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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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I am 15 months off. The past couple weeks my upper abdomen feels overly stuffed when I haven't eaten that much. It gets a bit better a few hours after eating but not perfect. I feels like it's pushing out from the inside out and is just on the upper area of my abdominal area.


I've heard about people having stomach issues with all of this, but I never really have. Could this be a normal withdrawal symptom, even this far out?  Thanks.

That pretty much describes benzo belly. It hurts right at the top of the ribs. I don't think it's digestion related, but is a muscle type thing.
Mine is right underneath my ribs but above my belly button. It's very uncomfortable at times.! I have been very concerned about it, it's just a worrisome feeling. Thanks for the reply.
Exactly. Sometimes it feels like a balloon ready to explode. Very uncomfortable. Lying down does seem to ease it for me, though.
Yes, I have it terribly. The lower I go on my k dose, the smaller it gets. Something to note - the last time I was in tolerance on klonopin, I was having terrible stomach issues and hadn't yet realized what benzo belly was. I thought I had some terrible disease. They did an endo and a colonoscopy. They found NOTHING, except that my intestines showed some inflammation, like what you might see with a gluten allergy (they thought that's what it was!) But after testing, it WASN'T that. SO - I've come to the conclusion that it was the benzos. Any time I've come off and stayed off, my big fat belly goes away and my stomach pain also goes away after a month or two.
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