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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Flu like symptoms - thoracic spine/neck stiffness

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Headache, terrible stiffness in upper back and neck... everything cracks when I want to turn the head.. feeling like I have a flu.... nausea, derealization, hell.

It started yesterday morning and now it's even worse.

Waking up this night more times... I didn't know where I am, who I am, what I am... terror.

Anyone with similar experiences?

It's hard to live with all this.

You are not alone. These are all common withdrawal symptoms and I've had them too. It sucks but they are signs the brain is healing. Strength and healing to you alokin.
Yeah, I'm 8 days out from my jump and have had a headache for most of the day; nausea and flu like symptoms started tonight.
This is so intense today. Cant get out of the bed. Back neck and head in pain. DR unbearable

So sorry you are suffering.


This is very common in withdraw. Flu-like is a good description. I think of it as flu-like times 100. I am 3 months out and it's been hell! Feels like my new normal.


It does get better. I do hot yoga and the gym and that helps even though it's SO hard to do when feeling this way.


Hang in there. Your CNS is healing and you will get better!  :thumbsup:

Thanks for support guys... after 2 months since getting off this last week is worse than first acute weeks that were horrific on their own.... so far DR is the hardest thing... till yesterday my whole body was tense inside and I couldn't relax at all... I almost gone mad. I thought I won't make it. Then some chemical relaxation was released and I could feel it in legs and it was slightly easier after that, but 'benzo-flu' hit me then. I hope this worst wave will fade away soon.... this derealization is killing me.

I can TOTALLY relate!! It's rough. The DR, fatigue and pain are unnerving!


Hard to wrap our heads around, but these are all signs of healing. Keep moving forward. It'll get better. :thumbsup:

I'm also trying to convince myself it's healing.  :o
I just recently has my entire spine MRI for these reasons. It's tough but stick to it. There has to be a light at the end.

I just recently has my entire spine MRI for these reasons. It's tough but stick to it. There has to be a light at the end.


I do have problems with spine and I did have some disc hernias, but with exercise it all gone... also curcumin cured my problems with painful mornings a few years ago.

This now is completely different... like all muscles are tense and kinda burning along with headache... just like flu.

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