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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Protracted withdrawal

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I'm 44 year old female.  Used Ativan for 4 years.  Cold turkey withdrawal in May 2014.  Withdrawal was brutal but manage to survive.  No benzo use since then. 


I am searching for information regarding long term withdrawal.  I unfortunately suffered through cold turkey (hospitalization forced) withdrawal in 2014 and I had suffered for 2 years through withdrawal.  I thought I was over the withdrawals but recent weeks I have been suffered greatly with familiar withdrawal symptoms and I'm wondering if it is from the benzos. 

It's all too familiar territory, but it is still causing worry for me. Not sure if it's protracted withdrawal or something else. 

Been to doctor and tests are showing no problems physically. 

My anxiety level is out the roof. 

Hope I can get some support and comfort from others fighting this battle. 

I really thought the withdrawal suffering was over.  I'm hoping I can get some answers.


Hello Suzee73 :hug: Welcome to BenzoBuddies.


I'm so sorry that you are having a rough time this far out, unfortunately it is not uncommon to experience recurring withdrawal symptoms. Stress can be a trigger, our bodies are very sensitive for a long time, a little stress can bring on symptoms.  Its always best to get checked to rule out other causes.


I am sure the withdrawal symptoms will resolve again when they are ready to, hang in there!  We have many supportive and kind members here who will support you and give sound advice. Feel free to check out the forum and post to any of our dedicated threads.


I don't know if you had read the Ashton Manual It is an excellent resource about these types of medication and their effect on the body.


Here are some links to get you started on the board.


The Ashton Manual 


Post Withdrawal Support


Protracted Withdrawal


Please take the time to Create a SignatureThis will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Welcome aboard







I'm 44 year old female.  Used Ativan for 4 years.  Cold turkey withdrawal in May 2014.  Withdrawal was brutal but manage to survive.  No benzo use since then. 


I am searching for information regarding long term withdrawal.  I unfortunately suffered through cold turkey (hospitalization forced) withdrawal in 2014 and I had suffered for 2 years through withdrawal.  I thought I was over the withdrawals but recent weeks I have been suffered greatly with familiar withdrawal symptoms and I'm wondering if it is from the benzos. 

It's all too familiar territory, but it is still causing worry for me. Not sure if it's protracted withdrawal or something else. 

Been to doctor and tests are showing no problems physically. 

My anxiety level is out the roof. 

Hope I can get some support and comfort from others fighting this battle. 

I really thought the withdrawal suffering was over.  I'm hoping I can get some answers.


Hi Suzee,


One of the benzo "myths" is that a long and carefully measured taper will help with withdrawal symptoms.  Unfortunately, there are many of us that taper for a year or longer, yet are still in protracted withdrawal.  Don't beat yourself up.  You will heal in time. 




I am soooo very sorry you are having to go through this ... my heart breaks for you.


As a new member, and just starting this journey this terrifies me.


Is this common?  Are there ways to get around it?  Can someone who has been through this offer some sage wisdom and comforting words? 


Hi Orange Owl,

I understand your concern.  When I went through my withdrawal at the beginning, I didn't know if I would ever feel like myself again.  During the early months, I would have short moments of feeling like myself and then dealing with symptoms would return.  Over time, feeling like myself happened more often and the symptoms would happen less often. 

Now at 3 1/2 years, I didn't even recognize this was possibly the benzo withdrawal.  After doctors visits, and nothing was wrong physically, I connected the dots.  I'm almost positive my symptoms are protracted withdrawal. 

But the good news, they were much milder and didn't last as long. 

My advice, just remind yourself the symptoms do end. 


Also be proactive in your recovery. 

Be active- fresh air and sunshine are great.

Have a balanced diet and eat every 2-3 hours to maintain blood sugar levels.

Rest - this is key to recovery

No caffeine - for me this is something I discovered triggered waves. 

Be gentle with yourself.  Slow down your life and simplify things as best you can.


That's just my 2 cents. 


Again it does get better. 

This wave was just a little over a week for me, and it was contributed to increased stress, diet out of whack, and a not watching my caffeine intake. 


Stay positive.  You can do this.


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