RC benzos save for oxazepam and alprazolam.

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