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Does anybody feel better at night?


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Hi everyone,


I hope everyone is well or not suffering too much...



My question is does anyone find that you feel  better after 10pm..it seems like a pattern with me and this is daily...i wake up really early every morning..between 5am and 7am not by choice..it just i can sleep..and i suffer horribly all day..then around 8pm i take my melatonin and mag/citrate and my 0.5 pill of clonazepam...and around 10 or 11pm i start to relax and feel better...does anyone feel better around this time of night if your not sleeping..and what is your opinion as to why this occurs...thank you for any responses and maybe if you can explain why this is and if not thats ok..tnt

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I start to perk up around 5 p.m. Don't know why exactly but I just do. I feel better as the night goes along. Maybe it's my supper and finally feeling I got through another day. But I'm the same. I wish the stores were open around 10 pm because I'm never feeling as housebound at night. But with summer coming and long daylight hours can't wait to sit outside. Lacking vitamin d I think. Sunshine really picks me up.
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Thanks for your reply benzo barb...i guess your right about the part of "I got through another day" feeling that might have something to do with it...but i think alot of people suffer after waking up and level off as the day turns into night..still don't know why?...i wish someone that might have a more technical explination as to why...would chime in..thanks BB and feel better..and prayers for much healing for you..Ted
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I've tried following my bodies schedule during withdrawal to see when I might feel better or worse and It changes day to day, hour to hour sometimes. Really only a few things that have stayed stable consistently while doing so. I wake up early everyday too. 5am to 7am like clockwork. For a while it was 3 am, so I lll take 7am no problem! Healing vibes your way!
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Thank TWOL,


As always very helpful and caring...5am - 7am like clock work for me as well only i can't fall asleep till 3am sometimes 4am so you see my dilemma...only 1 to 3hrs of sleep a day it varies no ability to fall back to sleep either...what time do you go to sleep..and how many hours of sleep are you getting a day?

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Thank TWOL,


As always very helpful and caring...5am - 7am like clock work for me as well only i can't fall asleep till 3am sometimes 4am so you see my dilemma...only 1 to 3hrs of sleep a day it varies no ability to fall back to sleep either...what time do you go to sleep..and how many hours of sleep are you getting a day?


Ive only had one sleepless night during my taper. The only symptom that I haven't had during tapering thus far has been insomnia. At my worst, I would fall asleep and wake up really early, from mental and physical exhaustion tapering but also have night sweats and some panic attacks keep me up. In that period of time 4-5 hrs of sleep a night. Now, a year and some change tapering and quite a bit off from my original dose, 6-7 hrs a night is normal. Ill fall asleep around 10 to 11 pm but try and wear my self out during the day. Be it at work or exercising. Sleep has improved over time and as I've tapered lower. Finding the balance has been the hardest part of tapering. How fast or slow I should go to come off as close to healed as can be is the plan. Fingers crossed!

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I'm so happy for you my friend...you have been thru alot you deserve a break...sending more healing power and prayers you way.

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Yes most days but not all I feel a little better in the late afternoon and the evening - I also think it's because there is relief that I will get through another day.  When I wake up early in the morning I feel suicidal and anxious and that continues usually until I walk or the day gets past three pm.



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Thanks recovery and CJ..i appreciate you chiming in on your experience you guys are such a help..thank you again ..it seems like a recurring theme...i hope more people continue to reply...thanks again..Ted
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YES! But for me, it's really just the early morning up until about lunch. Usually around 11 AM, I start to perk up. Part of why this holds true for me is bc I never know how I'm going to feel each morning. So I awake with dread at first. But my confidence grows as I start the day and I start telling myself I can do this. Hell, we ARE doing it. Hour by hour, minute by minute, sometimes even second by second we are fighting. But we are also surviving. And one day we won't only be surviving, we will be living again. And with more zest for life and grateful heart to have weathered the storm.
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Thank you FBW,


I guess we have no choice but to carry on...right now i have severe leftside back of neck pain and my tinnitus in left ear is ringing off the chart..one of the worst symptoms by far you have no peace to try to relax for one second...horrible I've had it since 11/15 8 months before i even began my taper off klonopin....i hope your healing more with each passing day..Ted

