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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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Just saw gastroenterologist today about my severe acid reflux causing reflux laryngitis.  Have to get a gastric emptying test done to see if this is being caused by gastroparesis.  The WORST news was that I need to have an EGD (upper endoscopy) done.  My heart sunk!  :'(  My eyes welled up with tears.  The doctor asked if there was a problem.  I proceeded to tell her that I recently discontinued medications, including a benzo and that, having worked for a general surgeon who regularly performed these procedures, I KNOW that a benzo is given during this procedure.  I inquired if there was any way around this.  She told me that, unfortunately, having the insurance that I have, there isn't.  The insurance dictates what medication is administered.  She suggested that I could call the anesthesiologist group and ask about a possible way around this.  Said she had a patient who couldn't be given a particular med (not a benzo) due to some other issue and that they had to pay hundreds of dollars out of their own pocket to avoid the med.  Gave me a ballpark figure of $600!  This is not exactly affordable for me, and now I'm being forced to put a price on my continued abstinence from benzos or "benzo sobriety".  >:(


What are the risks here?  This would be a giant step backwards that I simply don't want to take!  I would have to technically START OVER and my previous d/c date would be null and void, correct? (I am almost four months out, and, by the time I have the procedure done, I will be around 5!)  And, for a final question, what would you do?

Im not one hundred percent sure how taking a singular benzo would affect your recovery, but all i know is if i was in that position just knowing i had put that poison in my system again would make me worry to no end. I would sell my computer my TV anything just to get the money to stay away from that benzo medication. However to my understanding there is other anasthesias that have sent people back to square one before. It really is a sticky situation and I hope you can find a really benzo smart doctor to deal with it. What are the risks of you not getting the procedure whatsoever?

Im not one hundred percent sure how taking a singular benzo would affect your recovery, but all i know is if i was in that position just knowing i had put that poison in my system again would make me worry to no end. I would sell my computer my TV anything just to get the money to stay away from that benzo medication. However to my understanding there is other anasthesias that have sent people back to square one before. It really is a sticky situation and I hope you can find a really benzo smart doctor to deal with it. What are the risks of you not getting the procedure whatsoever?


Thank you for your comment and concern!  I posed the same question, and the risk of not getting the procedure at all is continued misery caused by the acid reflux and continued risk of developing a precancerous condition if not cancer.  If I don't have the procedure done, they won't help me at all.  :-\


There are other medications that can be used instead of versed (the benzo given).  I believe one of the alternates that can be used is propofol.  You may have to call ahead of time to let them know you cannot take versed, but from what I have read on here, most places will use a non-benzo sedative if requested.  If the place you plan on having your procedure can't do it, call around to other endoscopy places, but I know many on these boards have done this.


That being said, I one time small dose PROBABLY wouldn't hurt you.  Personally, I wouldn't take the risk unless no other option was available.



There are other medications that can be used instead of versed (the benzo given).  I believe one of the alternates that can be used is propofol.  You may have to call ahead of time to let them know you cannot take versed, but from what I have read on here, most places will use a non-benzo sedative if requested.  If the place you plan on having your procedure can't do it, call around to other endoscopy places, but I know many on these boards have done this.


That being said, I one time small dose PROBABLY wouldn't hurt you.  Personally, I wouldn't take the risk unless no other option was available.


Thank you Donlphinator78.  Yes, it is my understanding that I can alternately be given Propofol.  However, the insurance refuses to pay for that and willl only pay for Versed.  So, that will cost hundreds of dollars out of my pocket.  I don't have two dollars in my pocket.  Herein lies the problem.  UGH!  Sigh!




Propofol isn't a benzodiazepine, but it acts on the GABAa receptors (http://www.nature.com/nchembio/journal/v9/n11/full/nchembio.1340.html) as benzodiazepines do.  Many of us have had Propofol with no after effects, I think Versed is likely to be no more of a problem than Propofol.


My opinion only.  I'm pretty surprised there is no flexibility on the anesthetic used.  This is unusual.


I have had 2 upper gi's done since tapering benzos and I have insisted that they use no benzos, in fact benzos are listed on my medical records as an alergy and not to administer, both times it has been no problem for the anethietologyst or me.

Just tell them NO




The Ashton Manual says a one time use of a benzo for a surgery will be ok:



  What happens if someone who is in the course of benzodiazepine withdrawal or has successfully withdrawn needs a surgical operation? Benzodiazepines are of value as premedication before major operations and for sedation and amnesia during minor surgical procedures. Yet many ex-users are terrified that if they are given a benzodiazepine for these purposes they will become dependent all over again. They can be reassured: a single dose of a benzodiazepine given for an operation does not bring back the addiction, although the stress of an operation may re-awaken the anxiety symptoms experienced during benzodiazepine withdrawal. Symptoms reported under these circumstances have usually been the result of fear. Many personally observed patients have had repeated doses of midazolam (Versed, Hypnovel), a short-acting benzodiazepine, for dental procedures (dental phobia is common in withdrawal), and other benzodiazepines including diazepam for major and minor surgery and have recovered without complications.

Not2, there are a bunch of us who have had procedures that included benzos or gaba-active meds without suffering a setback. I had an endoscopy with propofol (gaba-active) and saw no changes despite my anxiety about it. I agree with the others that a one time thing isn't a problem. You'll be OK.
You should be able to say no thanks to the pre-surgery 'relaxant' they'll likely offer you, though. 

Thanks all!  I tend to be a little naïve about this whole process of withdrawing.  What benzos are and how they act on the body is all still a bit new to me.  Should I have known what I was putting in my body WELL before this?  A resounding YES is the appropriate answer here.  To be frank, I didn't know what a dose of benzo would do to me while in withdrawal.  Would it make me sick or set me back like starting back at square one?  I didn't know.  At this point, I absolutely do not question my resolve to remain benzo-free.  I didn't abuse the drug.  It abused me.


As far as the anesthesiology group, they are more than willing to accommodate my needs and preference.  I do have alternate options IF I care to pay for it entirely out of my own pocket.  The insurance is the bureaucratic giant jerk dictating which meds they will pay for.  They will not pay for anything but the benzo.


Thank you again.



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