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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

9 days off Klonopin and bad cog fog


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Hey guys I just wanted to come by and say I am officially 9 days off of Klonopin and have no physical symptoms anymore! I was on this stuff for a while and was being told by people to prolong my taper for another six months or so and I am SO glad I didn't listen to them! I have energy again, I have had windows of a few hours feeling normal, it's amazing!


My remaining symptom is cog fog and it is driving me nuts and I am obsessing about it, has anybody had this and does it go away? It's just nice to have energy again and be able to move and exercise, I feel like I am in a fog but apparently that's pretty amazing if that's my only symptom, any positive words would be amazing about this cog fog and if others had the same stuff too! Sending you all love and positivity!

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You are likely in for a terrible surprise, including serious physical symptoms.

Withdrawal symptoms don't fully develop for a month.

You tapered too fast from 1mg to .5mg in 10 weeks, then from .5mg in 20 days.

Klonopin is a very strong benzo, 15 times more potent than valium.

Positive words won't mean much.


You still have time to avoid long term disability by restarting at .5mg then

start a taper that should last for several months, or more.

You might need to restart higher than .5mg since your taper from 1mg was fast.

Don't take my word for it; there are hundreds of cases on bb and elsewhere.

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It is true that at least for me, my symptoms got worse about 5-7 days after each cut.  And when I jumped it was about a week before the symptoms hit.


Just stay positive. You did a good taper.  I'm certain that with each cut you probably had some symptoms, but remember we are all different.  Some people avoid the terrible symptoms and have very little to no withdrawal. 


The cog fog is quite common.  I had it for about three month after I jumped.  It has all but gone here in the beginning of my fifth month. In fact, almost all of my symptoms are gone! 


And I know how lucky I am to be able to say that. 


And I jumped at 1mg.  It wasn't exactly how I had it planned, but I had come from 3mg and got to 1 after 12 months.

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Hey Songbird, congratulations! 9 days free is great. Glad to hear you no longer have any serious physical symptoms. You may want to just be aware that once you jump, you MAY start to feel worse at maybe week 2 or 3. If you do, do not panic. Just know that you're in acute & WILL get through it. Then again, you may NOT! You may be through it already!


Please come back & keep us posted! I wish you an easy jump, and am so glad you are off this poison!


Tell yourself now that you will NEVER take another benzo again. I very much wish I had learned better ways to deal with my anxiety & stress 20 years ago.


Good luck & congratulations on being free!

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(withdraw table)


also just going to say that you are a sad little person for saying stuff like that, honestly if you have been suffering past the 3 year point maybe consider going to a doctor, this isn't benzo withdrawal anymore buddy not sleeping through the night for more than a few hours for 3 plus years isn't benzo withdrawal there is obviously something else wrong with you, if you don't think somebody can get better after a 6th month taper and I'm not healed by any means I am just in a fog mentally, you are wrong. I am 24 years old, I successfully run two companies and started a third and fourth company during my taper that are both successful, I have been planning my wedding, I walk dogs everyday and I am kicking withdrawal's ass, if you want to come on here and scare people that is really sick. I feel deeply sorry for you and I hope you someday get the help you need you fear mongering asshole

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Songbird, good to see you. I was worried about you but am sure glad to hear you are doing well. Ignore all the negativity. All people handle this differently and staying positive is one of the keys. Enjoy each moment as they happen and just live life as fully as you can
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Here is another (counter)example of the kindling effect. OP has a single drug in her history with which she used consistently and tapered smoothly and linearly. Therefore there are limited/no WD symptoms. Meanwhile edouard and I have been on and off about 10 drugs plus Cipro.


Yes the taper from 0.5 was very fast and there might be some value in reinstating 0.125 or 0.25 at this point but we're not sure. Otherwise never use a benzo again.

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WOW WTG SongBird I have been reading so many of your posts.. I am so happy for you. Keep us posted on how you're doing.
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