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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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Hi enveryone.


I'm shamefull about it but i think its also a problem like another.


I was wondering if porn (like masturbating at least 2 Times a day...) can prevent the CNS from healing. Because I know that it takes energy and stimulates the CNS.


I'm in a rough period of my withdrawal at 2.5 months and i'm a afraid of quitting porn and be even more stressed and depressed, like just quitting another addiction...


I don't know if I should stop because it hurts my CNS a lot or if I should consider quitting later... ?

My symptoms are actually: depression, anxiety, lethargy, weakness and other little things...


Thank you all


Hey buddy,


Im willing to bet that it can be taxing on your CNS. And it definitely doesn't help your practice for self control which can be very harmful for you and your mental health. I understand that this is something that is not easy to admit to people that you do, and asking for help in this area takes a lot of guts, so I totally commend you on this for taking the first step which is asking for helping. And remember that we all need help in one area or another. You are not the only one.


I'm a Christian, and I know that we are suppose to refrain from having religious talks on this forum, but I gotta tell you, if you give this area of weakness over to Jesus, you will be amazed at the victory you can have. I know I can't overcome my problems by myself.


You may or may not believe, but it's just some thought I figured I'd give you hat I know has helped me in the past, and he has changed my life.


Anyways, keep up the good fight, and we are here for ya!




I agree with Scrappy:)


Keep healing :thumbsup:


You will find this strange, i've never been really religious, but since me beginning of post-benzo i go like every 2 weeks at church to pray and thanks God and Jesus to give me strengh.


I know that i need to quit this and this is a bad addiction, but it's really worst since post-benzo, i really want to quit but it seems too hard for now... And my psychiatrist doesnt really help me !


So i'm asking myself if i need to quit now or later to heal better...

I don't think the porn is necessarily going to stop healing.  If you are exhausting yourself with any activity, that could not be good, cause you need to take care of yourself and give yourself the rest your body needs.  This could also be your personal way of stress-relief, and maybe it's helping?  Maybe take a few days off and see.
......and risking carpal tunnel is just another worry you don't need..
I don't think watching porn will delay the healing, but stopping a porn addiction can cause nasty withdrawal symptoms on top of the benzo withdrawal symptoms. This will increase depression, anxiety, insomnia an fatigue. During porn withdrawal your dopamine and GABA levels will go down. During most dopaminergic drug/behaviour addiction withdrawals, the levels of corticotropin releasing factor and dynorphin increase. This will make you feel like shit, until the brain reaches homeostasis in kappa opioid and dopamine receptors. Some people even expierence porn PAWS.
I'm no expert but while withdrawing you should listen closely to your body and mind. If it seems to have adverse effects, then cut back. Masterbation is not an addiction unless it controls you. Porn is another story. If you are addicted and go cold turkey, it could increase you symptoms. I'm not advocating anything here but there are some things to consider. Nothing to be ashamed of!

Hey buddy,


Im willing to bet that it can be taxing on your CNS. And it definitely doesn't help your practice for self control which can be very harmful for you and your mental health. I understand that this is something that is not easy to admit to people that you do, and asking for help in this area takes a lot of guts, so I totally commend you on this for taking the first step which is asking for helping. And remember that we all need help in one area or another. You are not the only one.


I'm a Christian, and I know that we are suppose to refrain from having religious talks on this forum, but I gotta tell you, if you give this area of weakness over to Jesus, you will be amazed at the victory you can have. I know I can't overcome my problems by myself.


You may or may not believe, but it's just some thought I figured I'd give you hat I know has helped me in the past, and he has changed my life.


Anyways, keep up the good fight, and we are here for ya!




As a 25 year old woman who is engaged to the best man in the world and continued to have a rocking sex life all through withdrawal as well as look at porn a few times a month I can say it was my saving grace during the worst time in my life aka withdrawal from benzos.


Yong you are not shameful in the least bit, not sure if you are a man or a woman but watching porn is NOTHING to be ashamed of and unless it is causing you to not be able to have real relationships with people or if you feel it is an addiction in and of itself then don't worry about it, it can help to release the major stress of benzo withdrawal and recovery, provide some temporary pleasure in your life and also just distract you.


Also highly recommend sex and connection with real people if you are up to it, withdrawal is a beast but it ends, I swear. DO NOT FEEL GUILTY OR ASHAMED OF YOUR SEXUALITY and you have zero reason to fear it will effect your CNS whether you quit or keep going with watching porn.


