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Can I go to the dentis ?


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I need to do a filling for my upper tooth. The dentist probably will give me anesthesia, do this have benzo with it ? Please let me know I don't want anything to interfere or worsen my wd symptoms.  Thanks



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Unless the dentist does sedation dentistry, there are no benzodiazepines involved. Lidocaine (which has epinephrine, and some of us are sensitive to it) mepivocaine and similar drugs. You don't need to be sedated for a filling.
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You may want to ask him about giving you Carbocain (sp?) instead of Novocain (which can cause you to feel anxious and jittery).  Don't need that, right?


Some dentists offer a pre-appointment med.  That would likely be a benzodiazepine and best to say no thanks.


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You may want to ask him about giving you Carbocain (sp?) instead of Novocain (which can cause you to feel anxious and jittery).  Don't need that, right?


Some dentists offer a pre-appointment med.  That would likely be a benzodiazepine and best to say no thanks.

Mepivicaine is carbocaine. It's been noted on some threads that dental anesthesthetics with epinephrine can make some people jittery. The epinephrine makes the anesthetic last longer by constricting blood vessels. It is necessary for some dental procedures, but not all. I've had implant where the dentist insisted on it, oral surgery and root canals without, and plenty of fillings without it. No dentist has prescribed a benzo for me even prior to a procedure. If yours does, I agree, refuse it.  Breathe deeply, even though you're anxious about it. Full disclosure: I'm married to a dentist, who has stayed with me through this  ordeal, even though he now has a patient instead of a wife.

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I will have to do 6 month check up and cleaning first .  Then probably a filling and a crown? Does crown need anesthesia ? I will make appointment for cleaning first and see what they say. If I can wait for my filling to be done I would wait then to risk anything.
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should I let the dentist know about benzo withdrawals? since i have question about benzos? and if so how to approach, i really don't know how...
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I have  been to the dentist three times since i jumped. I had a crown fallout my third month off benzos, so had to go in. He found 5 cavities altogether so i ended up going three times altogether to get all the fillings done. I have to get a crown done next month too. I get carbocaine  every time and haven't had any issues so far except a numb mouth. I dont see any reason why your dentist would need to know about your benzo situation unless its causing a medical condition he should be aware of. You can tell him to be gentle because your having really bad anxiety though.


Good Luck


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At the dentist I get novocaine; so no issue.


I plan to tell surgeons:

no tranquilizers, no steroids, no fluoroquinolones, avoid opioids,

avoid general anesthesia, and tell me what I'm getting.


Several years ago an ER nurse injected morphine without telling me.

I would have refused.

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