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Can't fall asleep becaus of "jolts"...help


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Hello, I am kinda new here and have been wondering if anyone else has suffered from my kind of experience and if so, what has helped...


I seem to have developed a weird sensation in that when I'm about to fall asleep a "jolt" comes over me and I awake with a start.  My heart starts beating faster and I get kinda sweaty.  This happens over and over pretty much all night.  It's like I'm on the brink of falling asleep and my brain sends a wave or signal to get up or awaken.


I'm tapering off Librium (15 mg's, twice a day) and this has started back up. I'm really scared as I'm already sick with tapering and now not sleeping.


Anyone have any advice.  I do self talk, and mindfulness techniques but those don't seem to work.  I don't want to take any kind of GABA antagonist sleep aid, but wondered if anything else has helped people and if I'm just crazy??!!

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I don't know what helps honestly. I have them too when I'm going through insomnia and I'm anxious about sleep. You might try a dose of Clam magnesium before bed?


Maybe some others will chim in soon. Cheers to you and wishing you a speedy recovery.

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Yes, unfortunately, this has been reported here before. It seems most usually related to clonazepam withdrawal, but librium is not a common drug used here. Can't recall off the top of my head what might be helpful. Sleepless MT comes to mind, hopefully she might have some ideas.


Can I ask how old you are? I have a theory about it.

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Hi, I am 37 years old.  If your thinking pre-menopausal, I did all the saliva testing and I'm good on that front.



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Yes, you are right. This symptom is also one that happens a lot during menopause. I think people with hormones that are out of whack could be more susceptible to it. I still get it now and then when my body is stressed.
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It sounds like you're experiencing hypnic jerks or sleep starts, which are common actually and even more so in withdrawal.  I had them both before and during withdrawal, and they really are harmless.  This symptoms should go away or return to normal as you heal.  This is from Wikipedia:


hypnic jerk, hypnagogic jerk, sleep start, sleep twitch or night start, is an involuntary twitch which occurs just as a person is beginning to fall asleep, often causing them to awaken suddenly for a moment. Physically, hypnic jerks resemble the "jump" experienced by a person when startled,[1] sometimes accompanied by a falling sensation.[2] Hypnic jerks are associated with a rapid heartbeat, quickened breathing, sweat, and sometimes "a peculiar sensory feeling of 'shock' or 'falling into the void.'"[3] A higher occurrence is reported in people with irregular sleep schedules.[4]



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Wikipedia underestimates this reaction.  I've had it for months with more of an electric jolt sensation followed by a feeling of doom.  This sometimes repeats many times and sleep deprivation is brutal.
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That is what got Me into trouble three years ago during My last episode of serious insomnia and onto a benzo. I was not even on a benzo yet and this was happening. They never did figure out what it was said possibly anxiety but withdrawal from certain drugs can also cause this.
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yes, i know this all too well.. can happen with benzos or can have nothing to do with drugs (ie happens with states of high anxiety), it passes in time..



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yes i did wonder about beta blockers also.. let us know if you try these and if they help :)


This is exactly what is happening to me I havent slept in 10 days!! I feel your pain. Considering trying a beta blocker but scared

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i think there are two varieties of this "about to fall asleep spoiler".. one is the hypnic (limb) jerks that people talk about.. the other is the adrenaline rush you get often accompanied by heart racing/rapid breathing/sense of panic etc.. they both happen right before sleep and both are described in "The Sleep Book" by Dr Meadows page 148-149


i get both but the first one not often and less bothersome, the second one i get a lot of..


my advice to myself is to:


de-catastrophise it - ie don't make a big deal of it

positive affirmations "this will go away in time.. it's no biggy"

have fun with it "haha there's that bolt again - someone doesn't wanna let me sleep!"


the idea is to interpret the symptom in a more benign way so it's impact is reduced making more it more likely to go away sooner than later..


i have had this symptom before in times of high stress/anx (not benzo related) and i know it does go away in time.. :)

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