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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Thoughts on a Tricyclic anti-depressant keeping me from healing?


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Hello all,


I've been tapering my 80 mg of clomipramine and either the tapering caused horrible symptoms or I'm just thrown into a bad random wave but I've been having very severe anxiety and even worse cog fog lately. I thought this would be a medication that is much easier to taper off of but I'm wondering if I could've messed myself by going on another medication. I've been on it for about a year and a half and unless it's hurting me, I would like to just stay on it until further notice. I tried bringing myself back up to my normal dose but the anxiety has still been terrible lately...So maybe it is a wave from benzo withdrawal after all? Any thoughts?

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It's an older class of ADs but still, I would highly recommend a very slow taper or stay on it. Those ADs can be as bad as benzos.................If you want to stay on it, that could be OK as you may not yet have healed from your benzo, even three years out. Can happen.
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Dang, as bad as benzos? That's pretty tragic. From what I've read about people getting off of clomipramine, it wasn't too too difficult and they felt better in a couple weeks. I'm really hoping that's the case. Does anyone know people that healed from benzos while they were still on another medication?
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Oh yeah I've heard HORRIBLE things about Paxil, sorry you had to go through that. This should be like going off remeron or trazadone
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Hey Kiwi sorry you are struggling so much. I know when I started an SSRI called Luvox it knocked me around. I stayed on it for about a month and then got off. It took about 6 weeks but then the symptoms left and it was back to normal benzo WD. But it was really scary because I didn't know what med was causing what and I hated that feeling. I know that's not really helpful for your situation but just wanted to share. Were you getting symptoms from this med before benzo WD?
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Hi Shamo,


I wasn't on this particular medication before benzos, I got it prescribed to me when I was two years off benzos, just getting off adderall, and having severe panic attacks and overall feeling crazy and completely DR/DP ridden. I was desperate so I decided to get prescribed a medication that supposedly helps derealization. It didn't really help my DR or cog/fog but it did help the anxiety and lack of motivation and I think as a result I could do more and think a bit clearly. I upped my dose last night out of desperation and I ended up feeling better today. It's hard to tell if it's withdrawal from the anti depressant or just a terrible benzo wave. I just wanted to try stabilizing before I taper any more.

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