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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Non-stop urethra and bladder sensitivity during Ativan Taper


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When I first had a major breakdown from long term Benzo use (constant withdrawal), it started with feeling like I had a UTI.  Overtime (and I was prescribed Gabapentin), it went away.  I no longer take Gabapentin. I began my taper on 12.6.16 from 3mg/day of Ativan.  I am now at 1.625mg/day.  The pressure drives me CRAZY.  I know the connection between anxiety and this area of the body is documented, but is there anything to help?!  It is the only symptom that makes my day unbearable.  I can take the neck aches and even severe foot pain, but the pressure makes me depressed and hopeless.  Should I take Gabapentin again?  My taper should take another 6-8 months.  I don't know if I can take this symptom for that long.  Will it go away?


Thanks so much.

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Increased bladder/urinary tract sensitization is a common condition.  I had it for all the time I was on benzos, and it slowly dissipated as I tapered off.


I don't know of anything that relieves that condition.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm not exactly sure what your trying to say. Do you feel like you have to go often? The annoying sensation to go? I've had this issue for a while now. Went to urologist and he gave me Cilais. And that helps quite a bit. There are other drugs in this class that will work to that are not as expensive. CIALIS was the only one that worked for me. It does not say if your male or female. If your female I'm not sure which drug they would have you take. Good luck. Hang tough
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Try taking 150-300mg of Magnesium Citrate capsules. Citrate is the most absorbable form. You can take one 150mg during the day and perhaps another 150mg a half hour before bed. It seems to help me with calming down that urge to go.
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