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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Here's the $64,000 question

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Here's the $64,000 question.  Why aren't there more benzo support groups in every metro area of the US and UK?


This is a serious epidemic and there should be more face to face support.


Anyone know of anything in the Boston MA USA area?




Yes, they are finally waking up about opiods, but we benzo people are the "forgotten victims".  If I didn't have benzo brain, I would do something here in Buffalo that could hopefully catch on.



I believe because  1. its legal and 2. Its a prescription.


So, unlike Drugs and Even Alcohol, where there are AA, NA, CMA(crystal meths anonymous), CA(Cocaine anonymous), HR(health realization), etc. etc., There aren't specific groups for Benzo Addiction and withdrawal because its not an "Addiction" in the sense that a Meth addiction is.


Benzo Addiction, for me, was all physical. Therefor, its so different from my Meth, crack and Alcohol addiction in my past where it was more mental and physical second.


when things are Legal and a Prescription from a DOCTOR, its hard to convince people we are suffering. Even tho alcohol IS legal, doctors always reccomend no more then 2 drinks a day for men and  1 a day for women.


if that makes sense?

I think the need is just starting to be more recognized. 

I think the Crime and cost to society appears to be higher and more sensational for opiate addiction over Benzo tolerance..


I know of people that have murdered while stealing oxy, but personally I havnt heard this being common surrounding benzos (yet)


So the money follows the news vans...


The initial intensity of oxy WD is insane, it can make for rash decisions... (pre WD)

-not saying that a short half life benzo isnt bad.. -im not sure on that one...

Perhaps demographics play a role still,, nanna doing home invasions doesnt spring to mind... though im sure this is changing, as benzos become more recreational across the board...

Slowly the money may follow...


The general economy also plays a role... -Grants to UNIs, studies, recommendations, funding...

But at the same time studies are being done on public transport, schools, hospitals, aged care, homeless, environment, and job creation...

Where do a "few" people under a "Drs" care, that just need to "stop" taking their medications, realy stand...

I also get the feeling, and Detoxes here support this, that its assumed that NA (or others) will pick up the slack, Though as we know, this is not a great, or even acceptable fit...


But I make our voice heard every chance I get... as we do...

Ever Forward...

Thanks Collin and BB...


Hmmm... -kinda like MalaaKa was getting at...


I am really tempted to start a peer support group locally, under the umbrella of a local charity that offers numerous support groups for various physical and mental conditions.


However, as I am sure everyone can appreciate, I am wary of taking on any kind of responsibility that may add to my stress levels.


Probably many more buddies would set up groups if they were not feeling so eviscerated.


I am lucky to have met someone else locally in benzo w/d (at a substance misuse centre, even though I am not misusing a substance) and he is an invaluable friend. I am about to be removed from the centre, as they are not treating me since it was taken over by a new manager who rejigged the programme). They have the contract for treating benzo w/d but do not honour it.


I wish everyone could find some benzo buddies IRL to complement the wonderful online ones.



It's all because doctors and people alike are in fear of the nuclear monster PharmZilla.


Oh no, there goes Tokyo, here comes PharmZilla!  :laugh:


We are a minority. There are certainly many people who are being harmed by these drugs who are unaware of the damage that is being done but when it comes down to it there are a whole lot more people who are able to walk away from these drugs with few issues than there are people like us.


That said, you might be surprised what kind of response you get if you start a group of your own. I put an ad on craigslist for awhile and got several replies. I met up with one lady who was damaged by k. I have no doubt that had I started an official support group and kept advertising I would have gotten even more interest.

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