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tingling/prickling/numbness in extemities?

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Its hit an all time high now...has progressed to some slight feelings in feet to now its in feet and hands working into legs and wrists and arms


also it was not daily...now its not only daily its 24/7  non stop


I am scared beyond belief because I can not ignore this and its debiltating


I was checked for diabetes and B12

B12 was 485


Having nerve conduction test on 23rd


nothing I do relieves this even a bit and IF this is from w/d then I can NOT GO ON


because as I have gotten lower I have gotten sicker and I can not get any sicker or I will be in hospital


PPL have said.."oh I had /have that"  well I seem not to believe them that it was THIS bad


literally parts of my feet and hands/fingers/toes will go totally numb


also feel this odd wheezy heaviness in my chest


to much for one body to sustain

  I have it also Lainey and have often thought the same as you.  I am barely surviving this symptom right now.  I don't see how I can go on tapering in this condition either.  My son is investigating Drs. and help for me as I can't do it myself.  I am totally housebound and can barely walk.  That and the spinal, hip buttock etc. painand the hemorrhoids and on and on.  I cut that tiny half a mg. and just get worse and worse.  They want me to do the nerve test also but I can't fathom anymore pain right now but might have to get it done.  Praying for us and all.

The difference with you and I is I do not have pain so to speak and I don't have burning as much as tingling


I hope that you can find relief...all I know is that I don't know ANYTHING anymore


I am really hopeless at this point


Hi Lainy


Just letting u know u r not alone with the symptoms- I have them too 24/7. Out of curiosity- when did these symptoms appear in your titration and how did they progress? U mentioned they started in your feet- but then how long before it went to other areas (did that happen all it once?) And are they multifocal or is one side worse than the others?


I've been dealing with them for a year and half since quitting my z drugs (see sig). U may want to have a neurologist check U out just to rule out other things (not to scare u- but just in case) and then go from there. I've had almost all neuro tests (MRIs, emgs, etc..) - all normal.So doctors have told me they have no explanation. But if u Wikipedia "parasthesia" you'll see it even mentions bento withdrawal as a cause.


After getting checked out and no other causes, it's most likely benzo w/d and all u can do is wait and hope it gets better.  Mine seems to present itself in waves-- worse some day, then better, then worse, etc.. wish I had some answers for u- but I don't- I can only share where I'm at up until this point. If u search, parasthesia, pins and needles, neuropathy, etc.. on this board you find quite a bit with the symptoms...wishing u the best...let us know how it goes


it started mostly in feet a little under year ago


then in hands too

now will go into lower legs and wrists  AND MOUTH


I have had MRI, 48hr EEG  and will be getting EMG on 23rd


so hard to believe that this drug has caused all this..I am paralyzed by the height of illness I have...not able to do much now but sit and wait for death to take me quietly

I have this too, mainly in hands and legs. Does anyone know if this goes away as part of recovery or is this permanent?
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