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Anhedonia Support Group


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6 months out and I feel a lot better, most of my cognitive fog lifted but I still stuffer from severe anhedonia. Anhedonia is the loss of pleasure in everything. For example, you can watch your old favorite movies or TV shows but when you have anhedonia those old favorite movies or TV shows will give you the same amount of pleasure as looking at a blank piece of paper which is none. Anhedonia usually comes with a side of emotion numbness so you can't feel pleasure,motivation or any emotions at all. This is a support group for people to chat about anhedonia, and other things. If anyone has an anhedonia success story please share. Anhedonia is horrible!!!
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  • 3 weeks later...
I have this.  Nothing brings me as much pleasure as it used to for the most part.  Sometimes it does, but other times when I'm out with my wife and friends all I can think about is "I really wish I was just at home watching TV".  Maybe it's because I can't drink anymore and everyone else is drinking but it sure seems like I can't enjoy things as much as I used to be able to.
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EricSS do you suffer from emotional numbness along with anhedonia or do you feel emotions but have anhedonia? I hope you recover sometime soon
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EricSS do you suffer from emotional numbness along with anhedonia or do you feel emotions but have anhedonia? I hope you recover sometime soon


I have some emotional numbness but I've always had a tough time empathizing or being emotional so I'm not sure I can relate it to benzos.  I did have much more emotional numbness when I was on an SNRI (effexor) though which is why I got off of it.  I hated feeling like a zombie and I hated when I didn't care about things I knew I should be caring about.  Good luck!

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Hi All...

Yeah throw me on the list... The Realist side of me is out there now..!!


The lack of motivation for anything is scary...

If I won lotto, I dont think I could think of anything fun to do...


I had this from my opiate too, but its getting worse... more than just no endorphins now...


I live a blessed life, but its grey... -cardboard


I try to look at recouvery as first healing, then energy and motivation, followed by enthusiasm and enjoyment...


The scary thing is that it feels normal, thus permanent... Anxiety?? Is mixed in there too, somewhere... (a new thing for me)


Tell me it isnt so... Pls...


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EricSS thanks for sharing that, I hope your anhedonia goes away soon. And Cantfly I totally can relate with you on how your feeling and I know what you mean about how this anhedonic state feels permanent but I don't think it is. From what I've read it seems  most people heal from drug induced anhedonia at around the 2-2.5 year mark while others seem to heal from anhedonia earlier or later. I guess times cures everything but the waiting process is the most annoying thing.
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