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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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Has anyone had a paradoxical reaction to gabapentin.  I tried it for sleep at 300mg for about 10 days and some nights it did not help at all with sleep and I was kept awake for the whole night.  I think it increase my anxiety and heart pounding.


I have decide to just stop taking it in the hope I have not been on it for too long.  I don't want any more brain altering drugs.  I tried it as cortisol is so high but I think I will stick to adaptogens that reduce cortisol.  My cortisol is sky high and I have to take large doses of various things in the hope of reducing my cortisol.


Any feedback...thanks.


Not with the Gpn... -just more sensitive now im on benzos...

But the sorta similar Lyrica is now like taking speed... (with a hell of a down) -It never did much for nerve damage pre benzo...

point being... -its all crazy..!!!

Sorry, -no great help...

At higher doses I got more agitated and anxious. I was pushed up to 1400, but am now on 700.  I didn't experience it at lower doses, but all of our nervous systems are different.
  • 2 months later...
Gabapentin didn't do a thing for me, except rev up my symptoms.
Is gabapentin safe to take long term?  I'm thinking about trying it again for my nerve issues.
It's your call.  Some people do OK on Gabapentin long-term, but some develop tolerance and have to go through withdrawal.  I couldn't take it because it made my memory worse and also reved up my other symptoms, mainly dizziness and perceptual distortions.

Hi, I was on 300mg of GBN to help with my K taper. Took it at night and it did work with sleep and anxiety etc. However the cognitive issues (forgot how to spell) together with constipation and fatigue made me want to stop so over 5 days I tapered down to 150mg. Felt so much worse it interfered with my K taper so last night reinstated 300mg. Did not sleep well and wonder if it will work again over the next week or whatever? Has anyone reinstated GBN with success?  Since my CNS is shot I personally found supplements and caffeine were off limits.


hoping for some insight and for those suffering bad SDX while on GBN remember you must taper off very, very slowly as GBN is known for it's miserable W/D effects. Some benefit, some experience bad SDX , some can jump with no W/D and others must taper slowly, slowly like a benzo and still feel sick. Just my experience and lessons learned from other BB members.


peace and love and stay strong...............lilla


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