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Someone put my mind at ease and tell me that tapering their AD's weren't as bad as benzo w/d. Will likely start tapering in the coming months and would like to keep my job lol

Someone put my mind at ease and tell me that tapering their AD's weren't as bad as benzo w/d. Will likely start tapering in the coming months and would like to keep my job lol


It was definitely easier for me, However, and it's a big however, i did a very long citalopram (celexa) taper of well over a year, where my xanax taper was only a few months.  I also waited a year after I quit xanax before I started on citalopram.  But I had almost no noticable symptoms after my a/d taper. 



I'm not opposed to doing a long taper, I think it's the only say I can make it happen. I'm just hesitant to wait a whole year. I guess I shouldn't try to get too far ahead of myself, though. I'm just now starting to feel manageable from the last sudden yank off the benzos.
Compared to benzos, AD's are a walk in the park to get off of. I quit Lexapro cold turkey after several years use (this was pre-benzos) and it was no big deal. Brain zaps for maybe a week, a little irritable for maybe a month, but that was it. Nothing compared to benzos.

Compared to benzos, AD's are a walk in the park to get off of. I quit Lexapro cold turkey after several years use (this was pre-benzos) and it was no big deal. Brain zaps for maybe a week, a little irritable for maybe a month, but that was it. Nothing compared to benzos.


Wow, thank you man. Hearing that makes me feel 10x better! I feel like most of the symptoms from AD w/d will mostly be my benzo w/d symptoms really that are just being covered up by the AD.


I do want to do a very gradual taper, though. The problem is that my doc thinks I can just jump off when im ready (take half a pill for a few days, then alternate taking one day on one day off, then just quit all together, etc.) But this will not work for me. Do you guys have any advice on how to do a slow taper when my doctor will not support me with it? I would like to get my meds compounded into a liquid by the pharmacy, bc I don't trust myself doing it. This is the part that worries me the most...


Be careful.


I would not stop in a cold turkey, I would definitely do a proper taper and start slowly.

I agree that tapering benzos was harder, but the taper of my ADs were horrible as well.

Everyone is different, so why not start the safe, slow way - and not loose the job.

Yes, I definitely agree, but what would you guys do about the situation with my doctor?

I know it can be very difficult, but you have to advocate for yourself. That is one of the hardest thing for me to learn going through this. The bottom line, is that doctors put us on these drugs without knowing how to get us off safely.


I would tell your doctor that you simply aren't comfortable tapering at the speed he/she suggests, but you'd be happy to speed it up if you're not having any ill effects. Ask him/her for her support in your decision.


Keep us posted  :)



AD's are indeed a walk in the park compared to benzos.

Your doc said you can jump "when you are ready" - right?

then its easy... you start your taper and don't tell the doctor - he will prescribe you the ad because he doesn't know - when you reach the zero you can tell him. thats it.




I see my doctor on Friday. If he won't write the compounded prescription, then i'll likely just start tapering myself in about a month. I am nervous about making the liquid suspension myself, but i'll just have to make do. I'm worried that I will create inaccuracies that will mess me up lol
I think you can use the same technique to liquid taper most drugs yourself: Dissolve in a tiny bit of alcohol and dilute with water. However I've only done so with Ativan and Valium.
My ad's aren't coated. They are just compacted powder basically, so I feel like it should work.
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