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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Stomach and other problems post taper

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I am here on BB to get help.


I was on Clonazepam and a benzo like sleeping med along with other psych meds.  I was put on the psych meds because I had terrible stomach pain and couldn't take it anymore.  I went to the hospital and they put me on the psych ward.  While on the psych ward the doctors were switching meds all over the place and then I was put on a cocktail and started to be wiened off the dilaudid (pain medication) since the original pain in my stomach was diagnosed as "in my head".


I have completed my taper from all 4 psych meds as of June 15, which I started in early May with the a clonazepam cut.  I was on 2mg of clonazepam and 3 other pysch meds.  I was cut down from dilaudid from Jan to May.


I am here because the original abodomen problems are back and I am scared.  I don't know if it is the original problem that caused me to be housebound for over 10 years from the pain and on pain meds or it is the withdrawal from the psych meds and I need to give it time.


I also have other benzo withdrawal signs and am hoping that it is just the benzo withdrawal but the pain is really starting to come back just as strong as before. 


Please help.



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Hello, Ocean69. Welcome to Benzo Buddies! We're glad to have you here. I, myself am still tapering, but there are many buddies in similar situations to yours here who are learning to live and heal after quitting benzodiazepines.


You may find these boards to be particularly helpful:


Post-withdrawal Recovery Support


Other Medications


Success Stories 


You can locate our other boards with many more resources from our home page: BenzoBuddies Community Forum.


You will find stickies in bold pinned at the top of the boards. These threads contain information that our members have found to be particularly helpful. Feel free to start your own thread on the relevant board and ask any questions you may have about withdrawal and recovery. Just click on the board name and then click New Topic.


Finally, I'd like to ask you to read the stickies on our Community Policies & Documents and to Add a signature . Doing these two things will help you to connect with our community.


Best wishes on your journey to health and healing,



I am new here too (joined today).  I'm no medical professional, but I know physical pain/agony is never in one's head.  You have my sincere sympathy, empathy, and best wishes.   
Google benzo belly. I read about it on Dr. Jennifer Leigh's site. I hope you feel better.
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