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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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I know everybody is different but anybody with long term use have some type of estimate of when SOME symptoms subside? I'm 9 weeks in and just need some type of relief. This is cruel!!!

I'm sorry you're suffering.  I know how hard this is.  I'm eight months off a cold turkey.  You're still in acute.  I can promise you that it'll get better, but no one can tell you when.  Find ways to distract and just get some time under your feet.  It does get better.  This will be the hardest thing you'll ever do, and your only job is to get through one minute, one hour, one day at a time. 


My ACUTE acute (when I didn't think I'd make it) lasted about 6 weeks.  Then I was in an acute stage for another couple months.  Things seemed a little more tolerable/less nightmarish beginning in the fourth month, although in my case I had worsening depression then.  I've finally begun seeing improvement just in the past couple weeks, and it's still very touch and go.  You know your healing rate will be individual.  I'm sharing this because you've asked, and I hope it isn't discouraging.  Some heal faster - I cold turkeyed after seven years of use, and was also still healing from antidepressant damage.  I drank while on benzos, and I'm sure that makes it worse as well. 


There's no strong correlation between length of use and length of withdrawal.  And although everyone will tell you that your withdrawal will be worse as a CT, I haven't found that to be the case with everyone.  Don't let people discourage you, and stay away from the horror stories.  I know I'm healing, and you will too. 

ComingHome... thanks so much for the response and I appreciate the honesty. I think it's important that we don't sugar coat things so we aren't discouraged by the mountains ahead. It's great to hear that you are starting to feel better and I hope to meet you on that side of the mountain! :thumbsup:
It isn't just a mountain, it's an entire universe!  But I'll be there, and so will you. 
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