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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

New Side Effect to add to Wikipedia Benzo Withdrawal Syndrome


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I laugh at this one only because the other side effects are so bad. I also laugh because COME ON! I have new bone growing on my jaw. Its jetting out of the side of 3 teeth under my tongue. It looks like I'm growing new sideways teeth and also shifting my other teeth and weakening my jaw. It's from the constant unconscious clenching of my jaw and TMJ. I do it with my hands too; constantly in fists ready to fight. Maybe I'll grow new fingers and the conspiracy theories will be true. The global elite are using pharmaceutical drugs to mutate humans hoping some mutations will come out good. Kinda like the Alien franchise. I'm a superhero with the ability to chew under my tongue. 
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Congratulations, you may be sprouting a Torus Mandibularis!  :)


If so, they are perfectly harmless - I've got two on the bottom and one in the roof of my mouth. Sometimes when I'm in a really boring meeting I do weight training by sticking my tongue under the bottom two tori and lifting forcefully, which is as close to being a superhero as I'll ever get.  :laugh:


Here's more:


  Torus Mandibularis

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Is this for real. I have what feels like a little bone growing near my wrist. Can Benzos cause bone growth?  I read where they can cause bone degeneration, but growth too?
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Think Leslie having some fun and hope third exaggerating. Otherwise third you're eventually in for a huge dentist bill. No Mena I'm sure that little bone has been there for awhile. We just tend to notice our bodies much more going through this nightmare. At least I hope so.  :D
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Just to lay Third's worry to rest, tori are harmless bone formations possibly caused by grinding the teeth (bruxism), and they do not normally require medical intervention. Since bruxism seems to occur now and again during benzo withdrawal and recovery, it follows that tori could form.


I was actually born with three, one in the palate and two under the tongue, and they have never caused any trouble at all.  :thumbsup:


Mena, it could well be the weight loss. Not trying to sound like the poster child for bone anomalies, but I lost 35 lbs during withdrawal and my newly prominent bones are managing to connect with every hard surface in NYC.


Of course, anything of concern should be shared with a medical professional.

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Leslie is right it's apparently harmless unless you find it bothersome and than you can get the bone ground down under a "local" anesthetic. Now that's bothersome. I'm more concerned about the jaw weakness. If I ever need a tooth implant you cant have a weak jaw. It really did seem to develop really quickly. I read they can pop out of nowhere. i could get a mouth guard for night tooth grinding but geeze I can barely fall asleep as it is.   
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Third I'm told mouthguards properly fitted by the dentist are barely noticeable to you after a week or less. My daughter needed one (for a jaw issue not grinding) and had one moulded and fitted. She said I should get one (I grind like crazy) because after 3 nights she didn't even know it was there. Trouble is they're extremely expensive if you go the dentist route depending on your insurance company. And I'm horrified of the dentist.

Mena I wish I had your skinny or weight loss problem right now. I can't find my bones anymore (sort of) thanks to the Remeron. Trouble is I'd rather be a bit plump right now and sleep rather than be thin with insomnia. I swear it's never a win win lately. Oh well maybe grannies are acceptable with a benzo belly. Hate getting older. My brain says I can do something but my body has just stopped cooperating. Add the benzos and all the issues there guess I'm a train wreck. Choo choo! B :smitten:

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I'm scared of dentists too Barb. This one might be something I have to overcome my fear of. It just always hurts. Cleaning hurt, and I need new fillings. I think my insurance would cover it. I should really try to get one. Thanks for the support.
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Third I'm petrified of the dentist and right now like you need dental work done. I cheat and get sedation treatment. It's a breeze. My insurance won't cover it but it's so worth it. My Benzo doc assured me it's absolutely fine during withdrawal. You take halcion one hour before you go..you need a friend or family to drive you..then lol you fear nothing. When I get there they do everything all at once. Last visit I was in and out of sleep (not completely out) for 6 hours. Got my teeth cleaned, fillings, some crowns and I think a root canal but lol felt absolutely nothing. I always get nitrous oxide too so it's a wonderful relaxing day. Hard to believe but true. Then you get a ride home and sleep a bit but you're up and ready to go in a couple of hours. No pain. When the halcion wears off during your visit they keep it topped up. You're aware of where you are but totally happy to be there. For me it's the only way I can go. It's the most relaxing feeling in the world. Might want to think about it. B
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I was thinking of doing that Barb. I actually had a consultation with a sedation dentist a few years ago but he wanted to give me 3 root canals which really I don't need or at least no time soon, replace all my fillings, and one other thing. It was an aggressive amount of work and I have a pretty healthy mouth aside from the grinding and clenching. His out of pocket quote was around 3500 and I just couldn't afford it at the time. I technically can afford it now but would rather get new carpet  :laugh: . The past owners left a funk no one can smell but me of course. I think maybe I'll just start with the mouth guard and wait on anything else that is not urgent. Thanks for the info on sedation. One Dr. I saw thought .5 MG of Xanax was sedation. HA! I wouldn't mind a small amount of Xanax one time like a rescue dose but at this point I think I might need half a bottle for any effect. I wonder why they don't use laughing gas as much anymore. That stuff was the best!
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Ya once they get into your mouth when sedated they do absolutely everything which I actually prefer. And no joke it's soooo relaxing. OMG 3500. Here it was 12,000. Partially covered. But they use laughing gas here always if you ask for it. That's nitrous oxide. Sure feels great too. But definitely splurge on the mouth guard. My daughter couldn't have managed without it. Different reason but still they work really well if they're fitted.  :thumbsup: B
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