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Eating tons, lots of gas, but feel fine. What's up?


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Hello all,


I am confused. I have benzo belly and gas pretty bad and it's not going away BUT, my withdrawal is pretty much gone. I am really surprised, and expecting something terrible because I did a quick taper, and was feeling really rough the first two weeks but, here on the third week, I feel completely fine. Is this..... weird? Today is day 15.



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Congrats. Sounds like you're well on your way back to normal with the exception of the gas and benzo belly. But if you're eating more than normal well that might be your gas problem. That could happen to anyone. So I'd curb my appetite I guess and try not to eat so much. Other than that...??? Don't know. If you happen to be on Remeron or maybe even gabapentin you might want to stop that. Definitely for me they increase appetite especially the Remeron. Good job!  :thumbsup: B
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Hi phil...

I wonder if u are eating lots for a similar reason to myself..?

My nerves have been trashed in my digestive system, so i feel hungry, even hunger type pains, all the time... it is slowly improving, with some help from a medicine (prucalopride) and i know that gabapentin and lyrica make it worse...

mine started from opiates, but benzos have a similar effect on digestive nerves, but i suspect not so harsh or long term...? (i got so bloated, that i got hernias wherever i had had surgery!!!) -keeping as busy as i can seems to help a bit...

My gas stopped when i cut out yoghurt, (i dont drink milk) -think its the slow transit time... maybe fruit etc too...?

Not sure if this helps...?

Best wishes...

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Thank you all for the replies. I realized after reading your replies that I HAVE been eating more... and the suggestion to cut dairy  / fruits is good. I will try that. I get periodic waves of headaches / fatigue but, where they used to come at 3pm, then 5pm, now they are just hitting every night at about 10pm. Mornings are pretty much fine, and those waves are random. Sometimes they do not happen at all. The gas and bloating has not stopped but hey.. it's not that bad. Thanks so much for your replies!



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Hey phil,

Is great to hear u r doing better...

-just a point, that im sure ur aware of... -try not to cut something as good as fruit for a long time... just test for a few weeks to see, and what is no good now, may be fine in a year or so...  pls dont forget plenty of water too...

If u can work out a rough transit time (eat some corn or sesamie seeds) that may help as u play with foods n meds etc... -36 to 60 hours is great... -36 days is NOT!!!

All the best...

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