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Does anyone have good ideas for bloat?


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I'm getting horrible benzo bloat daily, it's super painful and kills my appetite. Does anyone have any good remedies besides ginger and peppermint tea? I've tried that and while it helps a little, it doesn't help to a point of relief...


Other info: I can't really take otc meds unless they are pretty benign and gentle.

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I am taking over the counter gas medicine. Saved my life. I know you said you can't take over the counter stuff, but this I tolerated really well. No problems what so ever. GasX  or some generic one will do. Take a couple before bed, and one or two after meals. Reduces the problem a LOT.
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I have this periodically as well.  It sure is painful and I also have trouble eating because that can make things worse.  I have limited relief with Pepto and am going to try to Gas-x.  Fingers crossed.  (of course it came on a few days ago - just in time to wreck my Christmas feast. :sick:).

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Celestial Peppermint tea, soothing to belly and gets rid of bloat and discomfort, read up on Peppermint tea, completely natural, the GasX was a waste of money for me, and tea is so easy.... found this brand is the best. I tried something from Amazon and it was horrible. Trial and error, but beside d-limodene all natural orange peel, for my Gerd, I am feeling much better with the belly bloat. Peppermint tea, takes care of my bloated belly. Has been a God Send to me, it relaxes the bowel, and allows things to do their thing and it works gas passes freely. :thumbsup:


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Good peppermint is great for gas. Could use some right now because once again look pregnant and feel dreadful after all my Christmas goodies. Use caution with peppermint though if you're prone to heartburn or reflux. Big no no. I'm off again for the holidays and hopefully no more treats. Feeling that dreadful Christmas letdown. B
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Good peppermint is great for gas. Could use some right now because once again look pregnant and feel dreadful after all my Christmas goodies. Use caution with peppermint though if you're prone to heartburn or reflux. Big no no. I'm off again for the holidays and hopefully no more treats. Feeling that dreadful Christmas letdown. B

If you have reflux disease peppermint is a no no.

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Good peppermint is great for gas. Could use some right now because once again look pregnant and feel dreadful after all my Christmas goodies. Use caution with peppermint though if you're prone to heartburn or reflux. Big no no. I'm off again for the holidays and hopefully no more treats. Feeling that dreadful Christmas letdown. B

If you have reflux disease peppermint is a no no.

It is true about reflux disease, but I do not take any any medication for my Gerd, just d-Limodene, by Jarrow, amazon, it is orange peel, and I take one a day and my Gerd is in remission, I was surprised how it helped the last time I had a bad spell, no problems with the peppermint tea at all. And I will continue it and the d-limodene, better than taking prescribed medications, always made me feel not so good. Choices is the name of the game, I am choosing to have some relief, and if it stops working then so be it, I was sick of having a benzo belly and now I am feeling so much better, just saying..... :)
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Glad it works for you, I have an ulcer as well so I need the standard meds for now. :)

Hope it heals soon. Just wanted to give some ideas for some relief. :)
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Probiotics, kefer, but mostly what worked for me is what I DIDNT take.  Be very careful with supplements.  Anything with iron can cause constipation and bloating.  Once I ditched my multivitamin things got much better
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Thanks for the replies everyone!


Peppermint candy sounds like a good idea for during the day when I'm not doing tea- I'll try that with more/better peppermint tea as well.


Good idea on the probiotics as well- I take one daily but I could always eat more fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, etc. I'll try that and see how I tolerate.

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I'm using digestive enzymes and they are helping.


Lemon juice with warm water in the morning.

Ginger root is gut soothing too as long as it doesn't interfere with meds.

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