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Low temperature


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That's a very low temperature. You'd be shivering and turning blue if you are actually 93.8F. You should try another thermometer or ask a doctor to take your temperature.
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I used two thermometers and someone else verified

That's interesting. It's a little unusual. Hopefully someone else can chime in on this topic.

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I generally am 94-96. If I get to 97.5 I start feeling the effects of a low fever. I don't know what it means. Probably something terrible but I am tired of going to doctors.
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Hi Dixon.  At one time, about 10 years ago in winter, I experienced the same thing with a 94.2 temp.  I wasn't on benzos at that time, and was anxiety ridden and just felt unwell (mentally)....  It was really scary, I was very cold (but not deathly cold) and my temp rose in a day or two.  Like you I did use a couple of thermometers and couldn't believe my eyes! If memory serves me correctly I went ON benzos about two months later through my psych, along with chiropractic treatment for forward head posture (totally losing the curve in my neck vertebrae). 


While this is not an "exact" match to you, I think something in the brain wiring at that time caused such a low temp.  My chiropractor was not surprised when I mentioned that one time incident to her.  I guess the brain does a lot of weird stuff under duress.  Be well.



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