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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

My storyo


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Hello everyone , sadly I'm a casualty of Benzo Withdrawal illness and I'm so sick and scared. Will try to tell my story best I can but right now I'm so weak and my brain is so fogged But I'll try my best.  I was prescribed Lorazapen over 10 years ago for anxiety. Over time I noticed myself becoming more and more fatigued and desprssed. The fatigue concerned me but all blood test came back normal and no doctor could tell me what was wrong. Eventually after doing research I realized it was the long term use of benzos that was likely causing problems. This was 3 years ago. I cold Turkeyed it not realized what the consequences would be. The horrific torturous symptoms came in strong. To make a long story was put into detox as a medical emergency. I was weaned off in detox after 5 days which as I know now is nothing. I left detox remaining as sick as could be. Unfortunately I have relapsed a few times since then but I am clean for 9 months. The symptoms....life is pure hell every day. Horrendous fatigue. I can't leave my house for days on end, can barely stand up. Intense anxiety, paranoia, depression, feeling pressure in my head like it's in a vice. Easily triggered by anything and can't pull myself out. Short team memory is gone. Cognitive dysfunction, I could go on and on but I'm getting tired even type by this. The fatigue is so frightening. All I can do is lay in bed MONTHS on end in some waves. Just bedridden with fatigue and depression. I can't get the negative thinking to stop. Was never like this. I'm so scared this hurts so bad. I'm trying to hold on but it's so hard. My life is non existent. I'm so sick. Hard to believe this is real. I'm 10 months in and still this sick. Really frightened I won't get better. Every day is such torture....Sorry if I'm rambling. I joined this page for support and maybe some hope because damn I feel hopeless right now. Will I get better? Is it worth it to hang on? I was to get past this but damn it's getting hard. Thank you for anyone who read through this. Thank you also for whoever created this board. Don't feel as alone. Thanks for letting me share my story.                                   
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Welcome to the forum!  We're glad to have you as a new member.  Multiple withdrawals, and especially c/t's, can result in long lasting, severe symptoms.  I also went through a 5-day detox and three withdrawals total.  At 10 months off after my final withdrawal I was still very symptomatic, and it took me until the two year mark to heal completely. I've been off almost 5 years now.  So, you can do this, it certainly isn't easy.  The important thing is to stay off benzos from now on.


You'll find plenty of information and support here.  Our members have gone through all aspects of withdrawal, and you're likely to see  people who understand what you're going through and can tell you what has worked for them.  For those who are currently tapering, we suggest reducing no faster than 5-10% every 10-14 days, and some taper even slower than that.  One exception: very short-term users of a few weeks or less may be able to taper faster than that.  Having some withdrawal symptoms is normal, especially near the end of a taper and for a month or so after discontinuing the medication.  The most common symptoms are anxiety and insomnia, but these are temporary and will go away in time.


Here are a few links you may find useful:


Post Withdrawal Support Board


The Ashton Manual is an authoritative source on what to expect in withdrawal and recovery.  Dr. Ashton is an expert in the field.  She describes and explains withdrawal symptoms in Chapter III, and there is also a section with withdrawal/taper schedules.


Please take the time to Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Again, welcome!





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Thanks everyone for their welcome. Hard to believe this is happening but im so glad theres support out there. Been doing it almost alone and its been so hard. Not looking forward to more suffering but I guess it what it is. Just cant believe how messed up I got. Have along road ahead I understand. Appreciat ethe support during this real scary time.
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Lots of folks to support you through this!


When you can wrap your mind around it, do create a brief signature. It helps people get a quick idea of your situation, Benzo/drug use, timeline of sorts. BBs can orient their response on that initial bit of info.

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