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Advice pls.-Only thing I can't handle is these hot flushes that lead to panic...

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I am 4 months off and I can really power through most of my anxiety and I can rationalize that weird sensations are because my body is adjusting...


But I am having the hardest time with these hot flashes that happen at the worst times. Unless I am in a cool environment (which is hard in summer)... I get anxious about getting too hot. Then I will get warm and I get this flushed feeling from the inside. No one else is hot. It's not reasonable.


Then I start feeling like I'm going to lose control or pass out... never do... but I can't focus and go into fight or flight.


Has this happened to you? What can I do? Thanks.




I had hot flashes too!  I am a lecturer at a university, and I would stand and pour sweat!  They do go away.



Thank you. I'm more worried about how I feel when I get a hot flash. I feel like the walls are closing in and I am going to pass out. I'm not sweating on the outside, but I feel so hot and my face does get flushed. How do you get through these? I'm a teacher and I'm dreading going back to work in a month because I don't know how I will handle it when I don't have control of my climate!

You're a teacher too?  Awesome!


I haven't had the hot flashes for a long time, but I just had to endure them.  You might consider some ice water.  Just remind yourself that there isn't anything wrong; it's just the chemistry in your brain.



Yes, and work is my biggest trigger for anxiety. I will try the ice water. Thanks.
Hot flashes are a huge part of my daily withdrawal, even when I'm not experiencing other symptoms. It's even more difficult that I'm in a 37C humid climate. I'm a teacher and the AC often kicks out for 20 minutes during my classes. My patience goes out the window and I need to monitor myself very carefuly. It's really not easy.

'Hot flashes are a huge part of my daily withdrawal, even when I'm not experiencing other symptoms. It's even more difficult that I'm in a 37C humid climate'


Can definitely relate to this one! sorry to hear your suffering! hang in there, it'll end soon


I moved from a Winter cold- Southern Australian environment (8C) to a tropical climate of 37C and humid as hell! right after I cold turkey-ed. The hot flashes destroyed me. When they hit, I would feel like passing out and often went into a semi delirium laying down in sweat for hours if on my own on weekends.


If your worried about returning to work I'd figure out a way to control the AC at work . We had one in our office so I just took control over the remote and apologized to the others who had to wear jumpers. Sorry, but my paralyzing anxiety and hellish waves of heat/fear kinda trumped them putting on a jumper was my thought process. That and constant ice water/peeing got me through a really difficult 3 weeks of work. Hope you find a similar way to cope!  :thumbsup: for the anxiety, constant envisioning of me in the future killing it again in whatever I wanted to do was all I could do. That and reminding myself I only have to do this ONCE lol



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