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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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So for those who had to stop working, what did you do? I feel trapped, that if I don't work its worse than doing so. If I stop working I'll have to move back home bc my husband can't financially hold us. I'm in such a bad place right now. Anyone here who has has no choice but to just stop? Ty
I had to stop working. I am not sure what you are asking. I took a medical leave from teaching. I also saw that I had paid into long term disability at work and was able to get it. I live moment by moment and am not sure how long I will be able to keep my house etc. I also took a large amount of personal loans all at the same time and used that to live on. Anything as I am buying time until I am well. I am single so I didn't have another choice. If everything doesn't keep going I will be trying to stay with parents or whoever. Its all about it buying time.

I couldn't work either and can barely work still.


I got a small disability claim but because I'm so young it is not enough to come close to surviving off.


Not being able to work is one of the hardest things about benzo WD. Sorry you are struggling. At least you have a place to go! That's great news.




Hey, I am so sorry this stuff has had so much of an effect on us.. It is an incredibly tough situation..


If I were you, I'd do whatever it takes to keep working.  If you work M-F, then take a Friday off once in a while, and then just rest for the 3 day weekend.  I've worked, and not worked in this mess, and for me, working is better.


One hour, one day at a time is how I'm trying to make it through.




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