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EMFs Raise Your Risk of Depression and Anxiety

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EMFs Raise Your Risk of Depression and Anxiety


"Like opioid addiction, depression and anxiety have skyrocketed in recent years, and it's important to realize how your lifestyle is contributing to the problem. Based on the evidence, I now believe exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and non-native microwave radiation plays an important role in depression and anxiety.


Conventional science and industry is clinging to the concept that microwave radiation from cellphones, portable phones, Wi-Fi routers, smart meters and wireless computers and tablets is harmless because they don't cause thermal damage. However, new research14 from Professor Emeritus Martin Pall has now provided us with the mechanism of how this low-level, nonthermal microwave exposure causes biological harm.


Pall discovered this mechanism while evaluating over two dozen studies showing you can radically reduce biological microwave damage using calcium channel blockers. Embedded in your cell membranes are voltage gated calcium channels (VGCCs). Once these VGCCs are activated by microwaves, about 1 million calcium ions per second are released, and these ions then stimulate the release of nitric oxide (NO), which combines with superoxide to form peroxynitrate.


These peroxynitrates then create hydroxyl free radicals, the most destructive free radicals known to man, which decimate mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, membranes and proteins that lead to mitochondrial dysfunction, which we now know is at the heart of most chronic disease.


Pall has calculated that these VGCCs are over 7 million times more sensitive to microwave radiation than the charged particles inside and outside the cell, which means the currently established safety standards for cellphones are off by a factor of over 7 million.


If You Struggle With Anxiety, Reduce Exposure to Wireless Electronics


This research explains why the argument that microwave radiation is not high enough to cause biological damage is fatally flawed. The radiation does not cause thermal damage, that's true, but it does cause massive biological damage by activating VGCCs in your cells and causing a cascade effect that results in hydroxyl free radicals being produced.


So, how does microwave radiation promote anxiety and depression specifically? Simple: The tissues with the highest density of VGCCs are your brain, your nerve tissue (like the pacemaker in your heart) and male testes. This helps explain why we have an exponential increase in not only anxiety and depression but also more serious neurological diseases such as autism and Alzheimer's, as well as arrhythmias and male infertility.


Failure to realize this and take steps to minimize exposure will not only damage your DNA and increase your risk of most chronic illness; it will also seriously impair your body's ability to remove toxins, and significantly impair your immune response to address the large variety of pathogenic infectious assaults.


The take-home message is this: If you or someone you love struggles with anxiety or depression, it would be wise to take whatever steps necessary to minimize your exposure to cellphones, portable phones, Wi-Fi routers, smart meters, wireless computers and tablets. You may also need to address other sources of dirty electricity in your home."


From Mercola article, July 27,2017 "Depressed and Anxious Patients Receive More Than Half of All Opioid Prescriptions"


I've been reading about EMF (Electromagnetic Fields) and potential health problems caused by them.  I've been wondering if there might be a link to anxiety/depression.  I'm currently measuring and taking steps to reduce the EMFs in our home so I found this info interesting.  This article focuses mainly on wireless electronic devices however there also appears to be problems related to electrical noise (dirty electricity) in our home wiring.  Note the clean 50/60 herz power that is in our homes appears to be not a problem.


The last time I checked, quackwatch's main problem with Dr. Mercola was that he sold supplements on his website.  Well, my doctor's office sells supplements and gives recommendations for some of them.  But, my doctor won't prescribe benzos and generally won't accept new patients who are on prescribed benzos.  So, Mercola's supplements don't really bother me and in my opinion there are some good articles on the Mercola website.


My main interest, as stated previously, is looking for evidence that EMFs can cause depression and anxiety.  I've acquired a couple of meters to take measurements around our home.  What I'm finding at this early stage is that it's what I call "the luck of the draw".  For example, I measure virtually no EMF in and around our refrigerator.  Across the kitchen, however, we have a dishwasher that when it's running it is producing fairly high EMF readings.  This means that if someone is washing dishes at our sink, they're right beside this dishwasher which if running is producing a pretty high electromagnetic field.  And we would have no idea of this unless we took measurements.  There's other places in our home that are similar.  So, are some people with depression and anxiety the unlucky ones that were standing or sitting in the wrong places at the wrong time?



My concern with EMF health affects is how it may cause problems with people in Benzo withdrawal.  Some questions: Could people in Benzo withdrawal be more suseptable to EMF due to the withdraw?  Some of the symptoms caused by EMF's are similar to Benzo withdrawal, could some people's symptoms who are in withdrawal actually be caused by EMF's in their environment?


