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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Heaviness and increase in gravity

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Hello everyone,


Just a quick overview: I have been on and off of benzos for many years, but mostly intermittently. In the past I never experienced much withdrawal other than maybe a week or so of anxiety after stopping. This last time was different. I had been rotating through several different benzos (mostly valium and klonopin, temazepam) and occasionally lunesta in order not to develop too much of a tolerance to any particular one. I don't know why this seemed like a good idea, but I do not recommend it to anyone! I had also previously quit adderall a few months prior (which seemed farily easy), and also tramadol (which was a nightmare). Over about 5 to 6 weeks I tapered from roughly 0.5mg klonopin (would occasionally take up to 0.75mg if no sleep), crossed over to valium, and finally stopped at 2.5mg of valium. In hindsight, knowing what I know now, this was a bit too fast of a taper, especially since I was still going through tramadol withdrawal. Like I mentioned, the first 3-4 weeks weren't that bad, but then the symptoms started.. ocd, extreme racing and almost nonsensical thoughts, anxiety getting much worse, depression, and then the body symptoms.. an overall feeling of heaviness, and pressure in my head, especially the top and back of my head, and feeling like my head and body was being pushed to the left or forward. I reinstated at 6 weeks out and have worked my way up to 12.5mg of valium. This was about 6 weeks ago.


Most of those symptoms have subsided, except the worst by far is the heaviness or feeling that gravity has increased. I literally feel like I've gained 50 pounds. I can walk around and look normal, but I feel it pretty intensely. It is pretty awful. I don't really have any muscle pain, but maybe a little tightness. The other remaining symptoms are occasional anxiety, some anhedonia, less than ideal sleep (I get about 6 hours but feel it is not good sleep, and do not feel rested waking up). I also have some depression, and loss of appetite, but part of that depression as well as the anxiety could be due to this lingering feeling of heaviness that doesn't seem to let up much, and is bringing me down.


My question is, has anyone else experienced similar symptoms (with the heaviness)??


I feel like I'm wading through mud and there is a force pushing down on me. I'm sure that I am kindled to at least a certain degree, and am beganning to question my reinstatement. But the symptoms seemed so unbearable that i felt I had little choice. And on the plus side, many of those other symptoms have subsided greatly. I really am not sure what to do at this point. Wait it out further at this dose? Start my taper already? (probably not the best idea), or try to maybe increase a little bit more (this could be a valid option but I certainly don't want to dig myself a deeper whole). Sorry for the long thread. Any thoughts are appreciated.


A few observation about this last difficult symptom:


-It's not too bad in the morning but gets much worse in the early afternoon all of the way until sometime in the evening where it subsides somewhat.

-Coincidentally or not, this is when my depression and anxiety seem to subside as well.

-These symptoms are always worse if I have to over exert myself physically. I mean even a little. Like anything more than a walk around the block or through the grocery store. The symptoms are also worse if I don't eat much protein in the morning before I go out. But this is difficult since I have absolutely no appetite in the morning, so just usually eat a granola bar.

-This sounds crazy, but this is also the time of day that my multivitamin kicks in. Most people wouldn't say they could feel their multivitamin kick in, but I have noticed it for years.. always 5 to 6 hours after taking it. I've even split it in half, and have felt it kick in both times within that same timeframe. I've tested this on numerous occasions. The only thing I could imagine it being is some b vitamin, but I know that my folic acid and b12 levels are currently at the upper end of the range.

-I've recently had a lot of labwork done, and it all came back normal so I really have no idea what else this could be. Haven't had a full physical or MRI, but I don't know what this could be if it's not benzo WD.


Thanks again for the input. This is starting to really bum me out.


Hi Pharmguy,


I have had that heaviness symptom. It was years ago, another time and place. I was put on 15 mg of Valium for back surgery to ease muscle spasms. After about six months I was ct'd by my orthopedist, who was very concerned about addiction.


I felt like something was pushing down on me. It felt like something was pushing down on my head and shoulders. I knew nothing about benzos and thought it was from the back surgery. I had rods put in my back. It lasted about three to five months, as did all the other symptoms, and then went away.


I never knew it was from benzos until I was put on Valium again and tapered too fast. There is nothing

wrong with you. It is a symptom.


Hope you feel better soon. Maybe you should hold a little longer and then microtaper slowly.



I also had the heaviness thing.  It hit me about 4 months after my jump.  For me, it was just a feeling.  I still had my strength and could use it when I had to.  But getting up out of the chair to do anything seemed to take way more effort.  That feeling lasted 2-3 months for me, then dissipated. 
Thank you for the response, guys. I am also fairly confident that it is a withdrawal symptom, but am still trying to figure out when and why it occurs. Today, that feeling was significantly lessened, but I also spent a lot of time on the couch and bed. Also had a bit more depression and difficulty sleeping last night. I think the whole heaviness thing has a lot to do with overexerting oneself, both mentally, and especially physically. I wonder if extra physical exercise causes the diazepam stored in the muscle and primarily fat cells to be metabolized out and excreted more quickly. Hmm.. just a pet theory. Anyway, I think I've determined that too much exercise is bad, not enough is also bad, so it's really about finding that balance and slowly working ones way up as needed.

I also had the heaviness thing.  It hit me about 4 months after my jump.  For me, it was just a feeling.  I still had my strength and could use it when I had to.  But getting up out of the chair to do anything seemed to take way more effort.  That feeling lasted 2-3 months for me, then dissipated.


Btw, I agree that holding for a bit longer and then doing a slow taper (micro or otherwise) is probably the best course of action. Still haven't decided if it will be with water, milk, or dry scale but I'm going to research that a bit more once I get to that point.

my sister had this sensation a while ago, but it's returned a little bit (says her back feels heavy), but it doesn't cause too much distress
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