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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Hello! New Benzobuddy..

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Hey Everybody, I’m glad I’ve been able to find a place to help myself, and through my experience, hopefully help others in kind. 


I’m a 35 year old male that has been taking Klonopin for about 7-8 years now.  The journey started out with extreme panic attacks in 2009 shortly after my (now ex) wife and I got engaged.  I started on 0.5mg Xanax for maybe a year (daily), then moved to Klonopin 1mg “daily”.  I have always been very aware of the addictive nature of benzos and would only take the medication when absolutely needed.  As such, my prescribed 1mg “daily” dose was actually more like 1mg a week.  This however, eventually escalated.  Over the past 10 months, my dosage was actually right around 1mg pretty much daily (I would imagine my average to be more like 0.75mg daily). 


I decided to try to get off of these meds due to memory problems.  I never related benzos with memory, and I’m only now finding out that they can and often do cause such issues.  I am a scientist by profession and have always been a relatively bright person, so the fact that these meds are potentially messing with my brain scares me the most…


My second biggest fear is the relative ease of my withdrawal.  I decided to quit taking these 22 days ago, cold turkey.  It wasn’t until I was already about 10 days into the process that I discovered how potentially harmful this could be.  Regardless, I decided to continue since I was already on a streak.  The typical withdrawal symptoms have plagued me, but thanks to online resources like this, I have been able to manage them as best I can. 


I am very fearful that someday soon, the repercussions of the cold turkey technique are going to hit me like a freight-train and I will be absolutely debilitated – I feel like I might be a ticking time bomb of anxiety and fear (for me the worst part of withdrawal BY FAR)… I never want to experience panic like those first attacks in 2009.  Without a doubt, the most terrifying experiences of my entire life.


From what I understand, most people will begin to experience symptoms within the first week, and typically being the most intense within the first month.  Here I sit 22 days in, and I feel like so far, the worst is behind me?  My biggest fear is that I’m in for a rude awakening…


Thank you for listening to my story.  This website is full of men and women that are much braver than myself, I’m happy to be amongst you!



Hi Mike0179


Welcome to the forum.  I'm glad you found us.  I'm glad you have been able to get off of these meds relatively easily.  Cold Turkeying isn't the advised way to stop, but some people are able to do it with no issues.  I c/t'd and had my share of withdrawal symptoms, but once they cleared up, that was it.  No rude awakenings.  There may be a tendency to be over-sensitive to stress or criticism for a while, but even that will pass.


The Ashton Manual is an authoritative source on what to expect in withdrawal and recovery.  Dr. Ashton is an expert in the field. Section III explains and describes symptoms. 


Please take the time to Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Again, welcome!


Not everyone has a huge trouble getting off benzos. I used to go on and off klonopin .5 mg for YEARS and never had any issues when I didn't take it. Then I changed doctors, he told me to double the dose, safe to take everyday, and that is when my problems started. Perhaps my earlier usage is contributing to getting off now, I don't know and it doesn't matter, but try to stay positive--you may not be in for a rude awakening. I would say it is probably important to figure out another way other than these meds to deal with the anxiety and panic that may crop up. Meditation, exercise, eating clean, therapy, possibly supplements (I am a big fan of magnesium), whatever keeps you away from reaching for these pills again.  I hope you really are past the worst of it and that things go really well for you! It is really not bad for everyone; the people who go off with no trouble are not posting on internet support forums!
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