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Has anyone tried the keto diet?  I've read that it helps with gaba. I've been having a very hard time with diet because I feel worse when I eat good. I was told it's because when I'm eating bad I'm getting surges of dopamine.
I haven't tried it.  Wild-caught salmon always made me feel better.  Oatmeal and brown rice were also easy on my stomach as well as certain fruits.
I just received some samples. I want to try it. I am 3 years off of Xanax after 35+ years. I was CT-ed. Still very unwell. Would you Buddy-up with me and share what you have found about the KETO diet and I need to find the most inexpensive products I can. I am on Disability and don't have much extra. I am hoping KETO may be helpful enough that I can work part-time in another year or so. Nice to find someone else with same interests.

I will help in anyway I can. I am assuming you are talking about taking ketones?  I haven't taken them and personally would not because I'm afraid to take anything. But there's is a diet you can do that will cause your body to create ketones. They are calling it the ketogenic diet but it is really just a modified version of the Atkins diet or the low carb diet. The diet has been around for years. A low carb diet was created for epileptics which makes me think it would address the issues we are having. He thing would be to be very consistent which is hard when you're going through this he has food makes us feel better.  I think I said that wrong bevuase a lot of food makes us feel bad but what I mean is certain foods can activate the reward system. Especially high carb foods. Years ago I did Atkins for weight loss and felt great. I haven't tried it for this because every time I try to eat healthy I feel bad.


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