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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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Sorry if there's already a board for this- I couldn't find it, only the one for people withdrawing from Gabapentin.  My question is, for taking Gabapentin and getting it to help, is it better to take just as needed or is it more effective if it's in your body all day long?  Also, how much do you all take during the day and at bedtime?  Just trying to get an idea of what's typical.  Thanks!  Also, please no warnings about how hard is to get off of. I've read them and I'm in such a bad place that I've been suicidal and going up on the dose of benzos only helped a little so right now I'm not as concerned about getting off these drugs as getting enough relief that I don't have those thoughts because last summer I actually did make an attempt so it's a very bad place to be.  I tell my family not to leave me alone.  I did finally take 300mg of Gabapentin at bedtime last night and finally got some relief of the electrical feelings that are the thing that torments me--I took the dose around 10 o'clock, then was awake at 5 and it had been more than the 6 hours between doses so I took another 200mg and slept for another few hours. But it did seem to hit the electrical feelings and that's been the worst thing and you can't get doctors to understand what it is because it's so weird.

I just took 300mg at bedtime to help my sleep.  Occasionally, I'd take some during the day, but it was usually used as a sleep aid.  I had no difficulty withdrawing from it.  I simply c/t'd from 300 mg (which isn't a very big dose for gabapentin).


My only suggestion would be to use as little as you can.  If you can limit it to 300 mg at bedtime (so that you can sleep decently), I think that would be better than taking doses throughout the day.


I just took 300mg at bedtime to help my sleep.  Occasionally, I'd take some during the day, but it was usually used as a sleep aid.  I had no difficulty withdrawing from it.  I simply c/t'd from 300 mg (which isn't a very big dose for gabapentin).


My only suggestion would be to use as little as you can.  If you can limit it to 300 mg at bedtime (so that you can sleep decently), I think that would be better than taking doses throughout the day.


Ok, thanks.



Im taking Gabapentin 600 mg at night and it is the only thing that is making me not having those toxic mornings and the big anxiety about waking up to another terrible day. I feel that Gabapentin save my life for good and helped me go back to work. I can not take more than that because then I will be laking energy all day long. I take it during the day just if Im having too much pain but after I will feel crappy the rest of the day. I agree about not worrying about getting off it for now. Benzo withdrawal is such a traumatic thing that we can deal with gabapentin later.

Hoping we are healing everyday...




Im taking Gabapentin 600 mg at night and it is the only thing that is making me not having those toxic mornings and the big anxiety about waking up to another terrible day. I feel that Gabapentin save my life for good and helped me go back to work. I can not take more than that because then I will be laking energy all day long. I take it during the day just if Im having too much pain but after I will feel crappy the rest of the day. I agree about not worrying about getting off it for now. Benzo withdrawal is such a traumatic thing that we can deal with gabapentin later.

Hoping we are healing everyday...




Thanks, yes, it does make me tired during the day and a little nauseated but it takes the edge of the other symptoms. 

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