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Dosing 3x per day or 4x per day for Xanax taper. What is better for microtaper?


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I am currently dosing 4 times per day and wanting to start a daily microtaper. Is it better to stay at 4 doses per day or go to 3? I am currently stuck at 0.88 mg daily in 0.22 mg doses. I am wondering if I went to 3 doses per day if it would be easier since I would be increasing the individual doses for better relief and then I can  go  down from there slowly. I don't want to increase my daily dose, but I feel stuck at 0.22 mg per dose. Or should I stay at 4 doses per day and just bump up my daily dose to start at a more comfortable place. I have heard of kindling and so far I have been blessed without severe symptoms. I don't want to push my luck.  Any advice will be appreciated. I did get another refill - hopefully my last so I feel I have an ample supply to do a daily microtaper.
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Its so nice to see someone else in my position-( not the position of having to get off this poison, but rather on the same Benzo and starting dose. 


I have not begun my liquid taper yet-holding on my last dry cut of .375. 

Do you have any interdose withdrawal? 

If you aren't having any I/D withdrawal I would cut back to three doses per day.  You should  be able to tell quickly wether it will work for you. 


Wishing you well. 

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Hi IwishIknew, thanks for responding and yes, it seems we are fairly uncommon with tapering off Xanax. I just didn't want to switch to a longer acting benzo or any other drug for that matter. I had a heck of a time switching drugs around per my doctor... I am just so grateful that I am so far tapering successfully and it really blows my mind that I am only taking 0.88 mg per day compared to what I was taking! It is amazing that you are down to 0.375 mg! 


I was taking 3 doses per day, but I was having a hard time - however I was dry cutting and also making large cuts so I'm not sure if it was due to inconsistent dosing, the large cuts, or from interdose wd. Have you always done 3 doses and if so what times do you take them? I find sometimes that dosing 4 times a day is a hassle so I am thinking of going to 3 per day and see how that goes. Also I think initially increasing the individual doses will help me be more comfortable and it could be a better alternative than bumping up my total daily dose...

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Seeking peace


Whatever you do don't updose! If you can help it.  Now I've never been on 3 doses a day-I was on two- 0.25 am and 0.25 pm.  Then when I cut, I did .125 at night and .25 during the day.  After falling asleep ( which itself is a chore) and missing my night dose many times, I worked to get  myself to just the morning dose of.375. 

Like you I did not want to switch to V or K-one drug was bad enough. 

Do you have symptoms?

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So my symptoms are not as hellish as a lot of people experience, however I am a mom of 3, 2 of my boys are very young and so I cannot afford to be completely out of commission. That being said, the symptoms I do have are bareable only because I will limit my activities when I'm having a rough patch. So I have insomnia- sometimes it gets pretty bad where by the 3rd night of not sleeping I am just miserable but my husband is awesome about coming straight home and taking the kids out so I can have a bit of rest on those days. The insomnia has gotten waaay better since I started liquid titration, but I still only average about 3-6 hours a night. I also have had mini panic attacks which are uncomfortable but manageable. Social anxiety when in small groups and closely interacting so I try to keep conversations superficial. And gastritis which is awful but I've had it before so less scary this time around, plus I know what is causing it. I used to get intrusive thoughts about something bad happening to my kids or husband, like accidents or what not, but I have gotten much better about dismissing those thoughts straight away. Overall, I feel like I'm managing pretty well. I'm still able to workout at least 4 days a week, shop and cook for the family and attend at least 2-3 playdates or activity/events with the kids. (I used to be a full time RN and the primary income for my family but the AD and Xanax pretty much killed my career and ability to cope with the demands of a high stress job). Anyways I feel like I got waaay off topic, lol.  :)


I think I may try to go 3 times per day and see how it goes, maybe try it for a couple of days and if it doesn't work well I can always go back to 4 times per day. My individual doses will be a bit higher but my total daily dose will remain the same. Then I might do what you do and divide the doses so that I take a larger one at night and smaller doses during the day.

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