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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Am I in acute?


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I was tapering two Benzo and on dec 1 I stopped the Ativan at .12mg or 25% of a .5mg pill.  I made a math error put decimal in the wrong place, I thought I was jumping at .012mg. Then I cut my Valium by 10% 3 weeks later. I'm having the most horrible sxs. Feel completely drugged that I need help getting out of bed in the night, lightheaded, constant body aches. Leg weakness, unsteady that I started using a walker. I was finally seeing improvement in all this stuff and now I'm having a horrible time.  Do you think I am in acute now?  Thanks Mena
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Sorry Mena, im not up to speed on this enough to give advice, but i sure do feel for u...

i so hope that i dont have to do a micro or titration, -it would b a disaster...

Im sure u thought of the reinstating option or increasing valium to couver what u r short...

Im sure someone will have more of a clue... -i bet  Builder could even do it in one sentence... lol

Best wishes,and sending u the sleep that im not getting right now... :)

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Hi cantfky, thanks for your reply.  I'm to scared to put more of the drug back into me I just want to understand what's happening. I think that will help me to calm down. I hope your sleep issue resolves, I don't sleep much either, isn't it horrible.  I hope Builder sees this.


BUILDER, please chime in - thank you.


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I dont know if this helps, but when im at my worst, i am like realy bombed out and cant walk as well as normal, i stumble a lot, and having foot drop doesnt help, i even tore off a toe nail... (lucky i got no feeling, but it did make a mess in the bed!!! Lol) -and fell hard against the glass shower...

But the last couple of times i been bad, i have added other meds, so that may taint those times a bit...

As my sxs subside, my legs feel like they are alive again, and sorta connected to me... thats when the rls is bad... then it all slowly gets better...

Early December was real bad, and i used my wheel chair around the house, which isnt normal... -it took 3 weeks for me to come good(ish), and i never want to be like that again!!!

But it sounds like u got it worse than i had, and its a bit more complicated....

Hope u get the answers, i will be interested to read...

Now at 2:20am, its time to count damn sheep again!!! Lol



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Thanks for sharing your experience Cantfly. It's just crazy what this stuff can do. I appreciate your replied. Praying your sleep returns.


Still hoping Builder jumps in.

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I'm not sure Mena but I think at any time during withdrawal we can have acute sxs. But after we're finished it's called post acute so I'd say you're having an acute time right now. I had to use my walker once and was grateful I didn't give it away after my hip healed. I wish I could help more but no matter what it's called you're have a rough go right now. Did you divide your dose. This might help. But hang in there. You've fought hard and long. Don't give up now. Just let this last cut settle down. Thinking about you. Builder will show up I'm sure but for now whatever it is it's obviously very hard. But I suspect just part of this stupid withdrawal. Lots of people here for you. B :smitten:
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Thanks Barb, I'm trying to shake all these scary thoughts but it's hard when all I can do is sit on the couch.  I didn't split my dose yet I was thinking of doing it once I settle down from this episode.  At the same time I'm afraid to take it during the day thinking I'll just get tiered.  Prior to stopping the Ativan I was not this out of it. I feel like I'm constantly drunk/drugged. Horrible 😥
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Ya that's a horrible feeling for sure. I've had several times where I felt extremely drugged but after a cut which I always find odd. Maybe your body wants you on the couch. Sometimes we don't pay enough attention to that but it's a catch 22. On the couch leads to bad thoughts but off the couch feels dangerous and scary. So our minds and body seem like they're at odds with each other. If it's the Ativan playing tricks try to accept that it's JUST THE DRUGS. Be glad that you're done with it. Maybe don't divide your dose just yet. It's often kind of counterproductive to change things when we're feeling really awful. Sometimes it helps but maybe just as much as possible try hard to wait this out. I'll be thinking of you. Always do. B  :smitten:
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So true Barb,

Is scary how these meds twist our minds... way beyond and in a much more devious n self serving way than they were ever designed to do..

BUT, its even more amazing how the mind/body will fight, and guide us, -once we learn the language...

I actually dedicate time to connect and listen to my body, a type of meditation that has served me well, even before the accident... -the doing is the hard part...

Best wishes to all...

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You're so right Cantfly. Tricky tricky little pills. But strong little devils that lead us down the wrong path so many different ways. Drives me crazy when I quarter one and look at that tiny little white speck that has so much power. I say we take the power back! B :thumbsup:
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Exactly Barb... yesterday Dr said to maybe get a pill splitter...

Like, seriously, trying to quarter (or eighth) a tiny 2mg diazapam!!! -so maybe i crush n split when the time comes... (anything to avoid a titration with my brain...)

I could never work out how a titrated (1:10000) homeopathic tincture could work either!!!

-or today... how a few ants can make 40 thousand litres of drinking water too putrid to use... grrr...

All the best...

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