PS. Do you Yong and don't let anybody make you feel bad for how you choose to express your sexuality.


No one can say if this can actually "tax" your CNS, but ask yourself how you feel afterwards. A great sense of release? Oh yeah. Taxed? Depends how vigorously you worked.  :thumbsup:



edit: content


Interesting subject.. well, I'm not innocent here, and I'm not in any position to offer anything more than my experience:


I knew somebody once who was a crazy photojournalist that had lived with Afghani tribes (pre 2001), and he told me what he had learned from them about lust and porn.  He said the people believed that if one looked at a woman lustfully (porn), then it would actually put "a black spot on one's soul".  If one does it a lot, then their soul becomes dark.  In my experience, this explanation makes complete sense.


Hey, I do it from time to time too, but I think it is more healthy to crank it up the old fashioned way, with imagination or remembering a good time in the past sans computers.


The act itself hasn't been bad for my CNS, and I'd say it's actually been good for me.  However, the way we go about it could hurt our very souls!

If you can you should stop watching porn and or masturbation. From my own experience you will start to feel better after a couple of days / week or so (more energy, less anxiety). You won't get depressed if you stop.


Masturbation is a normal human want/need. To feel shameful is society telling you from a young age not to do the "pud pull"............give me a break! They're usually the ones that think they are holier than thou anyway. Anyone that has NOT had that want or desire is a rarity. Normal human function. To feel guilt about it is wrong, not to mention it's stress reliever.


As for porn,  well I'm not into porn much but would but would be lying to you if I said I didn't watch it on occasion......and yep I enjoy it. Big deal.

I guess if your watch the kiddy crap, then ya, you got an issue. And if you watch it 24/7 and it's controlling your life, then that needs to be addressed as well. Becomes overpowering just like a drug.


Hey buddy,


Im willing to bet that it can be taxing on your CNS. And it definitely doesn't help your practice for self control which can be very harmful for you and your mental health. I understand that this is something that is not easy to admit to people that you do, and asking for help in this area takes a lot of guts, so I totally commend you on this for taking the first step which is asking for helping. And remember that we all need help in one area or another. You are not the only one.


I'm a Christian, and I know that we are suppose to refrain from having religious talks on this forum, but I gotta tell you, if you give this area of weakness over to Jesus, you will be amazed at the victory you can have. I know I can't overcome my problems by myself.


You may or may not believe, but it's just some thought I figured I'd give you hat I know has helped me in the past, and he has changed my life.


Anyways, keep up the good fight, and we are here for ya!




As a 25 year old woman who is engaged to the best man in the world and continued to have a rocking sex life all through withdrawal as well as look at porn a few times a month I can say it was my saving grace during the worst time in my life aka withdrawal from benzos.


Yong you are not shameful in the least bit, not sure if you are a man or a woman but watching porn is NOTHING to be ashamed of and unless it is causing you to not be able to have real relationships with people or if you feel it is an addiction in and of itself then don't worry about it, it can help to release the major stress of benzo withdrawal and recovery, provide some temporary pleasure in your life and also just distract you.


Also highly recommend sex and connection with real people if you are up to it, withdrawal is a beast but it ends, I swear. DO NOT FEEL GUILTY OR ASHAMED OF YOUR SEXUALITY and you have zero reason to fear it will effect your CNS whether you quit or keep going with watching porn.


PS. Do you Yong and don't let anybody make you feel bad for how you choose to express your sexuality.


Yong I hope I didn't come across in a way that was trying to make you feel bad. I thought I was commending you on coming out and talking about a subject that most people would have a hard time even bringing up... as others have agreed with me on it being more of a negative than a positive, I'd say my comment wasn't so far fetched after all. No harm here. I'm just a friend trying to reach out and help if you wanted it.



Have you guys ever experienced "normal" feeling after such surge of dopamine? It's like you almost temporarily feels "normal" or "more healthy" than previously supposed to be "severely weak / ill"? If so, then I assume this is another trick our brain also has to deceive us during this withdrawal period.

If you can you should stop watching porn and or masturbation. From my own experience you will start to feel better after a couple of days / week or so (more energy, less anxiety). You won't get depressed if you stop.


If a person is addicted to porn, suffers from porn induced erectile dysfunction, he will get withdrawal symptoms. This includes depression. This is what they call the flatline period. More information on www.yourbrainonporn.com / www.reddit.com/r/nofap


👆👆 I had a porn addiction a couple years ago and had no idea how much it could rewire your brain. Yourbrainonporn is a great site and I realized porn was causing a lot of my symptoms at the time. Strangely a lot of the symptoms during reboot are similar to benzo withdrawal.



