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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Ativan Taper Feeling helpless!


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So I've been Tapering of 2 mgs of Ativan for about a month now a. My Psych gave me a 4 week Direct taper plan, that I tweaked to make it a slower proccess. I'm down to 1.25 mgs a day using the cut and dry method or whatever and it's rough and i'm not even halfway through my taper. I called my psychiatrists office to see if he could give me another half a refill because i've found cutting .25 of 1 mg every 2 weeks is working best and more smoothe(Despite it being a direct taper off Ativan) and his nurse called back and said My psychiatrist would not Give me a refill and to just taper off with what i have left and when i got angry and asked her what kind of nurse she is that she doesnt realize what benzo withdrawal means and that tapering that quick makes me uncomfortable, she hung up on me ! Like It's unrealistic to Go from 1.25 mgs to 0 in 2-3 weeks, cause thats all i have left. Ridiculous! I called 3 other clinics to try and get in with a new psychiatrist and They are all booked for months and even my Normal Doctor won't help me and told me to talk to my psychiatrist, Like I tried and they just hung up on me so im basically gonna have to jump off ! I have never felt so helpless and i've been In Jails and Psyche wards where you feel Low, but this is totally different. All I wanna do is be off this Crap and No one cares to help, it sucks ! Anyone else experience something like this? From here on out, i DO NOT trust Psychiatrists or doctors.
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I'm so sorry MaalaKa,I can't believe that they're treating you like that! It really irritates me that the docs are so quick to prescribe benzos but they're also quick to yank them from us too,any chance you can go to a quick care clinic and explain that you're in the middle of a taper? Maybe they can help
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I'm so sorry MaalaKa,I can't believe that they're treating you like that! It really irritates me that the docs are so quick to prescribe benzos but they're also quick to yank them from us too,any chance you can go to a quick care clinic and explain that you're in the middle of a taper? Maybe they can help



I wish !

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That's just criminal! I cant believe with all the people taking benzos out there that this kind of BS hasn't been addressed better. All I can say is go to the ER if it gets too bad to handle and explain your story. Really feel sorry for what your going through.
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That's just criminal! I cant believe with all the people taking benzos out there that this kind of BS hasn't been addressed better. All I can say is go to the ER if it gets too bad to handle and explain your story. Really feel sorry for what your going through.


Agree! I'm so sorry that you have to go through this Malaaka.

I've been reading about Ativan tonight (didn't know what kind of benzo it is).

One should not taper that fast on any benzo ! That's almost like a CT 😡

Stupid, ignorant nurse and doctors! Crazy cow that nurse who hang up on you. Put them all on benzo for 6 months and tell them to go CT.

Ignorant bastards full of BS!

I'm so angry now for yore sake.

Excuse my language I swear like a sailor in my head now after reading your post.

Please keep us posted on how you're doing.







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