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Please I really need advice

I  came down with uti a few days ago and was prescribed antibiotics. After the 3rd pill I started experiencing huge anxiety, woke up with pounding heart, painful chest tightness, short of breath and couldn't go back to sleep so only had one hour sleep. Anxiety didn't stop so in the morning I didn't take the next pill and just stopped the antibiotics. Went to ER, was given a different antibiotic. Didn't take it that day, anxiety got better, palpitations and chest tightness stopped. The next night I slept fine.

But the next day the uti symptoms forced me onto the next antibiotic so in the evening I took the first pill. Went to bed, fell asleep but in two hours bang woke up with exactly same horrible anxiety, pounding heart unable to sleep again.

Please tell me what to do. Continue taking it? Uti makes me really ill. But is it dangerous to continue taking antibiotics? I am really worried about all the heart symptoms they give me - palps, severe chest tightness etc.

What do I do? Help me please

What antibiotic are you taking? Cipro based antibiotics are not recommended for us in benzo WD.

Hi cindys

The first one was macrobid and the second is amoxicillin based

You should be okay on amoxicillin.  It might cause a little anxiety or stomach issues, but it's nothing compared with macrobid, which causes all kinds of awfulness,  in my experience.
It's actually Augmentin, the hardcore version of amoxicillin
Oh. I haven't taken augmentin in ages but I remember it causing upset stomach.  Maybe someone else can chime in here who has taken augmentin.

Thank GreenCup


But I've already stopped it anyway. Posted a full update in a Protracted section.

If you have a confirmed UTI thru culture, you need to take an antibiotic or it could spread to your kidneys if left untreated. Stay away from cipro based AB, and try to find AB you are not sensitive to. Bactrim worked for me initially.
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