The fact is that I want to quit but cant. And think that withdrawal makes me more addicted to porn. I already suffer a lot, I dont want to feel more symptoms.

I wonder how I Will get out of all thoses symptoms if porn is one of the cause of my CNS problems too...

I feel really addicted to it even if it a stress relief... I feel already so bad :( I wonder how I Will get over everything and if I will really heal


Hi dakine,


I know it could be a strange question and everyone does't get the same withdrawal, but how would you rate ouf of 10, difficult of benzo withdrawal and porn withdrawal to compare both.


Please also shame a bit of your journey on porn withdrawal... I would appreciate greatly, thank you so much


And thanks everyone to answering also :))))


The fact is that I want to quit but cant. And think that withdrawal makes me more addicted to porn. I already suffer a lot, I dont want to feel more symptoms.

I wonder how I Will get out of all thoses symptoms if porn is one of the cause of my CNS problems too...

I feel really addicted to it even if it a stress relief... I feel already so bad :( I wonder how I Will get over everything and if I will really heal


It could also be making symptoms worse. Porn is basically a drug giving you a hit of dopamine every time you use it. Like a benzo it only temporarily makes you feel better until it wares off. Also like a benzo if its abused it damages the neurotransmitter.


Idk what it would be like doing a reboot during withdrawal but if you're already feeling like ****, I would knock them both out at the same time. Try going a week without it and see how you feel. Definitely go to that site and do some research.


Hope you get some relief soon yong, keep fighting!




Hi dakine,


I know it could be a strange question and everyone does't get the same withdrawal, but how would you rate ouf of 10, difficult of benzo withdrawal and porn withdrawal to compare both.


Please also shame a bit of your journey on porn withdrawal... I would appreciate greatly, thank you so much


And thanks everyone to answering also :))))


I started watching porn in 8th grade and got heavier into in high school until I started dating my girlfriend at the time. We were together for 3 years and when we broke up it was very hard for me. I got really depressed and would escape through porn use. I realized I had a problem when I couldn't perform for the real deal and only got there through porn. Dopamine plays a huge role in sex and excessive porn use will desensitize your brain's reward system and rewire it to only get off to porn (the pixels).


Anyway I was still depressed and that only made it worse, I had no energy at all, crazy social anxiety, and poor cognition. For a while I thought I had a testosterone difficency and had blood tests done and everything. I was lost for a long time until I came across yourbrainonporn.com. Took me about 9 months to recover and it wasn't easy. My girlfriend now was very understanding and helped me through the process. Probably sped it up too because you have to retrain your brain to enjoy the real thing.


Just like withdrawal, rebooting is dependent on the individual. I've read stories that were worse than mine and others that recovered a lot faster.


Similar symptoms would include

Depression- this was way worse during my reboot from porn. I'm probably in a 5/10 now and that was 9/10

Anxiety- this is worse now during withdrawal, especially since I just jumped 6 days ago

Fatigue- very similar. Was tired all the time and had to force myself to do things. Feeling that way now on and off.

DP/DR- I would say this was worse during reboot as well

Anhedonia- Also worse during reboot.

Intrusive thoughts- probably about the same

Cognitive issues- this was slightly worse during reboot. It's very concurrent with fatigue during withdrawal.

Libido- only had a problem once during withdrawal and now is back and getting better than while on the benzo. During reboot it was zero for several months which is known as a flatline during the process. Very difficult to get through especially in your early 20's when it should still be peaking.

Duration- average for a reboot is between 6-12 months. As I stated earlier, it depends on the individual and their history.


Sorry for the long post but that's my story in a nutshell.







And don't forget guys, it can also increase DHT which could aggravate our hair loss symptoms due to benzo. Our liver being destroyed is one of the causes of our hair loss (the thyroid hormone, also responsible for hair thinning, can't properly have its T4 to T3 conversion which happens 80% in the liver), so this is our another motivation to stay strong against this act, doing our best to fight it.

I agree with songbird,  there is NOTHING wrong with sexuality and enjoying it. In the beginning of withdrawl it revved my sxs up but now it's very relaxing. If it's an addiction or kids it's wrong but otherwise, don't beat yourself up over it.


:smitten: wenn

Its much more that I'm totally lost with my symptôms and want to recover as soon as possible 😣
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