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Is it ok to Exercise/Work out during A Taper/Withdrawal


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I think if you are able to and it does not affect you negatively than go for it. Some people say it worsens there side effects and others that it improves them.


I had to stop because I developed numbness in my right leg and foot, later on my right side too.


Now I try to exercise regularly that my taper is over and the numbness is long gone.

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If you can work out, you definitely should (It can help restore neurotransmitters - however, in some people it sets them in a bad wave.  I did really well when I was able to exercise, and a lot of symptoms went away.  Unfortunately, some returned after I stopped exercising due to severe muscle issues)


That being said, be extra careful with your blood sugar.  It is not uncommon to have it waiver a lot while tapering.  Good luck!


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Yes, I dont recomend overdoing it out of the blue... good intentions, poor execution... -it did mess me up some... just moderate would have been much better...



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I used to be a beast in the gym until my wd. Now whenever I work out I get a bunch of muscle cramps in my back and abdomen afterwards. For a while I thought there was some important nerve trapped and I was seeing ortopedists and chiropractiors and getting mris done even though I never had any such issue before the wd.
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I walk 2 times a Day and I dance for an hour 2 times a week. I m having a hard time to leave but when I get back I feel so much better ! I need it to improve my mental happiness as I danced 10 - 12 h before.
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I used to be a beast in the gym until my wd. Now whenever I work out I get a bunch of muscle cramps in my back and abdomen afterwards. For a while I thought there was some important nerve trapped and I was seeing ortopedists and chiropractiors and getting mris done even though I never had any such issue before the wd.


This, and I've been able to slowly work my way back up to being a beast in the gym. I take minimal preworkout (probably only like 20mg caffeine worth... MAX... as more will just fluster me). I started walking 5 min on the treadmill every time I would work out, and could only work out for 20-30 min at first. Over a few months I'm back to 20-30 min on the treadmill (mostly walking, still has a good effect on neurotransmitters), and an extra hour or so lifting weights. It helps immensely, I find all of my withdrawal is cured while I'm at the gym. That may just be personal though, as I really enjoy lifting.

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I think exercise definitely helps my mood and everything heal.  I've noticed about 10-15 minutes into a workout I actually feel good.  Make sure you are eating, even if it is just a small snack, if you are worried about your blood sugar.  I used to go without breakfast all the time, but now, during withdrawal, I feel like I have to have something, so even eating just a banana or an orange makes me feel a lot better.  I have heard that exercise also helps regulate blood sugar so it might help that as well.
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I used to be in great shape, so it's pretty frustrating that walking a block or two makes me feel completely wiped.  If I exert myself too hard I really feel horrible.  Headaches, my heart beats super fast, and the worst is the nausea.  This usually happens when I'm doing something I can't control the intensity of, like mowing the lawn.  When I do something like a stationary bike or an easy walk then it's not so bad, but still difficult.  Lately I haven't been exercising at all and I'm having a hell of a time sleeping well, so I've got to get back on it.
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Lifting, cycling, hiking with the dog, surfing and snowboarding have made this god awful taper and sometimes my existence livable. My stamina is a bit lower than pre-taper and I get dizzy lifting sometimes but the pros outweigh the cons ten fold!
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It's hard for me to get my mind and body in gear for exercise (WD or not) but I still do it as much as I can because it helps so much. It's a confidence booster and it boosts the good stuff in your brain. Biking, running, yoga, even walking around the block... do what you can, it helps.
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I worked out like a beast before benzos, lost weight, was happy. Then when anxiety hit me and I was mailed with all this crap, I stopped eating right and working out. Have gained back 60 some pounds in 8 months. I am plagued by terrible anxiety and Insomnia...And hope that maybe slowly getting back into a healthy routine will help.
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Working out was instrumental in helping me get better. It will be difficult to find the motivation, but once you get that dopamine workout high, you will keep going and you will continue to feel better.
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Working out was instrumental in helping me get better. It will be difficult to find the motivation, but once you get that dopamine workout high, you will keep going and you will continue to feel better.


Well said!

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Working out was instrumental in helping me get better. It will be difficult to find the motivation, but once you get that dopamine workout high, you will keep going and you will continue to feel better.


Well said!

I second this! I really really want to workout again, but the motivation is lost. Forcing myself may be my best option!

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