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Advice again please re FLUOROQUINOLONE??


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Hi again guys,

As I said in my last post I've decided not to take the  SSRI's PDr prescriped a week ago. Just not well enough & terrified of taking another pill!


I had a scary light bulb moment when 2 days ago I started reading through the 'Other Meds Posts' here.


Now believe my depression, escalated & debilitating sxs over the last 3 months are due to being given FLUOROQUINOLONE Antibiotics in early Oct 2016 for HPolori bacteria causing bleeding stomach ulcers. I was given large doses of Ciproflocin, Nexium, Rifabutin & Denol (Bismuth) - all taken daily together over a period of 2 weeks. In March 2016 I was also given a Nexium Pack Antibiotics for this condition but they didn't eradicate the problem.


Latest blood tests have revealed a number of my liver & kidney enzyme levels have risen dramatically & I need to see Gastro Specialist again in March.


So again, after the Benzo nightmare of being trusting & uninformed of drug complications I ignorantly trusted the Dr & took these Antibiotics. I wasn't aware of the possibility of the devastating effects of taking FLUOROQUINOLONE & their interaction with Benzos. Gastro Dr has been thoroughly informed of my ongoing health issues with the Benzo taper so WHY wasn't I warned.


Feel hopeless! Soooo frustrating- why wasn't I told of ANY possible side effects & then given a choice whether to take these powerful Antibiotics??


I'm in a pretty bad way - can't sleep, debilitating muscle & skeletal pain, uncontrollable anxiety, unbelievable GI issues, burning skin, agrophobia, DR, DP, chronic fatigue & more!!


Sad part is that family & Drs think I'm imagining all this as it's been 2 & a half years & I SHOULD be better & back to 'normal' by now.


Can anyone on BB give me some more info &/or support? It would be greatly appreciated.


Many blessings.

Mmoo 💕

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Mmoo!


I am sorry to hear of your troubles after taking the fluroquinalone antibiotics. It is so hard and scary when, after coming out on the other side of benzo withdrawal, something seemingly benign sends the nervous system into chaos once more.


I had a similar experience a month and a half ago after taking the antibiotic flagyl. It's not a fluroquinalone but can act like one. Fluroquinalones are so devastating to those who've experienced benzo withdrawal because they affect the nervous system and even when we've made it through withdrawal our nervous systems are still very sensitive. I had been doing really well yet suddenly began experiencing a host of symptoms similar to yours- trouble sleeping, increased anxiety and panic, GI issues, dr and dp, and extreme fatigue- to the point where I couldn't function or work. It took time and was incredibly frustrating but things have slowly improved.. Hang in there! In time things will get better for you, too.  As someone here told me, the nervous system has an incredible ability to heal  :)


Sending positive thoughts your way!

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