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Can dividing klonopin dose from 2 times/day to 3 times/day help


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Hi all,

I apologize for becoming a "lurker" since a few months of tapering, but symptoms caused this.


When I first cut .25 mgs out of 3.0 mgs, I actually thought it was not going to be as bad as another time I discontinued as I felt clearer and less fatigued. I actually figured out that I was hyperactive with thoughts going to fast.


My back is spasming (had multi-level cervical fusion in 2006 after MVA) so I must try to keep this brief.


I have managed to taper down from 3 mgs to 2 mgs over the last year with last cut being about 6 months or so ago. I have definitely decided to go the cut and long hold method because I have been on K for over 2 decades. About 12 years ago I had a very tough taper (basically hiding in bed) from 4 mgs (more somedays) to 1 mg in about a years time. I then just had to stop and stabilize on the 1 mg. Within about 6 months I had gradually gotten off that last mg.


I started walking and eating better and during the year I was off I did pretty well getting other health issues looked into. Unfortunately, I found out I had HCV and applied for pegasus treatment (interferon/ribavirin)as a disabled/low income person. Roche (maker of klonopin and pegasus) was kind? enough to offer me the Hep meds (like $25000 worth) for free but with one caveat which was that I had to get psychiatric approval as I was still very jumpy with on and off symptoms but not too bad. I had some very big windows (this is how I was able to navigate getting my Hep treatment without an advisor).


The psychiatrist that was prescribing the K wouldn't give permission to treat the hep unless I reinstated. I agreed and tried to just pick up K but not take any. About 2 months into the interferon/ribavirin treatment, all heck broke loose so I began updosing and was not able to do the self injections and other detail/appointments of the HCV regimen. Soon, I was back to 3 mgs and could barely finish the Hep C treatment but did and it was/is successful. But, I was still on the 3 mgs as if I dropped any I had horrid benzo sxs.


So, I was only off K for about a year "AARGH". Then, in 2006, I was nearly killed in a bad MVA needing a multi-level cervical fusion.


My question is does anyone think if I divided the 2 mgs into 3 doses a day rather than 2 times as I have been doing (still holding to 2 mgs total/day) that it might ease some symptom? Like would .5 in AM, .5 afternoon and 1.0 before bed help or would it just mix up my brain?


Not wanting to updose as I believe in cut and long hold, but fearing I should at times.


If anyone can understand my convoluted message please chime in. Please no PM's as of yet as I can barely sit at computer because of back pain. The taper has surely increased that.


Please comment on board if you have experience with dividing doses but holding same total daily amount. Good luck to everyone and God Bless in your tapers.



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First of all let me say Roche is not in any way kind. They get away with MURDER.  WTF is the sense of having a cure that nobody can afford?? Its criminal!

Im glad you got your treatment though.

In my limited experience K is long acting and I tried once to dose twice a day and the sxs were worse so I just do it at night

Horrible you had to reinstate for your treatment, good luck with this taper

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When i tried splitting my K dose, it seemed to make things worse. I went back to taking once a day and it helped me quite a bit. For me, morning doses worked the best.
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Hi all,

I apologize for becoming a "lurker" since a few months of tapering, but symptoms caused this.


When I first cut .25 mgs out of 3.0 mgs, I actually thought it was not going to be as bad as another time I discontinued as I felt clearer and less fatigued. I actually figured out that I was hyperactive with thoughts going to fast.


My back is spasming (had multi-level cervical fusion in 2006 after MVA) so I must try to keep this brief.


I have managed to taper down from 3 mgs to 2 mgs over the last year with last cut being about 6 months or so ago. I have definitely decided to go the cut and long hold method because I have been on K for over 2 decades. About 12 years ago I had a very tough taper (basically hiding in bed) from 4 mgs (more somedays) to 1 mg in about a years time. I then just had to stop and stabilize on the 1 mg. Within about 6 months I had gradually gotten off that last mg.


I started walking and eating better and during the year I was off I did pretty well getting other health issues looked into. Unfortunately, I found out I had HCV and applied for pegasus treatment (interferon/ribavirin)as a disabled/low income person. Roche (maker of klonopin and pegasus) was kind? enough to offer me the Hep meds (like $25000 worth) for free but with one caveat which was that I had to get psychiatric approval as I was still very jumpy with on and off symptoms but not too bad. I had some very big windows (this is how I was able to navigate getting my Hep treatment without an advisor).


The psychiatrist that was prescribing the K wouldn't give permission to treat the hep unless I reinstated. I agreed and tried to just pick up K but not take any. About 2 months into the interferon/ribavirin treatment, all heck broke loose so I began updosing and was not able to do the self injections and other detail/appointments of the HCV regimen. Soon, I was back to 3 mgs and could barely finish the Hep C treatment but did and it was/is successful. But, I was still on the 3 mgs as if I dropped any I had horrid benzo sxs.


So, I was only off K for about a year "AARGH". Then, in 2006, I was nearly killed in a bad MVA needing a multi-level cervical fusion.


My question is does anyone think if I divided the 2 mgs into 3 doses a day rather than 2 times as I have been doing (still holding to 2 mgs total/day) that it might ease some symptom? Like would .5 in AM, .5 afternoon and 1.0 before bed help or would it just mix up my brain?


Not wanting to updose as I believe in cut and long hold, but fearing I should at times.


If anyone can understand my convoluted message please chime in. Please no PM's as of yet as I can barely sit at computer because of back pain. The taper has surely increased that.


Please comment on board if you have experience with dividing doses but holding same total daily amount. Good luck to everyone and God Bless in your tapers.

splitting my doses into three helped me.
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Thank you for your reply Hopefree,

I see in your sig that you feel "stuck" and possibly this means just that and to just hold steady on your dosage until you reasonably stabilize. That gives your brain/neurons time to get used to the last cut. There is no race unless your Dr has you on strict "cookie-cutter" fast taper.


I'm going to try splitting my same dose into 3 rather than 2 in hopes it works more evenly.


Please check out the the cut and long hold group on this board. It may be a help as I see you have had sort of a long history with these harsh drugs.


I hope you are doing as well as possible or that any suggestions on this board can make things easier. I hope you find a way that works. God Bless.

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Thank you for your reply Hopefree,

I see in your sig that you feel "stuck" and possibly this means just that and to just hold steady on your dosage until you reasonably stabilize. That gives your brain/neurons time to get used to the last cut. There is no race unless your Dr has you on strict "cookie-cutter" fast taper.


I'm going to try splitting my same dose into 3 rather than 2 in hopes it works more evenly.


Please check out the the cut and long hold group on this board. It may be a help as I see you have had sort of a long history with these harsh drugs.


I hope you are doing as well as possible or that any suggestions on this board can make things easier. I hope you find a way that works. God Bless.

hi db, yes I've been holding for three months now. I've done some huge cuts. Even with "longer acting" benzos sometimes getting them as close to 8 hours apart in a 24 hour period helps keep blood levels more stable. I dose when I wake up (about 10:30), 5:30 and 12:30 am. Yes I'm stuck, still contemplating on how to precede. Done some stupid cutting over the past year. Considering milk titration, at a very slow pace. Also considering a Valium crossover. But I need to get my k down. Have you heard of success with milk on k? The Valium that I'm now stuck on as well, has significantly helped with my heart issues since this all began. I can walk without my heart going super high and I can stand longer too after I take the Valium. But need to get my k down because I only have 50 Mgs Valium daily to work with. I'll figure something out. Hope the extra dosing helps. Nicole
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