Here's one man's story about his problems caused by EMFs due to his workplace and a bank of electrical smart meters near his apartment:




Could there be people on this forum trying to taper off a Benzo and in an environment with high EMF's due to a bank of smart meters near by?





Radiation may contribute to health problems but the obvious thing (to me anyway) that no one seems to be talking about is the fact that technology can cause all kinds of problems because they reduce the amount of physical activity that is required to perform a task and in the case of phones and computers they also encourage social isolation and expose us to unnatural stimulation at night that may affect sleep.


Why don't we hear more about this? Could it be that no one has figured out a way to sell us a "put down your phone and talk to people" or "get off your ass and exercise more" pill or potion? Hmmm......


I agree Florida Guy, we've become a much too sedentary society IMO and need more exercise and socialization. On the plus side however, w/o the internet some people wouldn't have any contact with the outside world. So it's a 2 edged sword.


And I've come across the BEST recipes online!  ;)


I agree Florida Guy, we've become a much too sedentary society IMO and need more exercise and socialization. On the plus side however, w/o the internet some people wouldn't have any contact with the outside world. So it's a 2 edged sword.


And I've come across the BEST recipes online!  ;)


The internet is the best thing ever. But if it is used the wrong way it does cause a lot of issues that most people don't realize.


People can experience a wide range of brain and mental health symptoms from these EMFs, including EEG changes, sleep disturbance/insomnia, depression, headache, tinnitus, brain fog, dizziness, listlessness, irritability, malaise, restlessness/anxiety, fatigue/tiredness, concentration/attention dysfunction, memory and thinking difficulties.




What if people in Benzo withdrawal are experiencing some of these symptoms because of high levels of EMFs in their environment?  They may think their taper is not going well and possible feel they should reinstate.  Ugh!


People can experience a wide range of brain and mental health symptoms from these EMFs, including EEG changes, sleep disturbance/insomnia, depression, headache, tinnitus, brain fog, dizziness, listlessness, irritability, malaise, restlessness/anxiety, fatigue/tiredness, concentration/attention dysfunction, memory and thinking difficulties.




What if people in Benzo withdrawal are experiencing some of these symptoms because of high levels of EMFs in their environment?  They may think their taper is not going well and possible feel they should reinstate.  Ugh!


Very good point.


There was just a guy on the radio talking about this.


He's written a book called Guinea Pigs

When you have an organism (like Human Beings) that is a result of 3.5 billion years of evolution that took place in the absence of a constant stream of EMF radiation, genetically altered foods, vaccines, antibiotics, pesticides, herbicides, preservatives and torrents of medications and you then introduce these things to that organism over just three or four generations, it makes sense that the organism will have difficulty adapting to them at the level of the genome and will malfunction.  When we consider that each of these items is supported by monied interests, it causes us to wonder.  A lot.  We need alternative thinkers.  I would not want to be in a world where my only source of information is the establishment.  Give me both.  I'll decide on my own who is the crank and who is not.

When you have an organism (like Human Beings) that is a result of 3.5 billion years of evolution that took place in the absence of a constant stream of EMF radiation, genetically altered foods, vaccines, antibiotics, pesticides, herbicides and preservatives and you then introduce these things to that organism over just three or four generations, it makes sense that the organism will have difficulty adapting to them and will malfunction in many ways.  When we consider that each of these items is supported by moneyed interests, it causes us to wonder.  We need alternative thinkers.  I would not want to be in a world where my only source of information is the establishment.  Give me both.  I'll decide on my own who is the crank and who is not.

.                                                                                                                                        Amen, amen! Can I get an amen! Gathering knowledge and critical thinking are my tools for getting through this. Even my faith cannot be blind anymore. The choices I've made since my withdrawal symptoms began are being based on information I gather from any available source and then ultimately, what I find that works for me. Each decision rests with me and only me. I have never before trusted my intuition like this and it feels freeing. Unfortunately, maybe, is that I see the monied concerns as an entity that would have me complacent and blind, still. I cannot live that way any more. My very life depends on my personal responsibility in every area of my life.

Thanks for posting FloridaGuy, Grandma D and Gardenia.  Sorry for not getting back here for a while.  I'm continuing my efforts to reduce the EMF's in our home.  I'd like to make it as electrically "quiet" as possible.


