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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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This is my third day off of Klonopin and something feels terribly wrong. My friend just left and I could barely carry on a conversation. My whole body feels like it’s in one spasm. I’m having intense tingling. I’m having a hard time breathing. I’ve been in withdrawal before and it’s never been anything like this…



I hope you are ok. You made a bold jump a few days ago, and while .25 mg may not have seemed like a lot, its a big jump for your brain. If you are afraid of seizures, you may want to see a doctor and have an EEG, get some temporary seizure medication, or go back up and taper down more slowly. There are no easy answers. I was in acute w/d once and it was utter hell. My whole body felt like it was full of neurological abnormalities and I was so mentally ill. My thoughts are with you today. You have come so far. You are a brave soul.


I am new to the forum, so others may have more insightful advice.


This is my third day off of Klonopin and something feels terribly wrong. My friend just left and I could barely carry on a conversation. My whole body feels like it’s in one spasm. I’m having intense tingling. I’m having a hard time breathing. I’ve been in withdrawal before and it’s never been anything like this…


I'm sorry you're going through this, but the symptoms sound "normal" to me especially for someone who has had multiple withdrawals from benzos.  I've experienced the symptoms you describe, but never had a seizure -  seizures are actually very rare especially if one has never had one before.  The body can become sensitized to multiple withdrawals, so that each withdrawal may be different and worse than the last. 


You are only a few days off now,  in the thick of acute withdrawal now.  I hope things start improving soon.




Thank you. I just got back from the hospital I went outside for some fresh air and I felt so terrible I laid down on my driveway and closed my eyes. Next thing I know the fire department and an ambulance showed up and took me to the hospital. I don't know if I should bump up to .25MGs or not :-\

I am so sick. I just took some valerian root. Let's see what that does. I hate f**king Klonopin.

Luckily I have a doctor that won't force me off of it if I have to go back on it. He wanted me to stay at .75MGs. I have three doctors. My primary care doctor, the doctor that prescribes that shit and my neurologist. None of them think I should go off of it. So I'm not telling any of them I tried to go off of it. I keep stockpiling it in case I ever end up in a forced taper position like I was at Beth Israel. I will go to my grave not believing that they were tapering me off at .5MGs a day.

That's why I drop too suddenly. I tell myself that if they dropped .5MGs a day for 12 days then I should be able to handle a .25MG drop. At the end of that 12 days I didn't feel this bad.

Oh no, erniej! I'm sorry you're so sick. What did the ER doc say? Who called the ambulance? Was it a seizure? I'm sorry this is 20 questions but I'm worried about you. We all are!!

Oh no, erniej! I'm sorry you're so sick. What did the ER doc say? Who called the ambulance? Was it a seizure? I'm sorry this is 20 questions but I'm worried about you. We all are!!

Someone who lives up the street called the police I think. I think they sent the ambulance. I heard someone saying, "sir, sir, are you alright." The usual blood tests, ekg, been there, done that. Nothing showed up. The ER doctor said I should consider going back up on "at least" some Klonopin. So I'm back at .25MGs. That pisses me off. I took .125MGs a while ago and I feel somewhat better. I feel like someone kicked me in the stomach. I am so sick of this f**king taper. It's all consuming. I was on them for 18 years and I think I went to the hospital twice and not for anything benzo related. I hate to sound negative but this has been going on for over two years now and I don't see it ending anytime soon. I hold and hold and hold. Before I had a nice, well paying part time job. Who knew...

My PC doctor and neurologist nicely remind me that I was on a high dose for a long time. I think their trying to say, "you're f**ked."


Then! I'm doing things like sitting in a Adirondack chair wearing nothing but a pair of speedos just to piss my neighbor off. I'm turning into a freaking lunatic. :crazy:

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