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Anyone has dehydration that doesnt go away no matter how much water or IV drips you get?


Another issue im having. Can anyone relate?

I have been more dehydrated than I ever was before benzo withdrawal. I'm able to drink enough water to stave off severe dehydration but my skin, eyes, mouth are always dry no matter what.
i have the same thing.  but what's weird is that i do not trust myself to be drinking the amount of water I "think" i am.  I always drank lots of water before valium and WD.  I buy the same number of water jugs each week and they'd be gone by the time i went shopping next only recently i noticed the jugs were not disappearing.... so i had to create a tracker for me to check off to ensure i actually am drinking the 8 glasses per day and then the jugs did start disappearing at the previous rate.  for those of us with tachycardia - i think water consumption is super important as low blood volume only makes it worse.  and yes the dry eyes mouth nose are terrible and yet another indication our parasympathetic nervous system is not functioning..... i keep researching techniques to engage the PNS - getting it back on line is so important but not sure how much we can directly influence but anything helps i am sure

As I see it, there can be issues with dehydration but I think that there is a difference between being truly dehydrated and "feeling dehydrated so-I-must-be" - which is a different goose altogether.


There are two more objective indicators that I have relied on throughout and which have served me well. One is simply the colour of urine - darker indicates possible dehydration or a need for more intake, lighter, probably not. The second is the pinch test. Pinch up a fold of skin on the back of your hand; if it snaps back quickly into place when you let it go, then it is unlikely you are dehydrated - if it is slow to resolve then it is likely you need to up your intake.


If you do need to up it, then it is worth knowing that some people add a small pinch of sea-salt to help with the electrolyte thing. And, sipping over a period of time is significantly better than gulping it down 'in one'.


There is a plethora of misleading and downright wrong 'advice' out there about water consumption. Almost all of it is internet lore (urban myth type stuff) put out by bloggers and couch-bound 'lifestyle coaches', who all copy from each other and put arms and legs on things. "Eight glasses a day" is one of them. Eight glasses a day - for everyone, all the time, no matter what -  is as ridiculous as it sounds. It is more probable that you are flushing nutrients with this practice and putting a strain on all of your systems, than helping.


Needs vary for each of us all the time - from day to day and from one part of a day to another, depending on levels of activity and muscle-burn and perspiration rates - and so on. The fact is, also, that nearly everything you eat has more moisture content than not - never taken into account.


Calm common sense (at a premium, I know!) is what is required on this (and every other) topic. My advice is to lose the fretting about it and trust more in your own intuitive judgement - which I fully understand can be difficult, but none the less is available to you when you stop to look for it...


Moderation ;)

I have dry mouth, dry skin, peeling lips and water doesn't seem to help.  I also have frequent urination which is a part of this.  After reading what NightWatch said I do not truly have dehydration so that's good.  I'm drinking enough then.  I just wish I could make this more comfortable for myself!
The very first thing they do to you when admitted in the ER, is begin a drip to hydrate you. More people are dehydrated than we care to think about. It is the very beginning first line of defense in so many circumstances..

My urine is dark most times and i have the dry skin lips and face issue and i have had proteins and ketones in my urine so i knw its dehyration.


I got i bag of drips day before and my urine cleared up a bit but by night time it was dark again and i felt extremely thirsty all the time.


I have dry mouth, dry skin, peeling lips and water doesn't seem to help.  I also have frequent urination which is a part of this.  After reading what NightWatch said I do not truly have dehydration so that's good.  I'm drinking enough then.  I just wish I could make this more comfortable for myself!


You have to understand that anything anyone says - and that includes me ;) - is opinion. In my case, it is based on experience as well as being 'just an opinion' and I believe that what I'm saying is accurate.


But it is important that you run other people's ideas through your own filters and think about them a little, using your own best assessment.


If still in doubt then, the best option is to run your concerns past an appropriate professional.


Just sayin......;)



Yea. It's possible there is something else going on separate from withdrawal/recovery. It's so hard to tell when it feels like your whole body is malfunctioning. I wish you luck on your quest!
NightWatch- no worries!  I think what you said about being truly dehydrated vs. feeling dehydrated resonated with me.  Then applying the urine and pinch test, which I knew about but you reminded me of, I felt I knew I was ok.  Then I did ask my chiropractor today about it and he found my water and salt intake is good. So I'm not just going by what someone says.

NightWatch- no worries!  I think what you said about being truly dehydrated vs. feeling dehydrated resonated with me.  Then applying the urine and pinch test, which I knew about but you reminded me of, I felt I knew I was ok.  Then I did ask my chiropractor today about it and he found my water and salt intake is good. So I'm not just going by what someone says.


Ah, sound :)


I was just conscious that some people run with "what someone said on the internet" as if it were some sort of ultimate pronouncement - eeeeek! :)

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