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I went to a Pyschopharmacologist yesterday and he said .5MG KLONIPEN = 7.5MG VALIUM. I know the Ashton Manual says .5mg = 10mg Valium...I'm going by what my doctor says


To make it easy, I'm making the round-off to be .5mg Klonipen = 8mg Valium


Since 8/5/17 until 8/15/17 I was taking  1/4 pill Klonipen(= 2mg Valium equiv) during the day and 1/4 pill Klonipen (=2mg Valium equiv)  + 5mg Valium (= 7mg total Valium equiv) which equals TOTAL DAILY 9mg VALIUM EQUIV.


I made the jump yesterday to all Valium. Is it too soon? Yesterday was a horrible day...but I also swam 10 laps in a pool and did water exercise for 20 minutes. I have a chronic pain condition, so it also could have also been ina pain flare. I vomited yesterday and hardly ate. Since I switched to Valium yesterday, should I stay the course?


You can see from my signature, that there was too much jumping and moving around when my surgeon gave me .5mg Klonipen 2x a day. I had no idea of the Valium equivalent when I began to titrate. I did it too quickly and I've literally been a mess. But I'm down to 9mg daily and I don't want to go up. Should I stay the course and just bare it out?






I went to a Pyschopharmacologist yesterday and he said .5MG KLONIPEN = 7.5MG VALIUM. I know the Ashton Manual says .5mg = 10mg Valium...I'm going by what my doctor says


you answered your question.


since I switched to Valium yesterday, should I stay the course?


let me


But I'm down to 9mg daily and I don't want to go up. Should I stay the course and just bare it out?



you answered your question.


what's your question?




The question are:


Did I switch too quickly from a Klonipen to Valium?


What is the correct Klonipen/Valium equivalent?


The question are:


Did I switch too quickly from a Klonipen to Valium?


not really. in my opinion, you gave it sufficient time and first substituted the night time dose as ashton recommends. 


What is the correct Klonipen/Valium equivalent?


in my opinion, the equivalency ashton gives is a bit on the higher side (to diazepam and to chlordiazepoxide).  you can also call it "a comfortable dose" dose instead of "a higher dose." there is actually no scientific equivalency for various benzos, so everything out there, including your doctor's opinion, is guess work. the reason i think ashton is "higher side" is because i have seen several people here adapt to doses lower than what she suggests. but i have never come across anyone needing a dose higher than what she recommends to make a switch. i suspect if members went the reverse way (like, say, 10 mg diazepam to 0.5 mg clonazepam), they might run into trouble -- but that is something that has never been attempted because it is never required.


so you have to ask yourself the question -- do i feel stable? if the answer is yes, then the chapter lies closed. if the answer is no, you ought to go back to your doc. and show him/her the ashton equivalency. 


speaking for myself, i have switched from alprazolam to chlordiazepoxide to clonazepam, and instantly, and to doses lower than what ashton recommends (neither i nor my doctor knew better then) and adapted without an issue. the last switch i made was from 0.5 mg clonazepam to 20 mg chlordiazepoxide in one day -- i did not have a problem (as per ashton 0.5 mg clonazepam = 25 mg chlordiazepoxide).

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