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So you know when you feel like you're going crazy or so depressed you think it will never end? Well something I always forget to do at these times is put on some music. When I do actually remember to it's amazing how fast it can change my mood.

If I'm depressed I put on music that has a good beat and makes me want to dance.  It really helps with my mood. It's not a cure but definitely an improvement. (And I don't beat myself up because I'm unable to bust a move right now.)

If I'm anxious then background music or sounds of nature, waves, birds etc.

I forgot how much it helps and hope I keep remembering to try it when I'm suffering. Thought :smitten: I would make a suggestion here because we are all battling every hour of every day.

If anyone has any other suggestions besides reading, watching comedies and writing bring it on. Any ideas for hobbies I could take up while being so weak would be great too. Painting is out because I've painted so much soon my dogs will be a different colour!  I need all the help I can get, I'm going stir crazy in my house over here.

Hope you are fairing better than I and that every day things improve for you.

Much love

Hahaha don't paint the dogs! Have you tried playing any games? I'm trying to exercise my brain with games. I like puzzle games the best like hidden object games, mah jong, monument valley, and freecell solitaire. I hope you have sweet dreams tonight. xoxo
Try light aerobic exercises. I'm running on elliptical trainer at home for some 10 to 15 minutes and it helps. I'm also using EFT tapping. It seems to help. I'm tapping myself many times if needed. I don't know is it placebo or real, but I don't care. Most of the time it makes me more calm.
I go to the cinema a lot though I have to sit in an aisle seat incase of panic. I also do mindfulness and acupuncture and massage. Started going to an addictions drama group - very basic. told them i'll only do it if I can but it's actually really helped me. Still spending way too much time home alone but if I do too much I'm done-in for days! I find just doing housework challenging. Will try it with music though - not sure about bustin any moves though! :)

Bonaventure, I can see you bustin some small moves! I've been thinking about exercise and therapy all wrong. I expect myself to perform the way I did before this brain injury and that is just setting myself up for failure. I need to learn to bust only small moves for now. I'm glad you're not overdoing it. What do you do in the addictions drama group?



Ok Red Sky - I'll bust a small move if you will :) I found this addictions drop in centre at about three months off - I was still in acute and frankly thought I was going to do myself an injury -the suicidal ideation, coupled with the intense fear were overwhelming. Scared stiff I marched there one Sunday thinking I'll just walk past and see where it is - I got in the door a snivelling wreck - unable to give eye contact and a woman sat me down and told me her story and I sobbed the entire time and managed to blurt out a few details about the benzos. It turns out they have regular massage therapists and sent me in for one and fed me. I've been going back regularly ever since - a few couple of times a week. It's been a life saver.


They are the ones who have the drama group. It's very low key. We mostly do a few games, some movement work - I do what I can and somehow it evolves into a short sketch. It's fun and I look forward to doing it once a week. Last week I was the negative voice in someone's head - following them around - I've had a lot of practice at this and it was good to express that darkness and have people understand!


Hi Red Sky and Bonaventure, thanks for the suggestions I will definitely try them.  Red I don't know why I haven't even thought of puzzles or games! Gotta be the Benzo brain. Bonaventure good for you for attending a drama group! There is no way I could pull that off right now, you've given me hope.  You both literally made me laugh out loud about busting a move because we may not be able

to do it but at least you both can be humorous about it. I so needed that right now. Bless you two! Busting a move for me right now is done while sitting but it definitely helps! Lol try it and let me know if it helps your mood too. Hugs to you both!  :smitten: 

We'll do the one legged dance! (a toe tap) :) Humour is so important- we need it! Red Sky makes me laugh a lot! Hope you guys have a good rest of your day. Bless you both too. :)

Bonaventure, You're addiction group sounds amazing and you have inspired me to try to find one in my town. How did you find yours? I swear I will be a master of google searching after this... right now still not so much... Insomnia was intense last night so I put on a little music and busted moves in my bed. I'm quite confident I looked like a flailing worm. Glad there were no witnesses.


Fighting the Good Fight, I'm glad we encouraged laughter! Even though I'm still very sick my humor is returning and I'm so thankful to see it again. It has been a huge coping tool for me in the past and thought it had vanished forever with the rest of my personality. There is hope for us all! I swear!


Hahaha - bed bopping could be a new phenomenon - who knows?  It started here! I heard about it through someone at a 12 step meeting but it's in the same building as a government run day programme for people with addictions though it's a separate charity. It's really close to my house and has been a safe place to go even when I'm really suffering. They don't get benzo withdrawal but it's easy and people have all sorts of withdrawal issues there.


I hope you find something in your own town. I think years ago I would never have even given something like this a chance but it's really helped just to get me out of the house and around people.


All the best for a lovely day ahead :)

Thanks Bonaventure! Sadly there is nothing like that in my town. The closest thing I could find was an outpatient addiction support group that is attached to the mental health center my psych doc is part of. She said the meetings are mandatory and it's an extension of their rehab program so you can only get in if you went to rehab there. I swear, this town is going to kill me. There are almost zero support services here. I can't wait to move.

Oh that's a shame. Don't worry you've still got us. We need each other. Today I popped in to the centre but to be honest with the roaring tinnitus, muscle weakness, fatigue and depression I couldn't really even sit and chat. I'm back home on the couch and that's all I can do it seems this week. It's rough right now..


You're doing a great job getting through this Bonaventure!
Dancing to the music helps me! My partner and I will just do ecstatic improv dance in our living room. Feels super cathartic

Dancing to the music helps me! My partner and I will just do ecstatic improv dance in our living room. Feels super cathartic


I love this Pepper! I miss dancing very much.

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