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I'm in trouble, big trouble.

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Hi folks,


I would appreciate your help.


I have a history of severe brain jolts/zaps that are getting progressively worse. I had an EEG a year ago which was normal but a 24 hour sleep EEG showed slow brain waves and some spiking. Two Epileptologists from two different hospitals did not believe this was epilepsy, but one said that there was a small possibility that I was experiencing small seizures, not epilepsy.


Last Wednesday I discussed the recurrence of these severe brain zaps with two new Epiloptologists who reviewed my records and they both concluded that the jolts were not seizure related and advised me to seek another neurologist for followup and treatment.


Since July 2016 I have been taking .25mg of clonazepam, tid, along with acetazolamide which controlled the brain jolts. However three weeks ago I had an EMG which resulted in pervasive muscle twitches  and severe brain jolts.


Please note that when I say severe I mean each time they occur, which can be extremely frequent, I feel a severe startle like effect coupled with feelings of losing control and fainting. In fact, I have never experienced unconsciousness or any the typical symptoms associated with any form of seizure.


It seems that these symptoms are worse in the early day and when I feel anger or anxious. When I go out and hang out with friends these symptoms dissipate significantly.


I don't know what to do at this point because of the debilitating effect of these seizure like brain jolts which are severely effecting the quality of my life.


Your help would be greatly appreciated.



Could you be developing tolerance to the benzo dose whi h is maki things worse? Maybe your doc  ould try you on something else.  Benzos for ANYTHING can leave you with worse probkems than you hegan with.

Marja2, thanks for your response.


You could is be right. However it also could be that the pain from the EMG which caused me to jump repeatedly in pain, resulting in fasciculations (twitches) over my entire body for over 9 days, followed by a return of these head jolts, makes me suspect that this test was the cause for my current unbearable situation..



Vinny, most everyone on this forum has a signature which shows where they're at with their benzo dosages, etc. and if they are still on the drugs.  It helps others see what's going on with you.  Maybe your brain jolts/zaps are from the benzo's?  How long have you been on them?  Could be tolerance w/d.  Maybe your nervous system is sensitive now which is why the electricity input from the EMG may have made your nerves worse.  Ask the doc to run an ANA, anti-nuclear antibody, screening test to see if there are autoantibodies affecting your brain and nervous system causing your brain jolts/zaps.  Can the docs run a functional MRI or SPECT scan to see your brain activity?  The still MRI's don't seem to show much.  Another lady on here had brain pain and the docs found alot of autoantibodies in her system attacking her brain and nervous system.  She had a SPECT brain scan too which was abnormal.  The fellow bb's name is  Hope4us.  I think her latests posts are important in what docs can do to pursue other avenues of testing. 
I had brain zaps when I was on a high dose of Remeron.

Hi folks,


I would appreciate your help.


I have a history of severe brain jolts/zaps that are getting progressively worse. I had an EEG a year ago which was normal but a 24 hour sleep EEG showed slow brain waves and some spiking. Two Epileptologists from two different hospitals did not believe this was epilepsy, but one said that there was a small possibility that I was experiencing small seizures, not epilepsy.


Last Wednesday I discussed the recurrence of these severe brain zaps with two new Epiloptologists who reviewed my records and they both concluded that the jolts were not seizure related and advised me to seek another neurologist for followup and treatment.


Since July 2016 I have been taking .25mg of clonazepam, tid, along with acetazolamide which controlled the brain jolts. However three weeks ago I had an EMG which resulted in pervasive muscle twitches  and severe brain jolts.


Please note that when I say severe I mean each time they occur, which can be extremely frequent, I feel a severe startle like effect coupled with feelings of losing control and fainting. In fact, I have never experienced unconsciousness or any the typical symptoms associated with any form of seizure.


It seems that these symptoms are worse in the early day and when I feel anger or anxious. When I go out and hang out with friends these symptoms dissipate significantly.


I don't know what to do at this point because of the debilitating effect of these seizure like brain jolts which are severely effecting the quality of my life.


Your help would be greatly appreciated.


OMG, I've had this-and exactly how you describe-for several weeks just this past winter. It was really disturbing. It went away on its own and thankfully I never got it back! I never sought medical attention for it. I hope it goes away for you soon too.



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