Yes FloridaGuy tech makes it much easier for us to avoid exercise but I don't much care for working out.  :(  Gardenia, I have not heard of the book "Guinea Pigs".  I'll have to look into it when I get a chance.  I have read "Zapped" and "Dirty Electricity".  Dirty Electricity is written by a Dr. that is an epidemiologist.  He's done studies over many years looking at causes of several chronic illnesses.  His general conclusion is that many illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, depression and cardiovascular illnesses are related to what he calls dirty electricity.  That is the electrical noise riding on power lines and wiring within our homes and workplaces.  I read that one twice.  It's pretty convincing in my opinion.  After studying about EMF's over the past few months, I can't help but wonder if EMF's may have contributed to my better half's anxiety and depression that caused her to seek the professional help and landed her on depression medications and the benzodiazepine meds. 





Thanks for posting BlueTruck.  The internet is certainly giving us access to more info.  Some ideas seem to be embraced in fad-like fashion even though their partial truths while some that are true never seem to get noticed.  We had no idea how possibly damaging electrical noise (dirty electricity) could be until just recently.  We of course did hear some things about problems with high frequency EMF like cell phones, etc. but haven't paid much attention to them.  Most people like myself a short time ago don't believe in the problems that EMF can cause.



The debate on EMF's could be put to rest so easily, even by a high school biology class.  You put some rats in a cage that receives the same doses of EMF's that a smart meter produces.  You let them live there for three years, have babies, the whole deal.  As a control you put some other rats in exactly the same kind of cage without EMF radiation.  You document behavior, you look for physical problems, you examine offspring.  Easy enough also to do with monkeys but this would require a university setting.


EDIT!  EDIT!  EDIT!   Read all about it, found an EMF - Rat study !!!  Here it is, and it ain't good for the smart meter people...




Nine page report:  http://www.turkishneurosurgery.org.tr/pdf/pdf_JTN_1219.pdf


The effect of electromagnetic radiation on the rat brain: an experimental study.

Eser O1, Songur A, Aktas C, Karavelioglu E, Caglar V, Aylak F, Ozguner F, Kanter M.

Author information




The aim of this study is to determine the structural changes of electromagnetic waves in the frontal cortex, brain stem and cerebellum.



24 Wistar Albino adult male rats were randomly divided into four groups: group I consisted of control rats, and groups II-IV comprised electromagnetically irradiated (EMR) with 900, 1800 and 2450 MHz. The heads of the rats were exposed to 900, 1800 and 2450 MHz microwaves irradiation for 1h per day for 2 months.



While the histopathological changes in the frontal cortex and brain stem were normal in the control group, there were severe degenerative changes, shrunken cytoplasm and extensively dark pyknotic nuclei in the EMR groups. Biochemical analysis demonstrated that the Total Antioxidative Capacity level was significantly decreased in the EMR groups and also Total Oxidative Capacity and Oxidative Stress Index levels were significantly increased in the frontal cortex, brain stem and cerebellum. IL-1β level was significantly increased in the EMR groups in the brain stem.



EMR causes to structural changes in the frontal cortex, brain stem and cerebellum and impair the oxidative stress and inflammatory cytokine system. This deterioration can cause to disease including loss of these areas function and cancer development.


The debate on EMF's could be put to rest so easily, even by a high school biology class.  You put some rats in a cage that receives the same doses of EMF's that a smart meter produces.  You let them live there for three years, have babies, the whole deal.  As a control you put some other rats in exactly the same kind of cage without EMF radiation.  You document behavior, you look for physical problems, you examine offspring.  Easy enough also to do with monkeys but this would require a university setting.


EDIT!  EDIT!  EDIT!   Read all about it, found an EMF - Rat study !!!  Here it is, and it ain't good for the smart meter people...




The effect of electromagnetic radiation on the rat brain: an experimental study.

Eser O1, Songur A, Aktas C, Karavelioglu E, Caglar V, Aylak F, Ozguner F, Kanter M.

Author information




The aim of this study is to determine the structural changes of electromagnetic waves in the frontal cortex, brain stem and cerebellum.



24 Wistar Albino adult male rats were randomly divided into four groups: group I consisted of control rats, and groups II-IV comprised electromagnetically irradiated (EMR) with 900, 1800 and 2450 MHz. The heads of the rats were exposed to 900, 1800 and 2450 MHz microwaves irradiation for 1h per day for 2 months.



While the histopathological changes in the frontal cortex and brain stem were normal in the control group, there were severe degenerative changes, shrunken cytoplasm and extensively dark pyknotic nuclei in the EMR groups. Biochemical analysis demonstrated that the Total Antioxidative Capacity level was significantly decreased in the EMR groups and also Total Oxidative Capacity and Oxidative Stress Index levels were significantly increased in the frontal cortex, brain stem and cerebellum. IL-1β level was significantly increased in the EMR groups in the brain stem.



EMR causes to structural changes in the frontal cortex, brain stem and cerebellum and impair the oxidative stress and inflammatory cytokine system. This deterioration can cause to disease including loss of these areas function and cancer development.


