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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

On the edge of going crazy - inner restlessness

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I'm going into month 7 soon,and still get these "waves" of a crippling inner restlessness,it's like having lowgrade electric or something inside,and it makes me feel that i'm on the edge of going crazy...here I get the intrusive thoughts also, can someone relate to this,is it typically benzo withdrawal?

I'm at the same time off 6 1/2 months and I am having this too. It's worse the last few weeks.  I'm so afraid that I'm going crazy!

Do you have high anxiety along with it.

I was hoping for a better lift this far out.


Thank you so much for your reply,

Yes,i'm still having high anxiety,although it has been little better than it was the first months,it is not the brutal "burning" anxiety now,but yeah it's still high and there constantly.

Do you have constant anxiety too?


Yep, the inner restlessness and anxiety and intrusive thoughts are all day every day for me. Most likely withdrawals for us all. Keep on keeping on! Much love!



Yep, the inner restlessness and anxiety and intrusive thoughts are all day every day for me. Most likely withdrawals for us all. Keep on keeping on! Much love!


Thank you so much,Markidee

how long have you been off benzos?

Hang in there!  :smitten:



Hi!  I have now been off all my psych meds 4 2 months and I am still having horrendous symptoms basically 24/7 and continually terrified I will go insane from the constant lack of sleep.  The poisons I have come off in the past 3 years is Gabapentin (2 years off), Zoplicone (2years off), Seroquel (9 months off) and Remeron (2 months off).  Also as a child I was addicted 2 benzo's 4 26 years and went through a horrendous w/d from that.


The symptoms I am currently experiencing r:  chronic insomnia (no sleep most nights and days), burning, tingling, numbness, vibrations throughout body and head, burning brain, myoclonic jerks, adrenaline surges, blurry vision, hearing difficulties, dp/dr, feeling like I am going crazy or will drop dead at any moment etc.  I am really struggling 2 get through this as I am all alone and terrified this is as good as it gets 4 me and I will end up in a psych ward filled full of these poisons 4 the rest of my life. 


The constant lack of sleep and burning brain and body r relentless.  I have lost all interest in life and constantly am asking God 2 take me home so I can get some peace from all this suffering.  I have three little dogs waiting 4 me in Heaven and because of the horrendous suffering I am having 2 endure on a 24/7 basis, I just can't wait 2 c them again.  They were the only living beings that have ever showed me unconditional love.  My family of origin has totally shunned me and left me 2 die alone.  I am making every effort 2 win this battle, but everyday I feel that I am slowly losing the battle as the symptoms just keep getting worse.  I need all the support, caring an understanding I can get right now just 2 make it through this last piece of the journey.  Please let me know that what I am going through now is normal and that with a little more time I will get better.  I need 2 b able 2 c this is writing so I can read and reread it as my brain is not functioning well at all at this time.  Thank you.


I'm going into month 7 soon,and still get these "waves" of a crippling inner restlessness,it's like having lowgrade electric or something inside,and it makes me feel that i'm on the edge of going crazy...here I get the intrusive thoughts also, can someone relate to this,is it typically benzo withdrawal?


I'm at the same time off benzos as you. For me the inner restlessness/buzzing/electricity seems like adrenaline rushing through my body. It is crazy making but it's normal. I also have intrusive thoughts and constant anxiety along with a lot of other things. It's a bad wave and it's making me feel defeated. All these things are signs of healing even though they feel awful. We may be in the "six month wave." https://benzowithdrawalhelp.com/2017/05/07/lets-talk-about-the-six-month-wave/


Yep, the inner restlessness and anxiety and intrusive thoughts are all day every day for me. Most likely withdrawals for us all. Keep on keeping on! Much love!


Thank you so much,Markidee

how long have you been off benzos?

Hang in there!  :smitten:


I'm about 33 days since my last rescue dose. Two months since I detoxed from Ativan. It's all really fresh, but I feel I'm healing. Thank you for sharing--it makes us feel less alone, right? It's a tough, sometimes lonely, fight, but we're in it together. Peace!

I'm going through the same and it's happening from my head , the electric surge and brain zaps comes with intrusive thoughts and everything together makes me feel like I've gone completely mad . I hope this goes away , I'm so tired

I'm going into month 7 soon,and still get these "waves" of a crippling inner restlessness,it's like having lowgrade electric or something inside,and it makes me feel that i'm on the edge of going crazy...here I get the intrusive thoughts also, can someone relate to this,is it typically benzo withdrawal?


