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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.


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I got up this morning (I say "got up" because I have not slept in about a month except for a few hours here and there...) came down to my computer and googled on "benzodiazapene withdrawal".  The reason I did this was because I had taken enough meds last night to give myself a few hours of sleep and I could not sleep.  I tossed and turned.

I said to myself...something is very wrong.  These meds are not working at all...in fact they are working against me.

That's how I found BenzoBuddies.


I have been on various meds for 38 years, both benzos and antidepressants. 

Since I can't sleep now, my psychiatrist wants me to take Seroquel...an antipsychotic.

I said no.  I am not psychotic.

I have tried to taper off my meds twice in the past 6 months without success.

I am on Clonazepam 1.5 mg. and Ambien 10 mg.

I am stunned to realize that coming off will be much more difficult than I had thought.

In the past I have tapered off Trazadone 50 mg. (it took me about a year)  and most recently Prozac 10 mg. very successfully using two droppers of CBD oil from a reputable source every night.  That's Cannabidiol Oil  which has less than 0.3 % THC, the hallucinogenic compound in marijuana.  It is legal and safe and wonderful.


I was supposed to go hiking on The Appalachian Trail in a couple of weeks with an old college friend but just texted her to cancel because I cannot sleep.

I hope I can find my way out of this maze, this very deep pit.  By the way, I have not been able to sleep since I was in my teens.  That's how I got started on this awful stuff.


Thanks for being there, whoever you are, BenzoBuddies.


Hello, Arwen :) - welcome to BenzoBuddies!


'Stunned' just about sizes it up for many of us - you're in good company here, that's for sure. I found BenzoBuddies just the way you did. When I tried to stop taking them, I pretty much stopped sleeping and Googled my way here.


Normal sleep will return eventually, and meanwhile a comfortable taper plan can help reduce some of the intensity. I tried CBD and CBN for insomnia, and ended up finding that a THC/Indica tincture was good (this may require MMJ authorization). THC revs some people up and makes others conk out, but it did get me to sleep when nothing else would. You'll find support for that discussion here on BB.  :thumbsup:


I'm so glad you decided to join the forum - you'll find plenty of information and support here. Our members have gone through all aspects of benzodiazepine use and withdrawal, so you'll be able to connect with others who understand what you're going through.


Here are a couple of links that may be a good starting place for you to post your questions.


  General Taper Plans

  Withdrawal Support


When you have a chance, I recommend that you take a look at The Ashton Manual, a guide for withdrawal and recovery. It provides a great deal of information that can be very reassuring during any stage of this process, including a list of common symptoms with helpful explanations.


For those who are currently tapering, a starting guideline is that the dosage not be reduced faster than by 5-10% every 10-14 days - some taper even more slowly than that. One exception: very short-term users of a few weeks or less may be able to taper somewhat faster. 


Please take the time to Create a Signature. This will allow members to see where you are in the process, so that they can better support you.


Looking forward to seeing you on the forum!

Leslie  :smitten:

Food for thought. As you tapper dosages, begin a walking routine. Just around the block at first, then increase slowly. It will help on your road to recovery.

Welcome to the place no one wants to be!


I wanted to respond as I am currently on Klonopin (.5 down from 1 mg) and took Ambien for many, many years. I also recently discovered CBD oil for nausea, which has been a godsend for me. I also started down this path due to insomnia I have had forever.


Try to stay positive; as you have gotten off other psych meds before this may not be as difficult as you think.


I am sorry you need to give up on your trip on the AT--I do wonder if being outside and very active all day might help with sleep, but I know travel does not sit well with me so I know it can be scary. My son wants to hike the AT from bottom to top one day (well, he wanted to do it right after HS but I said no, he is now off at college!). Good luck on your journey.


Welcome to the place no one wants to be!


I echo that welcome.


Thanks so much, Leslie and Arris...I began weeping when I saw your messages.

There is so much kindness in them.

That's all for now,

my head is spinning 



Thanks so much, Leslie and Arris...I began weeping when I saw your messages.

There is so much kindness in them.

That's all for now,

my head is spinning 



Awww, don't be sad, Arwen - you're gonna be fine now.


This is the beginning of your recovery, and we're very glad you're here to do that!


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