Wow. Thank you for posting this!

Thanks PhotoBug.  Interesting.  I wonder why the radiation levels aren't mentioned in the rat study.

Thanks PhotoBug.  Interesting.  I wonder why the radiation levels aren't mentioned in the rat study.


Hackberry, here's a link to a the full 9-page report (pdf).  On the second page, right hand column. under "exposure device" it says that a peak power output of 2 watts was used.  Please read the whole report, which includes micrograph images of rat brain tissue.






Thanks PhotoBug.  The RF readings I'm getting here at our home are much much lower than the level used in the rat study.  I'm not sure how the two would correlate.  For example, I read about 7 micro watts/cm2 at roughly 1 foot from our cordless phone base.  The study exposed the rats to 1 mw/cm2.  Perhaps the lower level of exposure would have similar results over a much longer period of time.  Don't know.


We have put a simple RF shield by the cordless phone base to reduce exposure at the nearby desk chair.  This reduces the RF further for anyone using the computer on the desk.  For years my wife worked at the desk for several hours a day with no shield between her and the cordless phone base.  We had NO idea that this could cause problems.  The phone was just pretty cool technology.  It has several wireless handsets which are spread around the house.  Now I would like to find a wired system if I could to eliminate the RF!  Note, the cordless phone base appears to transmit continuously whether being used for a phone call or not.

  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry, this is from another Mercola article posted today but I think it's pertinent for people suffering with anxiety.  It's explaining the mechanism caused by high frequency EMF's in our bodies.  HF EMF's are from cell phones, wireless devices, smart meters, etc.


from the article: "Some of these studies show massive changes in the structure of neurons, including cell death and synaptic dysfunction. When the VGCCs are activated in the brain they release neurotransmitters and neuroendocrine hormones. Hence, consequences of chronic EMF exposure to the brain include the following, which Pall details in a 2016 paper:5










What if you are never in contact with a Smart meter?
Hi BenzoGirl. Smart meters transmit RF signals to send information.  The RF signals are what may cause problems.  I've never seen a smart meter.  We don't have one.  One of the links earlier in this thread has a section on smart meters.  Do you have a smart meter or meters on your house or apartment?  There are different kinds of smart meters.  Some transmit out much more often than others.  Also, if you do have one, where is it located?  For example, is it near a bedroom?  or is it located on a non-living area like a garage?

EDIT!  EDIT!  EDIT!   Read all about it, found an EMF - Rat study !!!  Here it is, and it ain't good for the smart meter people...


easily excitable, aren't you?


rodent studies are not always reliable. until the results have been proven on humans, they are true only for rodents. rodent studies are meant to guide research, not to whip hysteria.


despite the fact that rodents share 99% of their genetic makeup with humans,



Mice are not always reliable as preclinical models for human disease and the scientific

literature is littered with examples of drugs that worked well in animals but turned out to be

ineffective in clinical trials on humans. These failures cost the pharmaceutical industry

millions of euros.




to the OP:


this is not a rodent study: Electromagnetic radiation and health


and Mobile phone radiation and health.



Hi BenzoGirl. Smart meters transmit RF signals to send information.  The RF signals are what may cause problems.  I've never seen a smart meter.  We don't have one.  One of the links earlier in this thread has a section on smart meters.  Do you have a smart meter or meters on your house or apartment?  There are different kinds of smart meters.  Some transmit out much more often than others.  Also, if you do have one, where is it located?  For example, is it near a bedroom?  or is it located on a non-living area like a garage?


I don't  know if it is smart or not. The building was built in 1980. I'm on the 2nd floor in my unit. Not near the meters. The meters are outside on the ground floor. They are bunched together in eight meters...........


Hi BenzoGirl,


It's good that the bank of meters is not close to your apartment.  Unfortunately the only way to know for sure how much EMF your living area has due to high frequencies is to read the levels with an RF meter.  That's what makes this stuff so insidious.  You don't know it's there until you measure it.  We paid no attention to it until just recently.  We had added wireless devises and enjoyed the convenience of them.  Now I'm working on reducing the EMFs by shielding, moving them away from work areas, reducing their power where possible (wireless router), wiring them in where possible, etc.


Here's the link to a blog entry about smart meters.  This fellow had banks of smart meters right outside his bedroom and got them removed somehow:




Again, the reason I put this information on this forum is because so many of the symptoms from EMFs are like those experienced during withdrawl from benzos.  I could see people struggling to get off the Benzo but getting some symptoms because of EMFs and not realizing it.


Hope this helps,



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