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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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Ouch, my teeth hurt.  It's more than one tooth, two on the bottom and two on the top, in the back of my mouth, all on the same side.  I'm pretty sure I was grinding while I was sleeping.  I already have a mouthguard and I actually even saw a dentist for this already who offered me more benzos,  :o, and flexeril, which I have taken sparingly. 


I'm going to see the dentist about this, but I'm pretty sure it's nothing they can find on an x-ray. Last time this happened, it was a cracked tooth, but the dentist still couldn't do anything for it.  It's been about two weeks and the pain is less but different. I am using a straw to drink water cause the cold makes the nerves go crazy.


I actually read about two different people in benzo withdrawal who had teeth pulled and regretted it.  One said the pain didn't even go away after the tooth was pulled!!! 


Anyone else having tooth pain?

Yup. Gum sensitivity. It is from clenching and tight jaw muscles.

It could be nerve pain, hopefully not. That is what I am dealing with and it is horrid. DON'T have any dental work done unless there is obviously something wrong--it can actually make things worse if it is nerve pain.


Grinding can cause a lot of issues, and it takes a while to heal from. Wear your mouth guard religiously, brush and drink with warm water, I don't even use toothpaste. Try to avoid talking too much. I would avoid opiods and other pain killers if you can, they seem to make it worse.

I did have that pain also from grinding. I got a special mouth guard and wear it every night. Any dentist who would prescribe you a benzo is out of his/her league.

I can't see a dentist not doing anything for a cracked tooth. That's how a tooth becomes infected which is very painful. The crack allows bacteria to spread down into the root and jaw. I had a cracked tooth that became infected and became very painful. I was put on an antibiotic until the infection was gone and then the tooth was extracted. A cracked tooth is hard to extract so he may have suggested an oral surgeon. Your dentist doesn't seem to bright. He should have done something. Oh, when I had the one infected tooth the whole right side of my upper and lower jaw ached. After the extraction the pain went away.


This is rare but it can happen. I found this:


"Toothache can cause other body sickness and pain such as fever, body pain, muscle pain, headaches, and swollen glands in the neck, sinuses, mouth sores, jaw pains, abscess, gum diseases, bitter taste in the mouth, cold like flu, dry mouth, oral cancer, tooth sensitivity and stinky breath (halitosis).


When the infection spreads to your mouth, teeth or gums toothache can show up in different disease symptoms. Tooth infections can appear as flu or cold like symptoms too. Headaches are common in toothaches. This illness may not come often but when it comes you may have other symptoms too."


He did put some sort of bonding on it actually, now that I think about it.  It still hurt though.  It was like a nerve had been struck and even though there was nothing wrong with it, like no infection or cavity, it just hurt for a while.  The pain did slowly go away, though it is one of the teeth hurting again now. 
I have this too!  It sucks.  It also feels like all of my teeth are loose!  I guess that dumping the benzos hyper-sensitizes EVERYTHING!
I swore I had to have a root canal. It felt like my tooth was about to fall out. Last week I went to the dentist and he said my teeth are fine. So why do I still feel this way? ??? Benzos stink. What's next in my bag of tricks?
I started having a lot of health anxiety about my teeth last night and was convinced I was going to die from sepsis at one point.  I have called the dentist's office this morning to see if I can just pop in to have them looked at.  There's too many stories about tooth abscesses gone wrong on the internet for me to wait ten more days to see the dentist. 
My dentist never called me back. I think he's on vacation until next week.  I feel like such a pest calling again.  I feel like the nerve of my tooth is just completely exposed in my mouth.  OMG.  It's so painful.  I don't think it is infected though, I just think it is from grinding at night while I'm sleeping. 
Your dentist should have an on-call one you can ring. No need to suffer.
Well I was about to call some other strange dentist, which I don't like, but I'm in that much pain.  So I gave my dentist one more try and I have an appointment tomorrow with a different dentist but same office as mine.  I told them all about my tooth and I already feel calmer about it, though I am still in a damn lot of pain. 

i had tooth pain while I was tapering lorazepam and after i was rid of it, the pain was gone.


Now that I am tapering prednisone the pain is so bad that i can only tolerate food or beverages that are exactly as hot as the inner of my mouth is.. water that is a little bit colder or hotter makes me scream. Any tooth - no difference. Isnt this weird??? :idiot:


Now I am sure - because prednisone is harming bone density - that the structure of the teeth is not good at the moment.

But how could lorazepam cause the same problem?


Anyway.. it is not funny :-[

That is super weird Marigold.  I can't even tell which tooth it is anymore.  In the beginning, about four weeks ago, it seemed like four teeth were aching, then it was a severe pain that was in one tooth on the bottom, but then the same pain just switched to a tooth on the top.  The whole thing is awful.  I'm very sensitive to anything cold, but warm and hot seems okay for now. 

I have had really bad tooth pain too!  But I have suffered enamel loss from years of issues with bulimia... man, I have a lot of issues.  I swear I used to be somewhat normal... I can't tell what is from what anymore! 


My wisdom teeth came in really late.. most of my friends dealt with theirs in high school, but my dentist said she thought I'd be "one of the few lucky ones whose never come in"... I remember thinking, even back then at 17, that she was wrong... even I knew they could appear in your thirties.  Anyways, I've had 2 removed and been too lazy and then ill to get the third one taken care of- 4th hasn't come in.  It bothers me a lot sometimes, I'm wondering if I should have it removed before I get more dysfunctional?  I told myself I'd try to put as many of my "affairs" in order before I'm forced lower.  My next cut is going to be 50%- from 1mg to .5 Ativan.  I really hope I can find a new doc!  Suddenly having really bad tinnitus in one ear now too... damn.



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