Only 2 months off and this is exactly what I'm going through right now.

My story is long. I already survived withdrawal in 2010. and I didn't even know that was withdrawal. If I knew it, I wouldn't be in this hell right now that is worse than anything.


I was only cca 3 months on diazepam since March 2017 and I'm 2 months off of those now. It was terrible at beginning... it was terrible even before I stopped taking them, but I did notice some improvements, but right now I feel pressure, tension and restlesness in my body, especially in arms and legs and it comes with terrible derealization that's not even possible to tolerate.


The strange thing is that 2 weeks ago I felt instant relaxation in my body.. especially in arms and legs (something like benzo while it works, but I never felt such strong relaxation from benzo)... I was completely relaxed and next morning I noticed that my derealization is almost gone. Day after that was kinda worse, but on 3rd day I was also great. I was almost completely ok. Derealization subsided by 70% at least. That was probably a window. And after that it started to get worse day by day... tension in body was growing, derealization became stronger than ever and I am really on the edge right now. I want to jump out of my skin.


I actually did c/t... I guess.. not sure.. I was lost. My doses were so small that I couldn't taper from anything and I was already in awful condition before that.

2 mg/day first 2 months.. I didn't even take it every day. I was also drinking sometimes a beer, but really small amounts... 0.3 to 0.5 liters of beer sometimes... maybe 15 beers in 2 months of such amounts. Unfortunatelly, those probably sped up the tolerance. When I noticed that I feel weird and bad, I stopped beer and updose diazepam on 3rd month (stupid decision) to 4-6 mg per day.


I started to take diazepam because of derealization that started because of the stress. It wasn't that bad, but I was hoping that diazepam will help. Now, THAT type of derealization almost completely gone and this diazepam type of derealization is hell along with 30 other symptoms I have.


I am really angry at doctors and psychiatrists. NOBODY wanted to accept that diazepam did it to me even though I told them that I'm really not THAT crazy that I could made up 30 new symptoms in 3 days. Doctors and psychiatrists are not only useless... they're very dangerous. They wanted to put me on alprazolam and AD after my condition worsened... f**k them!


English is not my native language, so sorry if some sentences seem weird.. I'm also not right now in perfect shape to write correctly.


I'm having a lot of that inner restlessness today, and loads of anxiety along with it. I'm 3 months off and this comes and goes for me. I like it a lot better when it goes.  ;)


Hope this clears up for us all soon!

Sending healing vibes.

All of that is "normal"...and none of it is.  I think we're desensitized to how abnormal benzo dependence is.  It is arguably both the most dangerous and most painful addiction to break.  If you're like me, your brain was artificially relaxed for months or years, 24/7.  In order to EVET feel natural relaxation again, balance has to be restored.  Unfortunately, rebalancing your GABA system is horrendously uncomfortable, especially if you've got pre-existing anxiety issues.  It can only be described as a primal, all-encompassing and overwhelming fear, and that doesn't even do it justice.  I wonder how many poor souls were pushed to the brink of sanity from these drugs and were never the same. 
Im about 2.5 months off and Ive noticed the inner retlesness and burning have gotten alot worse in the last 2 weeks. I didnt really have those particular symptoms in the first month off (plenty of others though). Ive had intrusive thoughts the whole time however. 2.5 months of hell and all Ive had is one small window, Im so over this right now. Its seems that Ill have to put up with these symptoms for quite a bit longer if other BB's timeline is anything to go by. But I believe we will eventually heal, although my patience is wearing thin at the moment, but really dont have a choice just have to hang on and go through it.

Im about 2.5 months off and Ive noticed the inner retlesness and burning have gotten alot worse in the last 2 weeks. I didnt really have those particular symptoms in the first month off (plenty of others though). Ive had intrusive thoughts the whole time however. 2.5 months of hell and all Ive had is one small window, Im so over this right now. Its seems that Ill have to put up with these symptoms for quite a bit longer if other BB's timeline is anything to go by. But I believe we will eventually heal, although my patience is wearing thin at the moment, but really dont have a choice just have to hang on and go through it.


Same here. One small window 2 weeks ago and after that symptoms worse than ever. Inner tension, restlesness, pressure, can't relax at all and unbearable... + DR. Today I'm finally able to relax slightly more, but I have flu like symptoms .. headache, neck and upper back pain, DR, dizziness, etc. I can hardly get up from the bed.

I hope it will get better for all of us.

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