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Thank you! I've been fortunate so far to not experience ringing in my ears, but I know it's a very common symptom. I hope everything levels out for you soon!!!
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I think the way we dose re:time of day, times per day affects the cycle also.  The benzo effect on the brain is not static either for me. Things change on a dime.  I also feel calmer closer to bed time just because another horrible day has finaly passed and now I don't feel like I'm missing out on life so much cause I know everyone is doing what I'm doing.  Friday nights are tough because all my old friends are out  enjoying life till after midnight without me. I always wake up with indescribable dread/fear in the morning not ready to face another day of chemical torture. 
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Hi drummerboy,


Thanks for joining the thread and what you have to say is exactly what i feel to the letter...i only dose 2x a day at 2pm and 8pm...i think the the 18hrs layoff between my 8pm and 2pm dose has something to do with it thats why i dont sleep and i wake up to fear/dread and have pains all day..i know original when i first started to get on clonazepam i was dosing 0.5 mg 3x every 8 hrs and the same when i eventually was dosing 1mg 3x every 8hrs...but once i started to taper too fast and too large of cuts and at one point i cut out the morning dose...i have been very sick and practically bedridden and stuck in my home as i developed severe agoraphobia...what's your opinion?...i know they say clonazepam has a long half life and all that stuff but i think when you started dosing 3x a day for years your body got used to the 3 doses and when you remove one and start to quickly taper and large doses it all catches up to you and the gates of hell open up and sometimes theres no returning

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Hi drummerboy,


Thanks for joining the thread and what you have to say is exactly what i feel to the letter...i only dose 2x a day at 2pm and 8pm...i think the the 18hrs layoff between my 8pm and 2pm dose has something to do with it thats why i dont sleep and i wake up to fear/dread and have pains all day..i know original when i first started to get on clonazepam i was dosing 0.5 mg 3x every 8 hrs and the same when i eventually was dosing 1mg 3x every 8hrs...but once i started to taper too fast and too large of cuts and at one point i cut out the morning dose...i have been very sick and practically bedridden and stuck in my home as i developed severe agoraphobia...what's your opinion?...i know they say clonazepam has a long half life and all that stuff but i think when you started dosing 3x a day for years your body got used to the 3 doses and when you remove one and start to quickly taper and large doses it all catches up to you and the gates of hell open up and sometimes theres no returning


I've had the extreme agoraphobia for a long time and it's one of the most perplexing s/x.  I think once we hit tolerance the half life becomes much shorter.  When I was on clonazepam I was dosing twice per day but when I started tapering I found I had to take it 4 times/day cause the inter-dose anxiety was killing me.  I would end up taking a dose in the middle of the night when I woke in a panic.  I was doing a modest liquid taper and was feeling so bad I decided to c/o to Valium(diazepam here) and dry cut to try and simplify things and am now dosing twice/day.  I thought it would be easier but  long story short there are pros and cons to switching benzos.  Anxiety has improved a little but depression is way worse for ME.  The many other symptoms are about the same.  The shock to my cns crossing over was brutal.  I'm not sure if the agoraphobia develops because of all the other problems or if its a symptom on its own. I'm not in any position to give advice but it seems to me from what I have read and experienced myself is that clonazepam requires 3 or 4 doses per day once a taper is started.  I continually think about switching back to clonazepam cause the Valium depression is sooo bad.  I would have stayed on clonazapam 4x/day if I had known the outcome of switching.  Maybe you could check your signature also and tell me if it's right.  I'm not sure if you mean .05 or .5 in some places.

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Hi tnt815,


The last 3 days a pattern has emerged with me where I start to feel relief around 8:30pm, then my symptoms start to ramp up again around 8am, becoming absolutely full blown non functional by 1pm, then the cycle repeats itself.


I have no idea why this is. I take my dose at 1:15am & I used to feel better centered around that, but now it's like it doesn't even affect me anymore.


Sorry I don't have any answers, but I thought I'd let you know I'm experiencing the exact same thing  :smitten:

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Same here. Mornings and afternoons are the worse and symptoms improve as evening rolls around. This seems to be a common theme for benzo w/d. My guess would be it maybe has to do with cotrisol levels that are usually highest in the morning and lowest at night.
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